Wednesday 28 October 2020



Good morning all.

We have had mixed weather over the last few days so I have had time in my sewing room on wet days and lovely Autumn walks on drier days.

Ben wanted a shaped cushion to go in his book corner so that he can snuggle under his new fleece, whilst reading. He has really enjoyed his rapidly developing skills and loves all sorts of books.

He is into Horrid Henry and the Roald Dahl books.

I had lots of left over fabric from making his roman blind so I quickly ran up a zipped cushion cover to match his room. I hope he likes it.

He made this lovely card for my birthday at the beginning of the month....

Just a quick one today.

I hope I can get past the BT warning page this time and link up to Julia's blog.

Have a good week all.

xx Jo


  1. Love the cushion as I’m sure Ben will too. He’s quite the little artist...your card is gorgeous.
    Annie x

  2. Glad you've been able to link up Jo. Love Ben's card. He is obviously as talented as his mum and grandma. Cool cushion. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. What a talented young man-wonder where he gets it from? Super cushion and will be much used. Isn’t it great, Jo, that we still feel that glow of wonder when a new reader is made! Happy sewing.

  4. Wow, Ben’s card is lovely, beautiful drawing, what a clever chap. He’ll love the cushion, perfect for encouraging that comfort in reading feeling! The weather is very much autumnal now isn’t it. When it’s nice, it’s lovely !

  5. I see that Ben has inherited the family’s arty genes - great card, he’s really caught those two little birds perfectly! Love his cushion, bet that’ll end up being sat on/under and cuddled - clever you!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  6. Hi Jo. Yes - you got past any dire warnings just fine! Love the little card Ben made for you - and his cushion is just great. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  7. Hi Jo, lovely cushion for Ben. Love that he's so enjoying reading, I do think it's a shame that so few people, and children, do nowadays.Lovely card he made you too. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  8. The three dots Sarah mentioned are how I do it anyhow and it does not work once I have put a picture in. For tomorrow's post (a challenge thing I do) I have fully justified it all and put the picture at the very base. I hate it being a jumble of styles.
    I love the card ben made for you - a budding crafter without a doubt - well done ~ Ben!
    Well done you too on the pillow - how lovely it is and to match his blind too.
    Hugs, Neet 134 xx

  9. Such a cute card! Clever boy, I love his cushion. Have a great week. Soojay #26

  10. I love that cushion - looks very useful; I'd quite like one for bed. the card he made was so cute too. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  11. The card is lovely, what a talent. The little birds are so sweet and the cushion is brilliant. Have a lovely happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

  12. Oh this post makes me so happy! To hear that a child loves to read!! the pillow will be perfect to cuddle in and enjoy his books. ~ and you made the cushion with a zipper for washing ~ Very smart :) What a sweet and very accurate colorful bird drawing he's created for your birthday too ~ Blessings on your week! Love, Karen#23

  13. He'll absolutely love that cushion, just the ticket.
    Happy WOYWW #BJ

  14. I think those birds which Ben drew are amazing... I'd love those images made into rubber stamps! I think they're simply fabulous!
    Take care and stay safe
    Chrissie #21

  15. Love the cushion and Ben’s drawings. Have a great week Angela #26

  16. Love your cusion, I need one of those, we have one of those beds that go with the shape of your body but aren't that good if you're sitting up...kinda fall down the hole that my bottom makes!! I wondered what books Ben is into, there are sooo many great ones now
    Happy WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) #8

  17. "I quickly ran up a zipped cushion cover". LOL. Skillz.... We are not worthy, us mere mortals. It's taken a lot of trial and error with the masks and I am not what I'd call a seamstress. Anything bigger than a facemask andI run and hide... :D

    I love the two sweet little birdies Ben drew for your birthday card!

  18. I love the shaped cushion you have made for Ben, Jo, and his little birdies on your birthday card are just darling... He is very talented!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #14

  19. The cushion is great, but Ben's card steals the show for me! Sorry for the extremely late visit. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.