Wednesday 14 October 2020


 Good morning all. I hope you are all well and managing to stay clear of the virus.

My sewing room has seen a bit of action this week. 

I had a lovely day making the playmat.

My fabric arrived. I imagined that would stock fabrics in the UK but this fabric came from Germany and hence took longer than I expected. I use lots of different sources for fabric but couldn't find what I wanted elsewhere so tried this one.

So, I made 8 green and 8 animal puffs to go with last week's pink ones.

Here they are all set out in the design that I wanted them in, ready to join together.

The row on the left have been sewn together. I join each row to the last one so that I don't confuse the pattern.

My little beaker is sitting on the stand that came from Julia at our 2019 crop. It comes in very handy in my sewing room.

Once I had joined the 25 puffs in the centre I added the fleecy strips around the edge.

Next I chose some twiddly bits to go around the fleecy edge. I like to put silk and velvet ribbons, ricrac, stretchy bits etc so that the little ones have some textures to feel and explore. Also they are handy for clipping small toys to.

Here is the finished playmat. It is just over a metre square.

I like the animal fabric - lots of little animals to spot and count.

Well, that's it for this week.
I am busy knitting when I have a spare minute but will show you those next week.

Take care all and stay safe!

xx Jo


  1. wow, that looks so beautiful! I am sure it will be loved and played with a lot. Have a good week, stay safe. Helen #1

  2. Wow That's looking gorgeous Jo. What a labour of love.
    Annie x

  3. That is just lovely Jo - Ive never seen a play at with the soft bumps before, how splendid an idea. And your choices of fabric are lovely, its so fresh and appealing - and of course, interesting for the little head thats going to be nearest to it! Glad you find the mug peg useful...I do, but have to stop myself hanging bags and all sorts from it, it definitely should carry a weight restriction!!

  4. Oh Jo, that is beautiful. And what a lot of thought you put into the playmats. I like pink and green together so that was a good choice for me to look at and I like the fact that you have put animals in for them to count. You are so good at things like this - your Twiddlymitts thoughts are extended to playmats. Brilliant.
    Take care & Stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  5. Hi Jo, beautiful job, the playmat looks gorgeous. I'm sure it will get hours of use, andbe much loved. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  6. Wow, what an absolutely delightful little play mat - I have to admit that last week I just couldn't visualise what you were going to do, but it all makes sense now! It's just beautiful and I love the fabrics, well worth the wait from Germany even if you didn't plan it!
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #10

  7. No, your playmat is stunning. A really interesting soft playmat for a very lucky little’ un.
    Stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  8. Oh that is lovely you clever clever girl!! The animal fabric is just gorgeous. Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #21

  9. Hi Jo. It has taken me all morning to pick up my click and collect order, so I am really late (for me) starting to work down the list - sorry! That play mat is just beautiful. Well done. I love those little puffs - Are they called something like Suffolk puffs??? Enjoy a change of craft now - some knitting. Sounds like a plan!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  10. Jo, oh my goodness! That is the sweetest playmat! It all came together so beautifully and I KNOW Evie will love it and have a keepsake to treasure! Thanks for stopping in on my blog! Many blessings, Felicia #22

  11. That is absolutely lovely, Jo! It is sure to go down well and get played with/on a lot, I should think! Well done you. Thank you for your comment - two of us with completed projects!! So glad you like the needle books.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #17

  12. Jo that is stunning! How cute. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  13. What a. Beautiful quilt/playmat-it should certainly be a stimulation for the wee girl. You always do such lovely detailed makes. Happy sewing-I am actually papercrafting this week and with any luck you should see the results next week!

  14. Lovely fabric, your baby quilt looks so fresh and clean. I could do with a me sized one hee hee.. Happy WoywW Tracey #11

  15. A beautiful quilt, a real treasure for someone. Happy WOYWW Angela #29

  16. Such a beautiful play mat Jo. Love the animals too. Stay safe Sarah #3

  17. Wow, that's quite a special play mat, never saw anything like it: great job! Thanks for your visit to my blog yesterday. In the Netherlands there were stricter rules announced in order to get the covid-number down but I am allowed to stay working at location - pfew! That's a release! Stay healthy and happy! Love from Holland. Marit #2

  18. Wow, Jo, love your puffy mat, and the design and detail is simply brilliant, thanks so much for showing step by step ..
    And look forward to your knitting.

    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. That is just lovely Jo. You are very clever. Anne x 33

  20. This is absolutely adorable ~ I love the colors and the prints. This will be well loved and appreciated. Enjoy your week!

  21. I'm late this week as I was out in the garden all day yesterday and so on catch up today. This is so sweet you clever lady. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x19x

  22. at first glance the little pastel puffs reminded me of ice creams.... mmmmm.....

  23. okay...sorry Twiglet... that unknown comment above is just me... Veronica .... my blogger account is inaccessible to me now that our email account has migrated..arrrghhh..! so now that I know it says Unknown ..I'll just have to sign my name......


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.