Wednesday 7 October 2020


 Just a quickie today.....

These are the pink puffs for the centre of my latest play mat.

 I am waiting for the other fabric to arrive so I decided to make the ones that I had fabric for. 

They will mix and match with 16 more in the other fabric/colour ways and then I join them together by machine before setting them into the quilt.

Thanks to all who sent me lovely birthday messages.

I had a quiet day - I just didn't fancy going out into what appears to be a Covid increasing local life.

We had a socially distanced coffee with friends and family here - 3 different events on 3 days!!

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.

xx Jo


  1. Did I miss your birthday? If so belated birthday greetings. So glad you had a nice extended birthday.
    Love the puffs, this is going to be a lovely play mat and something so different from the normal matinee coat that people make.
    Stay safe and well my lovely
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday, sometimes the quieter ones with your loved ones are the best - mine certainly was this year. The pink puffs still make me chuckle, infantile, I know.....can't help it though.
    Sending you virtual, non Covid hugs,
    LLJ 11 xx

  3. I’m fascinated by the construction of this latest quilt- I couldn’t remember how it was done! Happy sewing.

  4. wishing you very happy belated Birthday wishesLove the pink puffs - how do they fit into the quilt?
    Happy woyww! Susan #7

  5. I think most of us had quiet birthdays this year ! Love those puffs xx stay safe Helen #1

  6. I can understand why you're not bothered about going out, we're lucky that we have our friends here at woyww. The puffs look sweet and hope the other fabric arrives soon. Have a lovely week and a very happy and safe woyww, Angela x16x

  7. Hi Jo. Cute pink puffs!! They will look great set in with lots of others pieces. Glad you had the birthday you really wanted - well done. As Roy Noble used to say on Radio Wales - make it a three day event!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  8. Hi Jo, I think quiet birthdays have been the thing this year, at least for the smart people. Love the pink puffs, they sound like a delicious afternoon tea treat!. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  9. Happy belated birthday to you - I don't blame you having a quiet one this year, it's still so uncertain out there. I'm intrigued by the pink puffs, I can't quite visualise what you will be doing with them but I'm looking forward to seeing the finished play mat.
    Hope you have a great week, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #14

  10. Jo, love the pink puffs! They will help to make the perfect little blankets! Our Covid situation seems to be increase one minute and decrease the next. I am certainly ready for a happy medium! Stay safe and blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #27

  11. A belated happy birthday. I shall be under lockdown for my birthday, I don’t mind not going out, but visitors would have been nice! Angela #25

  12. Glad you had a good birthday Jo even if it was socially distanced. Look forward to seeing the finished play mat. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. I like your little pink puffs ~ They will make another fun play mat. Sounds smart to enjoy 3 smaller events then one large one ~ Glad you enjoyed your company and you birthday ~ Love, Karen#33

  14. Oh sorry I missed your birthday! I honestly don't blame you for not going out, it just doesn't seem worth the risk to me. Quite like a socially distant coffee though!! The little puffs look interesting, it's good to get on with what you've got sometimes instead of waiting till all your ducks are in a row! Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #13 xx

  15. Those pink puffs will be very cosy to lie on, i'm looking forward to seeing the finished play mat. Each day presents us with something different I don't blame you for having a quieter Birthday, there will be plenty of celebrations to come when all is safer. Take care & Happy belated WoywW Tracey #6 x

  16. Hi Jo, sounds like you made the best of your birthday given these trying times. It's still nice to have coffee with friends no matter that it's socially distanced. Your puffs are lovely - 16 different fabrics/colours is going to be very attractive to a child. Coincidentally, my daughter started to make a quilt with puffs this week. Have a good week. Hugs, Ellie x #26

  17. hiii Jo!

    cute puffs! Excited to see the completed play mat. Stay safe and have a good weekend xx

  18. Happy belated birthday! Glad you could enjoy a quiet one.
    Your pink puffs are very cute! I look forward to seeing the whole quilt
    Stay safe, and happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lynnecrafts #19

  19. Happy belated birthday, Jo. Your little puffs are sweet! It's going to e a fun blanket. Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you like the progress on the needle books. As for the lifestyle (I prefer that to "diet") doing the research is essential, I think, so you understand how it works. I first became interested in nutrition after my colon cancer, and the interest increased after I had a serious post-operative infection later on and got interested in the gut microbiome after I had to take such massive doses of antibiotics. It kind of escalated from there and I have found it a fascinating journey with excellent fruits (pun intended!) along the way!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #18

  20. I’m sorry to have missed your birthday - many happy returns dear gal. I think a quiet day that involves coffee with chums sounds rather lovely to me! I like the look of the puffs..and the way you explain how they’ll be in the quilts...I still cant envision it!!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.