Wednesday 30 September 2020


 Well my creative juices have been flowing this week as I have designed and made my latest twiddlers.

My theme this week is Autumn so I have included pumpkins, conkers, berries, hedgehogs, corn and scarecrows! Can you spot them all?

My next project is a play mat for the latest little one - a sister for my God daughter.

I have been sorting through my fabric stash and, although I have some suitable pieces, of course, I need to buy more! I will have fun choosing a theme for this one. 

This is the one I made for her sister in 2016

The little puffs in the middle make it comfy and cosy to sit on and the feature band has a farm theme.

I might make an animal theme for the next one. It's good to have a pattern that is a "conversation" piece.

I hope your week has been fun and creative.

We have had a couple of glorious Autumn days so, time has been spent tidying the garden (note - I didn't say I'd been doing it!!) I am the chief advisor - he doesn't always take any notice but at least I feel I have helped - lol 

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. love the autumnal twiddlers!! hope the new playmat turns out well, I am sure it will be as pretty as the earlier one. Helen #3

  2. I went to a workshop to learn how to make those puffy quilts but have never tried the process again! Your twiddle mitts are superb! They are real works of art. Happy quiltmaking.

  3. The twiddlers are amazing, I love the amount of detail you manage to pack into a small space!! The puffy mat looks fun, I admire the way your bumps are perfectly even (!!) if I did it, there'd be big and small and every size in between, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  4. What a lovely set of twiddlers Jo. Love the playmat too. Look forward to seeing the newest one once it's finished. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  5. Oh Jo, hope I never need a twiddlemitt but you know how much I enjoy seeing them. I think I must be your number one fan. These autumn ones are gorgeous and what a lot of thought has gone into the design. Absolutely gorgeous.
    Am sure the new playmat for the expected baby will be too. You made a lovely one for big sister and what a great idea to include something that can be used to encourage talking.
    Hugs, stay safe and well
    Neet 8 xx

  6. Hi Jo, the mits are fab, so much texture. Love the play mat, very pretty. Laughing at you being 'supervisor' in the garden tidying. We really need to get on top of ours, between my health issues & Doug working, at 150 foot long, it's sort of gotten away from us. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz X #6.

  7. Good Morning ! Lovely colors displayed on your pretty creations. A bit of fall in the air here also. Corn crops being taken down and roadways are full of tractors pulling wagons or semi's hauling grain to the elevators for storage. Days are shorter with early darkness soon Fall earlier than usual will be gone. Enjoy a good week Stay Safe.

  8. Jo, THOSE TWIDDLERS!!! I am in love! They are so stinking cute! Such talent, such talent! I know the latest little one will love her precious gift from you. The first play mat is just gorgeous, so I know this one will follow suit! Enjoy your Autumn days and many blessings! Felicia #26

  9. Oh how I love these new twiddlers ~ I Love autumn, and you have captured everything good about it on these creations. I want to touch the pumpkins, and I love the black birds and the scare crow! (what is a conker?) the colors are so beautiful too. What a sweet new baby blanket, so much to enjoy visually as well as texturally. Enjoy the fall weather ~ Love, Karen#32

  10. Busy as ever and loving the mitts they are so sweet and of course the play mat is perfect. Wishing you a happy week and a very creative woyww, Angela x12x

  11. Oh Jo your Autumn twiddlers are fab, I say it always but I could wear them as wee mitts, they look very cosy. Have fun choosing your fabrics, I know you will and please don't forget to share when your next playmat is complete.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #7

  12. Really love the latest twiddle mitts. I'm sure they will be much loved. Have fun with the play mat.
    Annie x

  13. I love the colours and patterns on your latest twiddle mitts... simply gorgeous. The one you gave me for Gran has gone to someone local who needed one... I thought you would approve! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  14. Hi Jo, great autumn twiddlers. Beautiful colours. Your play mat reminds me I need to finish the quilt I started. So much to do, so little time! Hope you find lots of lovely fabrics. I'm hoping the crochet isn't too difficult, as I like something to do in the evenings when Mr M is watching TV. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #17

  15. Ohhh that little twiddler is sooo pretty. I spotted all the elements hahah. Would love to see the new play mat when it's finished. Have a fab week
    Ellie #30

  16. I love your projects, Jo - they are such fun! Your twiddlers this week are gorgeous with the autumn theme, and the play mat is just adorable!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #20


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.