Wednesday 9 September 2020


 Good morning to all my lovely WOYWW buddies and anyone else who drops in to see what I have been up to this week.

It seems to have been quite a busy crafty week with one thing and another.

I will whizz through my photos so you can see what has been keeping me busy.

Max wanted some beige cashmere scraps dyeing so that she can use them to add to her felted artwork.

So, I brewed up a panful of green dye for the largest amount and then had a light bulb moment for the small amounts. I popped them in a small microwave pot with water/dye and gave them a quick 3 minute blast in the microwave. Perfect! Quick, easy and little mess. I shall be doing that again.

I made the little net bags to pop them in so that I could fluff them up with the hair drier and then leave them to dry overnight in the  airing cupboard. That way I didn't  end up with multi-coloured fluff scattered everywhere!

Here are the results...

Next, I had to make a new baby girl card  and a boy's birthday card .....

The designs are fabric. The dinosaur is just cut out from a piece of printed fabric and each piece is Bondawebbed onto the background. The elephant is my own design with a hand embroidered name.

And lastly my latest twiddlemuffs. Just in case you don't know about them. I make them for patients suffering from dementia up at our local hospital. They are good for keeping hands busy and to hopefully stimulate a conversation. They are easy to knit and I like to create colourful ones with a theme - hence this week we have seascapes, a flower garden and Shrewsbury Town Football club.

If anyone has a friend or family member who would like one let me know.

AND last but not least, the lovely LLJ sent me a huge bagful of chunky yarn to use up for twiddler making.

It's totally brilliant and will keep me going for months! Thanks lots Jan - you are a treasure.

Well that's it for this week.

Keep well and stay safe.

xx Jo


  1. My favourite ever twiddle mitt is the seaside one-you know how I love the sea! Great idea about keeping the fluffy bits from going everywhere. You have been busy this week as always.

  2. I really love the dyed twiddly bits Jo...You're so clever. I'm sure Max will enjoy working with those little dumflings. Love the latest twiddle mitts too.
    Annie x

  3. Could not link up but have time so visiting by via just visits to see. Love all your colorful photos I NEED COLOR Dreary and Cold here all week, turned on the furnace.And my hubby is in LONG JEANS un heard of this time of the year. I love your idea of Microwave for small color batches. I get garlic in the cutest little bags and but will have to try if they will withstand heat. Amazing what we come up with to craft !!! Love your cards. They are really adorable. Fabric/or/Paper ??Enjoy and Have a great week

  4. Those dyed pieces are lovely for Maxine, she will love them and they will be so useful to her.
    Love the twiddlemitts as you full well know and how nice of Jan to send you that wool to make even more.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. So sorry I'm late coming back to you, have been out most of the day! I'm really glad the wool will have a use, so much better than it being stuck in the JanCave wardrobe! The elastic you sent to me will be used to the last centimetre. And I'm sorry your hot pants ripped, you'll just have to make another pair, lolol!!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  6. Your twiddlemuffs are fascinating! Great idea!
    I've never felted but I love how you color your yarns!
    Fun cards.
    Hope you have a great week!
    Carol N #8

  7. Like Catriona, my favourite twiddle muff is the seaside one, but then I'm a real sucker for anything seaside or marine lol! I'm not into football but I really admire that particular twiddle muff with its bold colours and interesting textures and a little football to play with! So much fun. Lovely stash of wools from Jan.

    Your dyeing efforts are awesome! The mesh bags are an inspiration. I've done quite a bit of small-quantity dyeing in the microwave and it works a treat.

    Lovely cards too! Love the little dinosaur.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #2

  8. the cards are brilliant - love that elephant!! your dyed scraps look great and so do the twiddle muffs. Helen #16

  9. I love the idea of a twiddle muff ~ So sweet of you to create them! your cards are wonderful too. ~ Blessings to you

  10. Loving the mitts and the baby card reminds me that I need to get started on a baby journal, been putting it off as I don't know if it will be a girl or a boy so need to make two but I'm sure the other one will find a home. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela Xnow13X

  11. Hi Jo, great twiddle muffs - the football one is my favourite. How lovely of Jan to send the wool, and you to send her the elastic. I love how this groups helps one another too, as well the blogging. I did miss not having a crop this year, just means we will have to have a double one next year! You chose some gorgeous colours for the dye - and what a great light bulb moment - I love it when that happens, which is not very frequently for me. Have a lovely week, take care Heather xx #14

  12. Brilliant projects this week Jo. I look forward to seeing what Max does with the new threads. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #22

  13. Your twiddle muffs is gorgeous!! - Your cards too!! Brilliant!
    Take care.
    Hugs from your new follower, Mariann x

  14. Hi Jo, your twiddlemuffs must be a real treat for the recipients ... in particular, I can imagine the football fan getting so much fun out of the Shrewsbury Town one. I'm also very impressed at the method you have evolved for dying small amounts of yarn for her projects - brilliant! Hugs, Ellie x #23

  15. Thanks for your visit, Jo, and I'm so glad you liked my Romanian outfit. It's a real work of art, isn't it. I am also hoping that I have the skill to knit the peacock shawl lol! I usually do straight stocking stitch (with the addition of loads of different colours) and fancy stitches usually defeat me, but this looks like just a series of decreases to get the flared effect. We shall see, anyway! I like a challenge.

    Shoshi x #2

  16. I love your twiddle mitts this time - the sea one in particular is gorgeous. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless. Caro xxx (#6)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.