Wednesday 2 September 2020


Just a little twiddlemuff to share with you this week.

I still have loads of chunky yarn oddments to use up so I went back to a favourite seaside theme for this one. I rather like the little crochet fish and the tentacles dangling out of the fishing net. 

I don't want it to be scary to a confused soul so I didn't add further details to the "creature". 

I have posted a few lavender bags out to those who said they might like them. I hope they arrive safely and that you enjoy the fragrance!

Have a good week all.

xx Jo


  1. Wonderfully thoughtful twiddle mitt, Jo. That was a lovely gesture to send the lavender bags to friends. I’m having time to make some quilts as all my classes are cancelled and then the Christmas fabric is coming out for masks! Happy crafting.

  2. Such a creative twiddle mitt Jo. Love the under the sea theme and the small details. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  3. Thank you so much for the lavender bags. Both equally beautiful although so very different. All put to good use. One is in each wardrobe (mine, selfishly and not Chas's) but the bag and the cellophane are in drawers too. So four places now have the lovely lavender sent to ward off moths.
    A friend of mine is raising money for the Macmillan nurses so I hope it is ok to send a donation on your behalf for the lavender bags to that charity.
    Love your twiddle mitt. Do you ever get feedback from the nursing staff about how the people enjoy them? We certainly enjoy seeing them and it is evident of where Maxine gets her talent when you see one of your Twiddle Mitts.
    Hugs and Thanks again
    Neet 5 xx

  4. You are so clever with those twiddlemuffs, all the little details are so amazing and the creature in the net made me hoot! That'll keep someone busy for sure. I didn't realise you used chunky wool, I have all sorts of oddments which I could send you - but please, if you don't want them, just say, I won't be offended!! It just seems a shame for them to languish in the JanCave cupboard if they could be useful elsewhere. Let me know!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  5. Hi Jo. What a great twiddle muff. You are so good at making them - each one so different and inventive. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. I love your twiddlemuff it has so many things on it and is bright. It will be enjoyed by who ever owns it. Have a great WOYWW


  7. I love this twiddle muff! Love the seascape idea!
    Happy WOYWW, Stay Safe, Keep Well! Susan #13

  8. Love the latest twiddle mitt Jo....I'm sure the dangly tentacles will make them smile. Great design.
    Annie x

  9. Hi Jo, fabulous twiddlemitt, they must be so well received. So much detail, awesome. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #14. X

  10. Gorgeous twiddle mitt!! You have reminded, I need to harvest my lavender (probably left it too late!) Have a great Wednesday, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #15

  11. it is a beautiful twiddlemuff! happy woyww Helen #1

  12. Love the idea of twiddle mitts. It’s very generous to send out your lavender bags, thank you so much xAngela #28

  13. What is a twiddle muff? is it for your hand?? it's sweet :)

  14. I just adore this twiddle muff, I should imagine they would keep you occupied for hours. I'm almost tempted to make one though I can't imagine it being anywhere as beautiful as this. I'm wondering if my mum might like something like this. Take care and have a happy creative week, Angela x10x

  15. I love the adorable little seaside twiddler, Jo. I can imagine how comforting they must be for those with dementia. Thank you for visiting, and likewise, I share your grief over your gran's brooch. Some things you don't get over because they are irreplaceable and mean so much with all the attached memories. It's nearly a week now since I lost my ring and I'm wondering whether it's now a lost cause but I still have a vestige of hope that it might turn up! So glad you like my embroidered pieces - the one I'm doing myself and the Romanian one!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  16. Hi again Jo. If you are coming to the north next week it would be great to invite you for a panad- a Welsh cuppa. Let me know if you fancy meeting up
    Margaret #3

  17. Aw thanks Jo, for the lavender bags. Divine smell and so gorgeous to look at, you’re really kind. I took one for Mum, I opened the post box on the way to an appointment to see her, so the timing was wonderful; of all her senses we think smell is surviving best, so we try to treat her with lots of smellies and florals. Meanwhile, there you are making more twiddle mitts, your theme is another wonderful one, so much to talk about and reminisce over; the perfect prompt.

  18. Thanks for the visit. Such a cute theme and loving the colors. It will make someone's day. Have a great weekend and stay safe.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.