Wednesday 16 September 2020



Good morning all! 

Nothing really crafty to show on my desk today so I have uploaded two photos from our weekend in Anglesey.

On Sunday we went over to the west side of the island and walked along the beach to Llanddwyn Island. Then we drove up to see the lighthouse at South Stack in the north. It was warm but overcast and very windy. I am surprised that my photo is as clear really because I just couldn't hold my camera still as I was being buffeted around.

And then by complete contrast, Sunday was calm and really hot. We went to the opposite end in the south east and looked out towards Puffin Island. 

I can recommend Anglesey - such a beautiful coastline.

Below are the tiny pebbles and 2 bits of glass washed by the sea into heart shapes.

I picked them up on the beach at  Llanddwyn Island, which has a a legend about Saint Dwynwen - the patron saint of lovers - coincidence or what?!

I might make a little picture with them as a memento of our weekend.

I hope you have enjoyed the lovely weather too.

I will pop round to see your desks later.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. You have published photos of some of my favourite places! South Stack and Puffin Island! Also love Newborough! Happy memories!
    Happy woyww! Susan #8

  2. OOh lovely idea Jo, the sea glass hearts are an amazing find! Gotta get me to Anglesey, everyone I know who’s been there has fallen in love with the place. Was really surprised by your comment about the wind buffeting you so, only the sea gives away that it wasn’t still.

  3. So pleased you had such a good time in Anglesey, it really does feel different to the rest of Wales! Beautiful pics and I love the fact you found heart shaped sea glass, I know you'll work your magic with it! The elastic has already been cut into, you'll be pleased to hear!!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx

  4. Gorgeous photos of a special place. Really glad you had a good weekend. Look forward to the pic you make with the pebbles and glass.
    Annie x

  5. Morning Jo. Oh - so wonderful! I love Angelsey. Jan is right - It is so very different from the rest of Wales - different scenery, micro climate, different dialect... I haven't been over the bridge since before lockdown. I did go as far as Bangor the other day for shopping - so, as I was so very near, it would have been rude NOT to come home via the mountains, wouldn't it! It was glorious. Deep blue skies, deep blue lakes, every top clear - Snowdon and all... food for the soul!
    So glad you had such a good time in the homeland.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  6. Oh Jo, one of my favourite places on earth. I love Anglesey, having had a caravan there for about 20 years I have explored most of its places and have some that are my favourite. We used to have a book with walks in it, illustrated by little pen and ink sketches telling you of the various places you would come to. One of my favourite memories is when some friends came and stayed and brought their little dog. We went off somewhere and the dog was running on the beach when all of a sudden a head popped up in the water. A seal was fascinated by the tiny dog and watched us for simply ages, then we explored further and found a whole colony of them waiting to have their babies.
    We were based at Trearddur Bay and the weather was unbelievable. It had its own macro-climate. Once we went into Conway and the weather was atrocious, drove back to the caravan and sat in deck chairs for the rest of the day.
    Oh happy times. if you go again find Din Ligwy - my magical place.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  7. What a contrast in the two days! Never explored that way at all Helen #1

  8. Hi Jo, beautiful photos,one thing about British weather, we rarely get two days the same,lol.Love the sea glass,how fabulous,the sort of thing folklore tales are made of.I'm sure you'll make something amazing with them. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  9. Your collection of pebbles and glass are lovely. There is an artist though I can't remember his name that collects glass like that and makes the most gorgeous pieces of art work. The photographs are lovely. I've never been to Anglesey myself though my hubby has and some of our friends have gone to live there since they retired. Maybe some time we'll get to visit them. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x16x

  10. Lovely photos of your break. I’ll look forward to seeing what you make with your beach finds.

  11. Hi Jo, love the glass hearts ... Great find. I've booked a lovely house in Anglesey for our biennial family holiday for next year. I have a feeling all the grandchildren will love it. Thanks for your visit, I'm looking forward to crocheting - just hope I take to it! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #11

  12. Beautiful pictures ~ I would love to see Puffin island, I think they're the cutest little guys. Great beach finds too ~ Enjoy your week!

  13. Jo this is lovely post, Hubby's Grandpa & Grandma lived in Anglesey a beautiful place. Hope you had a super time. The sea glass hearts would looks smashing as pendants. Happy WoywW Tracey #6 x

  14. What a lovely visit you had, Jo. Your photos are a treat. I love lighthouses! Also your charming beachcombings - little heart-shaped seaglass! Just gorgeous.

    Thank you for your lovely comment, and I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. Everyone seems to agree that the random background to the tiny carpet is the way to go! I'm just glad I saw that TV programme before I started doing it. I really like the result and it's a lot more interesting to do, too. I'm glad you like my skirt, too. It's a huge improvement - a really vibrant red now! As for the veg stock, it's great because nothing is wasted, and also you know exactly what's gone into the stock, which is more than you can say for a lot of bought stuff full of chemicals etc.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #15

  15. Great finds on the beach Jo. Look forward to seeing what you do with them. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  16. Your pebbles/glass are a lovely find. I saw a whole display of heart shaped stones on Pinterest, I wondered how long it would take to gather that many? Dedicated searching I expect. So much to find on a beach sometimes. #27 Angela


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.