Wednesday 23 September 2020



It won't win prizes but I know a six year old who will love it!

I decided if I popped the candles onto the rowing boat then we could lift it off in order to blow out the candles (Thinking Covid safety here!)

Update: yes he loved it and we had a socially distanced "cake and candles" get together so we could sing "Happy Birthday" and give him his pressies. Not what normally happens but then times are not the same as last year. He quite enjoyed several little celebration events so I don't think it mattered too much.

Well, that's it for this week's WOYWW.

It's a wet day here and very Autumnal but we have had wonderful weather over the last few weeks and I guess the garden needs the rain.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Oh my word-how can Six years have flown by! It’s a super cake and what a great idea to have removable candles. Keep safe! X

  2. What a fab cake and such a brilliant idea with the candles. I'm sure he was thrilled to bits with it.
    Annie x #9

  3. It's a gorgeous cake and no wonder he loved it! I loved making cakes for my boys xx
    Hugs LLJ xx

  4. Hi Jo. A brilliant cake - well done. I'm sure the little man thoroughly enjoyed all his celebrations.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  5. Hi Jo, awesome job, I'm sure he had a really fun time with lots of little celebrations. Agreed, the weather has been lovely for September, but raining here today too. Happy cos I don't have to go out and water my planters, lol. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #4 X

  6. What a clever vessel for those candles, I knew it would be well loved. I'm sure it won prizes in little ones eyes, glad you managed to celebrate even if different from last year... here's to back to normal when all is safe & sound. Take care & Happy WoywW Tracey #5 x

  7. That is fantastic! I really love it and I have no doubt that he will have enjoyed it. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#11)

  8. Jo, you may think you won't get prizes, BUT I'd give you one!!! LOL This is a fabulous cake and I'd be proud to call it my own!! So glad he loved it and you were able to celebrate, however that means in these times!!! LOL Blessings, Felicia #25

  9. I love the cake and it brought back happy memories of when my two nephews were younger, they adored pirates. What a clever idea to remove the boat with the candles - I think it's a great idea for kid's cakes even without a pandemic! So glad you had a nice birthday get together with him.
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #22

  10. what a great cake! several small celebrations sound ideal to me, that way things last longer! Thanks for stopping by! Helen #3

  11. Oh this cake is terrific! I'll have to share it with my neighbor. I just blogged about the pirate ship tree house she just finished building for her grandchildren. Love the figurines and the removable boat candles ~ Very clever. I'm glad you were able to celebrate ~ enjoy the rest of your week!

  12. That's a great cake! Doesn't time fly - 6 already. Our eldest granddaughter was 13 yesterday, cannot believe it. Couldn't give her a hug :-(
    Take care, stay safe. Anne x 26

  13. I am not surprised that Ben loved his cake. Great idea for safe blowing out of candles Jo. Glad he had a fun birthday. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  14. Brilliant cake - and I bet my 40year old would have loved it!
    He had to make do with a few candles on Zoom...
    Happy Woyww! Susan #14

  15. Six already, good grief. love his cake, and a brilliant way to deal with blowing out the candles! I’m glad to read your edit, I bet however unlike his other birthdays, he’ll have enjoyed this just as much, it’s all about being made to feel special, huh.

  16. Yes, we should be thankful for the rain now - the earth so needs it at the moment.
    Love the birthday cake and what a super job you made of it, quite professional looking. What I like is the forward thinking about blowing out the candles - we all have had cake with goodness knows how many germs on in the past. Good to be safer than sorry nowadays though.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  17. Oooh Jo, I love the cake, and would definitely have given it a prize!! What fun. Guaranteed to bring joy to any 6 year old!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #12

  18. Wow that's a stunning cake! Pleased to hear it went down a treat
    Ellie #30

  19. Lovely cake and clever to think of taking off the candles for blowing out. Would be lovely to think that his seventh birthday will be back to normal. Yes, autumn has arrived! Angela #23


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.