Wednesday 26 August 2020



I have been busy with my little lavender bags this week again.
One or two of our WOYWW buddies said they would like some so I made a few extra.
(I still have about half of my bag of lavender left!!)

I found some chunky lace which looked good on the cotton fabric that I found in my stash. So, I made a few larger bags and a few small ones to go with them.

I have bagged them up in twos and will be posting out this week.

If anyone else would like a couple let me know.
Needless to say my sewing room smells lovely and I have been sleeping really well recently! 😴

I hope you haven't been blown away by the gales across the land.

It's not been too bad here so far.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. What beautiful lavender bags Jo. I bet your craft room smells divine! Stay safe and happy WOYWW Sarah #4

  2. Love the lavender bags Jo. The wind here yesterday was awful so I'm not sure where you're living now :-)
    Annie x

  3. Those lavender bags are sooooo pretty, I love the soft colours and lace - very feminine and completely gorgeous, We've had tremendous gales down here but the runner beans are still standing - woohoo!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. I can imagine the beautiful smell!
    Shame you can't send them to Australia!
    Happy WOYWW! Stay safe and keep well. Susan Error with #9 so #19

  5. Ooh such pretty lavender bags - the lace really looks really gorgeous on them, and haven't you made a lot - you and LLJ really do churn the goods out at a rate of knots, or perhaps I'm just a very slow worker!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #15

  6. Jo those bags are lovely. You haven't said how much you want for them. Please do let me know. I might even put one by the side of Fairy Nuff who sits in a shallow bowl and looks at me all day long. I do explain to her when she gets a light shake that it is only for dust and she has done nothing wrong.
    Stay safe and well
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  7. The bags look so pretty . I've never found lavender very sleep inducing, found do with something to help me sleep . Have a great week Helen #1

  8. Hi Jo, gorgeous lavender bags, I bet you have slept well! BJ recommended a lavender pillow spray a couple of years ago, and I swear by it now.Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #3 X.

  9. The bags look lovely and I can almost SMELL it! Happy woyww, stay safe. Big hug from Holland, Marit #18

  10. I can smell the lavender from here! how lovely lavender and lace!
    Robyn 2

  11. My lovely roses have been battered by the rain and wind, but they’ll come again so I just have to be grateful that everything else is still standing. Doesn’t stoop me sulking a bit! I used lavender talcum powder for the first time in about 100 years today, it was lovely, so I imagine that your whole house is vaguely Lavender-y now. Sleeping well is a very useful by product of making those sweet little bags - love a bit of chunky lace!

  12. Your lavender bags are gorgeous - so pretty and feminine. I bet your workroom smells wonderful. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love and God Bless, Caro xx (#11)

  13. The lavender bags are perfect, love them. Wishing you a very happy week and a creative woyww, Angela x13x

  14. I would love to purchase three for Christmas stockings ~ They're so sweet and I bet your craft room smells wonderful! Let me know how & enjoy your week ~

  15. I would love some lavender bags, please let me know how much they are. I love the smell of lavender. I have an open bag of dried lavender in my wardrobe and a net bag by my bed. I buy the essential oil too. There is something comforting about the scent of lavender. Take care x Angela #29

  16. Lovely desky share, Jo, sorry I’m late... again... 😁
    Love lavender bags especially English lavender. We used to grow it in Melbourne but it doesn’t grow well here so grow Italian lavender and it’s just starting to flower but do love English fir fragrance and growth pattern too, they’re quite different. Lovely lace you’ve used too, my lavender is under our Lemon tree and it keeps the sap sucking stink beetle away so excellent insect repellent. And looks pretty too! My bush is about twelve years old and surrounds the tree. On my Wednesday post
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊 #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  17. What a gorgeous lot of lavender bags, Jo, and how pretty they are! I bet your craft room smells heavenly.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #8

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  19. I'm very late this week! Better late than never I guess! Wow! Beautiful lavender bags! I would love a couple, but it might cost too much to send them to Canada. Could I pay you for them? Thanks for your visit, Lindart #24

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Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.