Wednesday 29 July 2020


 Good morning all.
I'm a bit slow at publishing today as I had a hectic play day with Ben yesterday. I forgot just how active a five year old boy needs to be!
We played football, cricket, hide and seek, a water pistol game (Nanny got very wet!) as well as pebble painting and Lego model making - all in our garden. It was a lovely day but left me slightly tired by 6.30, when his Mum collected him, after he had enjoyed his favourite "chicken dinner".

I spent the evening knitting a little purple hat but ended up unravelling about 6 rows when I realised I had lost a stitch and the pattern was going a bit wonky - maybe I nodded off part way through - I'm not sure!!

Below are some lovely cards that I bought from "Dear Emma Designs". I love birds and these prints from her fabric collages are lovely.

And lastly - a snap from our walk alongside Rea brook this week.
I am calling it "Light at the end of the tunnel"!
It seemed appropriate somehow.

I hope you are all keeping well and able to get out and about a bit more.
Take care, keep safe, wear your mask!

xx Jo


  1. Small boys are just full of energy eh?! I remember when mine were small, they'd get up running, keep going through the day and then fall asleep like a switch being turned off....and I wasn't far behind, lol! Those cards are absolutely beautiful, I can't believe they're fabric collages (well, prints of), I had to zoom in for a closer peek!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  2. Those are lovely cards!
    And I love you final photo - light at the end of the tunnel - i think we would all look forward to that...
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #6

  3. Think we all need a little light at the end of the tunnel right now. Love the little hat and the one on the go...keep up the good work.
    Annie x

  4. That really is a lovely photograph you took and I can see how aptly you have named it.
    Love your cards and your knitting, such a talent for all kinds of things but am missing the Twiddlemitts this week. must be because Ben tired you out.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  5. Hi Jo, my those cards are beautiful! I can believe you may have nodded off, playing with small children is hard work, but Ben sounds like he had a lot of fun, especially with the water pistol! Thats a beautiful place for a walk,delightful. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  6. wow that does sound a full on day with Ben - bet you loved it though! hope you've been able to rest up today. Love the tree lined walk too - looks very cool and inviting. Have a great week. stay safe. Helen #4

  7. I bet you were worn out after a day with Ben, Jo! Love the caption you have given that lovely photo. Most appropriate! Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #10

  8. Hi Jo. Sorry I am a day late got a bit tied up with paint and phonecalls yesterday!! Oh my - I feel exhausted just reading about your day with Ben!! Hoe you slept well last night to recover properly. A gorgeous photo of the tunnel of trees. Well spotted.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  9. We have such great taste you and I Jo. First sharing friends and secondly I’ve got lots of Dear Emma products and cards ♥️🙏xx
    Lynn 13

  10. Hi Jo. Sorry I'm late where does time go. Yes, those little ones can be exhausting. Thanks for popping in.
    Anne X @ 16

  11. Those cards are absolutely beautiful, Jo. My favourite has to be the one with the bluetit guzzling at the milk bottle with his little bottom in the air!!! The tree tunnel is gorgeous too. We have a lot of places like that here in Devon where we live. I absolutely adore trees and love nothing better than a walk through the woods. Hope you are not too tired after a hard day's play with young Ben!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.