Wednesday 5 August 2020


Today we are "in the pink"!

I picked a tiny posy of sweet peas as a little birthday celebration photo for LLJ and also in memory of our Mum who would have been 99 this week. Both ladies love sweet peas. Their fragrance filled my kitchen and it really was just a few stems.

I've made a few more masks for family and friends. Now we are wearing them for outings/shops etc we will all need one to wear and one to wash and a spare one in case we are caught short (lol I'm not sure that's really what I mean!)

My latest twiddler is a lovely rosy pink affair with bobbles, hearts and flowers. Plenty to twiddle and stroke.

And lastly - why is it that my nails grow beautifully during July and then it is a all downhill after that, as they split and look a real mess by the Autumn?

So that's my "pink" for today.

The year is ticking by too fast. It is unlikely that we will be able to meet up at a WOYWW get together anytime soon. We will have to make do with our desk share each Wednesday.

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

xx Jo


  1. What a coincidence I’ve got painted nails on my blog today. Not as shapely as yours though.
    It’s a beautiful pink post Jo and you’ve cheered up the dull wet and windy morning we’ve got here in Whitworth. Thank you xxx
    Lynn 7

  2. Love the variety of pink on display this week Jo. Hope your nails last a bit longer this year. Those manly face masks on the right look great too! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Thank you for the sweet peas, I could smell them all the way down here as well!! I've grown some dark lavender ones but they don't smell much - what's the point of breeding a variety that deosn't pong?? Defeats the whole point of being a Sweet Pea!
    Look at your gorgeous nails, so slim and elegant - the pink polish is just right. I always keep my nails really short so I've no idea what they'd look like long!!
    The twiddler is wonderful and I nearly spat my coffee out at the thought of the alternative use for the masks....... ;-)
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  4. Love your in the pink post Jo...and I'm glad you are. I will be looking on face masks with new eyes now :-)
    Annie x

  5. Love all the pink!
    My Dad used to win prizes for the sweet peas he grew.
    Fabulous twiddler!
    Take care. Susan #3

  6. Pretty in pink ... I just can't pass up sweet peas and had to pop by and say hello before I get caught up with my online course. Have a good week.
    Sandra de

  7. Your nails look fab - mine are always paper thin and split all the time. pretty sweet peas i cam almost smell them. The masks look great - we keep a box of masks (all sorts), hand gel and wipes by the door , so we can pick stuff up as we head off anywhere. Have a lovely week. soojay#17

  8. Was only thinking the other day about the Crop and how I didn't think we would be having one late in the year. Glad we post each week and stay in touch despite the pandemic.
    A very 'pink' post today Jo, love the flowers and the nails and the twiddle mitt is so pretty and provides such a lot of twiddling by the recipient.
    Hope. you have a lovely week ahead and can still spend time with Ben and his mummy.
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  9. Everything's coming up pink today, love it. Wishing you a happy woyww and a lovely week of crafting too, Angela x10x

  10. I know Jo, was looking through my diary last week and thinking how ironic that I thought we may have to put off a Crop until September. It’s just not at all likely now is it. I’m loving your pink theme, I can almost smell the sweet peas. I have a massive everlasting, hardy seweet pea that delivers hundreds of lovely purple stems. Totally wthout scent. Strange edition. It grows between the paving slabs and has come back every year we’ve lived here. I suspect a bird was involved in its ‘planting’ location! your nails look gorgeous, must say that mine could take a lesson, they are different lengths and ould probably love some attention!

  11. well you are in the pink all over - love the nails, and also the sweet peas. bet they were delicious to smell. Happy twiddling! Helen #1

  12. What a lovely pink display today! I love sweet peas - they smell so gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  13. I love sweet peas and want to grow some next year, Loving the colours of the masks, Great twiddler, I tried painting my nails but it never last lol,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #8

  14. Love the pinkness of your post! Sweet peas have a lovely scent. Great twiddler x Angela #24

  15. I like pink so enjoyed all your photos today especially your lovely nails. We have no sweet peas this year and I miss there lovely perfume in the garden. Happy crafting.

  16. What a lovely pink post, Jo! Funny that both you and Lynn have painted nails on show this week. Your nails look really beautiful. I don't bother with nail varnish these days because it always chips off so quickly. I think everyone's nails are better in the summer. I love pink too. Your twiddler this week is so sweet! Sweet peas are one of my favourite flowers.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  17. Oh beautiful colors in your photos. I love the yarns you use. I've got to do a few masks for myself again Colors to coordinate with my clothes sometimes the patterns clash !!!! Hugs...Monday the 10th was my Mom's heavenly birthday..the same day my son lost his home to Derecho...WHAT a week. But life goes on. Stay safe.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.