Wednesday 22 July 2020


 More of the same, only different!!
I hope you are not bored with my twiddlers just yet.
You can see both sides of my "countryside" mitt here.
A few sheep, a scarecrow, poppies, corn and on the reverse - a tractor.
 And inside - a few twiddly things including a curly pigs tail.
Never a dull moment here!!

So, today Ben is coming for a socially distanced play in the garden and hopefully, picnic lunch.
Needless to say, we are all looking forward to it.

Just a quick post then.
I will try and visit a few desks later on.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. I hope the weather stays fine for Ben's visit - how wonderful for you! Love the latest twiddle mitt . Helen #?

  2. Such cool details on the twiddle mitts you make Jo. Hope you have a great time with Ben. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. That is amazing !! I thought it was a button at first but I can see its all your work. Have a lovely picnic. Soojay #14

  4. It's the details you out in that make all the difference, love the countryside scene, I'm sure someone else will too. Have fun this afternoon!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  5. HI Jo, wow! what a beautiful twiddler, it's a little work of art, it really is! Happy WOYWW :) Annie C #17

  6. Hi Jo. Gorgeous knitting! Hope you are having a great time with Ben.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  7. I really love Tatty Bogle and all that goes with him :-) Hope you've enjoyed your day with Ben.
    Annie x

  8. Your twiddle mitts will never ever bore me. I just love them. This one especially - it tells such a lovely story and the pigs tail is the cherry on the icing that is on the cake.
    You should have been a story teller, you have such a fantastic imagination you bring everything to life in your work.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  9. Oh my, I do love all those little details on your mitts and I particularly love the additions of the buttons on this one today. Have a fantabulous week! Lisa-Jane #1

  10. Never get bored seeing these beauties. The weather has been a bit up and down today but nice and warm so we managed to sit outside with friends, hope you had a lovely day too. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

  11. Hope you had a lovely afternoon in the garden. We did much the same thing here but with a grown up daughter! Lovely innit. Never bored of seeing the twiddle mitts, if anything, totally in awe! Love the themed ones, your ideas are amazing!

  12. Amazing Twiddlemitts, Jo. I can see where your lovely daughter gets her talent! Hope you and Ben had a fab time even if cuddles are not allowed just yet.

  13. Amazing details on the twiddler ! WOW. Have fun with your outdoor activities. Our weather has been awesome No Humidity. Stay Safe

  14. Definitely not bored with your twiddlers!
    Love the tractor and the curly tail!
    Happy woyww! Stay Safe, keep well!
    Susan #15

  15. I do love your twiddle mitts! That piggie's tail is just darling...

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #19


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.