Wednesday 10 June 2020


Good morning all.
I hope you are all well and keeping safe.
I have had a busy week and even enjoyed a little bit of crafty activity!

Annie bought one of Tilly Tea Dance's felted and embroidered bookmarks (see all here). Before I dropped it off with her, I took a photo and printed a few off for Tilly to use as cards. It photographed really well and I even think I might make a print to go on my wall - subject to the boss agreeing of course!

Below is a little bit of my dressmaking fun enjoyed this week too. Maxine's bestie wanted me to make a wrap around skirt for her Nan. She sent me a skirt to copy so, I made a pattern and found a piece of fabric in my stash.
This is the skirt I made and posted to "Nan". It fitted perfectly and now I have to find some really nice fabric to make a couple more. It's tricky as I have to rely on online fabric shops and of course we really have to "feel" a fabric to know if its the right one.

Ideally I would like Tencel or viscose and I have trawled the internet. I just wish I could pop to Watson and Thornton in Shrewsbury as I feel sure they would have the perfect thing.
Sadly our local traders are unable to open just yet and who knows if ever again?

Several of our unique shops in town are already closing down due to Covid 19 restrictions. It's really sad as Shrewsbury is known for its wide variety of independent traders.
We had a fun afternoon yesterday when Ben and Max came to play. Ben proudly showed me his 4 page story about a naughty princess that he had written - such wonderful work for a 5 year old (proud nanny here!). I repaid him with some of my own limericks that I had written so I will be interested to see if he can come up with one of his own. 

Well, that's it for this week.
Have a great week and stay safe.

xx Jo


  1. Hopefully from next Monday when non essential shops are allowed to open again you may find a fabric shop you can visit Jo. Love the bookmark cards of Maxine's! Glad Ben could show you his story in person! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

  2. I agree with you about buying fabric from the Internet - with quilting cotton you pretty much know what you're going to get but others, it's a bit more hit and miss. The wrap around skirt is lovely, I'm not surprised you're having to make more. I sent off for a top pattern for me for a Man's shirt. OOoooh, I'm scared but want to try something out of my comfort zone. We'll see....
    I knew you'd laugh at the Ring Sausage, you naughty girl - I think we are kindred spirits!!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  3. It is so lovely to see how busy you have been. The skirt looks really nice.
    Fantastic to see the youngsters get creative too.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #22

  4. Good luck with buying fabrics for the skirts....Abakhan usually have some on line.
    Time with the little ones is so prescious isn't it...even if it has to be at a distance....we have Gina and Theo coming soon :-)
    Annie x

  5. Morning Jo. I reckon I saw that all shops in England could re-open next Monday... so maybe you will get your fabric!! The skirt is great - well done. Those bookmarks are so lovely. Yes, they will make fabulous cards for maxine.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  6. Easy to see why there are requests for more wrap around skirts. Gorgeous cards you have created from Tilly Tea's bookmarks. What a creative family..... stay safe.
    Sandra de @7

  7. The cards are gorgeous, and you've done a fantastic job on the skirt too. I hope your local fabric shop does open up again, it's always hit and miss using the internet for fabrics.
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
    Diana x #5

  8. I can understand you wanting to feel the fabric first - I don't buying clothes online for the same reason. The cards came out really well! Have a great week - I bet Ben writes a great limerick for you. Helen #1

  9. Brilliant cards Jo. Grwat work by you both.
    Clever skirt.. sad re unique stores catching COVID, same here too. 😐
    I pray the right fabric lands in your lap perfectly for you! "Jehovah Jireh" - the LORD will provide.
    Happy WOYWW 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X #26 i think?

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  10. Hi Jo, love the bookmarks, I need to order one from Tilly, must remember to do it later on!Great job with the skirt, I 'get' you needing to see fabric in person, I'm thesame with card & paper.Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #13 X

  11. Ben certainly sounds like a bright little boy for his age. Limericks!! Would love to know if he comes up with one.
    Lovely picture of Max's work as always and what a lovely skirt - how clever to do it without a pattern. Clever you.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  12. Ah delightful, I can almost hear you all laughing at Ben’s limericks; I wonder if they’ll involve snot or girly kissing, yuck!! Lovely skirt for Nan, I understand a about the need to feel the fabric. For reasons I cant explain, its the same for me with paper. So long since I did any sewing that I can confidently say that I’m glad that I dont have to buy online, it would snooker me I think. Aren’t M’s bookmarks marvellous, they’ll make a great’re a dab hand with the camera too aren’t you!

  13. Sorry you are losing local shops - hope that next week helps. Love the skirt and the book marks look great :) Have a fab week. Soojay #20

  14. Love the cards from Tilly Tea Dance originals. The skirt is lovely but I need to feel fabric to know if I will like it for sewing. Sewing Bee tonight-not too sure about this series.

  15. Young children have such amazing imagination, I know this because I used to write stories myself as a child and some of them were about my parents and I was always getting in to trouble for telling stories which were usually made up but mum still didn't appreciate it. I suspect she was just as bad! Those cards are amazing they are so lovely. Nice skirt too. Wishing you a lovely week and a happy and creative woyww, Angela x19x

  16. I used to have such fun with lymericks many years ago! I don't think they hold such appeal as they used to, a bit like book title jokes. That's such a pretty skirt - I'm sure she will love it. You are clever. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #23

  17. Hi Jo, that's so sad, that so many independent shops may close. I much prefer shopping in those to big chain stores. Great work with the skirt, and yes, definitely need to feel material to know if it will work. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #3

  18. Hi Jo, it’s hard to find local fabric or craft shops in our area. I think the cost of rates is too high. I travel 45 minutes to get fabric. When we go on holiday I love to visit any fabric and craft shops I see. The book marks look great, a fabulous idea. Children come up with some great stories. Angela #28

  19. So sad when special shops close, it has been really tough for the small independent traders, and in places the councils make the rates far too high. The bookmark cards are stunning - fabulous idea. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#9)

  20. Oh, I sympathise, I hate trying to buy fabric online, very few sellers give enough information and colours are never the same as they look online.
    Love the card,
    Chris #6

  21. Well done with the sewing, Jo, and your bookmarks are gorgeous - so pretty!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #14

  22. Thank you for your visit, Jo, and glad you like the knitting! I don't find it arduous, or trying to my patience, because I just do it on the recliner while watching TV. I find the action of knitting, with its rhythm, quite addictive and therapeutic, and it's never boring because I always work with lots of interesting colour.

    Thank you for your good wishes re my health - I've managed to escape the virus at least, and it's just the general disruption the pandemic has caused that's causing delays everywhere. Nothing to be done about it but to endure it with as much patience as possible, and hope things don't deteriorate too much before I eventually get things sorted!

    Shoshi #14


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.