Wednesday 17 June 2020


Good morning to all my WOYWW friends around the globe and to anyone else who drops in to see what I am up to!

I have had a really crafty week and enjoyed everything I have done.

Firstly, I finished off a couple of twiddlemitts. The photos show the front and back of my seaside version has 3 fish, fishing net and a treasure box with gold buttons stitched inside.

and then the poppy fields one....

 I love the colours and textures and hope they bring as much joy to the patients, suffering from dementia, who receive them.

AND then I managed to get some lovely soft, viscose fabric to make another wrap around skirt.
It looks really smart and I think my friend will love it.

So that's my lot for this week.
Keep well and stay safe!

xx Jo


  1. That is indeed a pretty fabric for the wrap round skirt Jo. The twiddle mitts are gorgeous too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #8.

  2. You don’t hang about do you! That skirt does look lovely, well done on the fabric find, it’s not easy choosing for someone else is it. You know I’m a fan of your twiddle mits, so nice to see something that a patient can twiddle and a carer can talk about, sometimes conversation can be a bit lacking but these can be used solo or in company. great stuff Twiglet, hope you know that.

  3. How lovely that you have enjoyed all your crafting this week, I think it shows! Your muffs are fantastic as always, I love the detail you put it and the skirt is so lovely, I'm going to attempt to make some clothing, maybe not this week though.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  4. Love the latest twiddle mitts Jo and I'm sure that skirt will be much loved. Well done you for finding the fabric.
    Annie x

  5. Morning Jo. Those twiddle muffs are gorgeous - I'm sure thy will be much appreciated. The skirt is great - taking inspiration from the Great Sewing Bee... lovely fabric.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. Great twiddlemuffs and a very pretty skirt. A good week's work I think! Goodness you are being kept busy! I love your memory bears. Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindyxx #12

  7. The details in your twiddlemitts are a work of art, Jo. I’m sewing today so better gt started. Catriona

  8. Your work is always so detailed and beautiful and I'm sure the recipients will enjoy twiddling the twiddle mitts! The little treasure chest is so sweet too - in fact I want to pick them up and explore them myself!
    The fabric you found for the skirt is lovely - you did really well finding that for your friend.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #11

  9. Love the twiddle mitts and such an amazing concept. The skirt is very pretty. I'm thinking of making a "house" dress to hang around in at home. Have the fabric...have the pattern...just need to get motivated :)

  10. Fab twiddle mits! hope the skirt went down well.... well you know what I mean!! not literally! Have a good week. Helen #2

  11. If I was your friend I’d love that skirt for sure and those twiddlemits.
    I love to think about all the Woyww friends in their homes
    creating. It’s a lovely community Jo.
    Lynn xx 14

  12. Great twiddle muffs and skirt you really have been busy,

    Take care stay will and safe

    Lilian B #15

  13. Busy week! Love the twiddle muffs - they are fab!! Sorry I am late this week. Have a fab week. Soojay #27

  14. I've never seen or heard of fiddle mitts before but I absolutely adore them! They are such beautiful works of art but they also sound so useful too - I bet they make a world of difference to the people who get them. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #23

  15. WOW!! Those twiddlemitts are so amazing !!!! I have never seen so great ones before. Marvellous!!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #26

    Sorry for this late comment!

  16. Hi Jo, you've been really busy! Great mitts, I'm sure they will really enjoy them.Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #16 X

  17. I love those twiddle mitts!
    Pretty skirt...
    Happy Crafting!
    Susan #39

  18. Nice pattern on the fabric of the skirt, I am sure it will be well loved. But it is the twiddle mitts I like most of all. How clever to do a fishing one, I can see that being so much fun for someone with dementia but it is the poppy one I like the best. you know me and poppies. I still wear yours each Remembrance Day and just make a donation in the box. That will be loved especially for the bright red poppies and will certainly be a talking point for the carers and the person wearing it.
    You are so good Jo.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. That is a very pretty skirt and I love your twiddle mitts. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#34)

  20. Great twiddle mitts and lovely skirt. I do like soft fabric for skirts. Angela #38

  21. Hi Jo, Sorry for the late visit. Great twiddle mitts - I'm sure they will bring great comfort to the recipients. Not something I had heard of until I joined WOYWW. Lovely colours on the skirt you have made. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #13

  22. Hi jo, here I am on catch-up again! We've had a busy week with my mum and I'd had enough yesterday so I'm finishing off my visits today. I so love those twiddle mitts the poppy fields are amazing. Have a great week and a happy belated woyww, Angela x20x

  23. I love that sea-themed twiddlemitts! The colours and all the 'thingies' you incorporated, just lovely! And the skirt looks ideal for Summer, great job! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week, I'm rather late with visiting you back - it's Saturday already! Time flies... enjoy your weekend, hug from Holland, Marit #24

  24. I've never heard of twiddlemits before, but wow they are gorgeous! So pretty, especially the poppy field one. I love fields of poppies, and seaside themes, come to that, so right up my street! You certainly have had a busy and productive week.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #22


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.