Wednesday 3 June 2020


What's On my Workdesk this Wednesday?
I decided to knit a little "In threes" cardi and will probably put it with the others that I made for the hospital a few weeks ago.
Due to Covid 19, I don't think they are accepting them just now but I am sure they will be glad of them soon.
The yarn is a soft cotton mix by Wendy. I love the little lemon flower buttons that are waiting to be stitched on.

I need to find another challenge now.

I am hoping Maxine will find me some "Tilly Tea Dance" admin now that we are able to get together - albeit in my garden, six feet apart!

She brought Ben over for an hour to enjoy the space and the sunshine. 
Ben and his dog had a great time racing round and we even managed a game of cricket. 
It was so lovely to have their company and Ben was proud to show me how he has become a very competent and confident little reader in the last few weeks! A big pat on the back to Max for that - they have worked hard, together, on their home schooling.

I hope you are all enjoying a little more freedom but like me, taking it slowly and carefully so that we don't let the virus into our lives.

It was great to hear that our poorly friends are on the mend!
Sending WOYWW love and best wishes.

xx Jo


  1. We spent Saturday afternoon in a friend’s garden and it felt so normal despite the fact we had our own drinks, food and had to leave to go home to the loo.
    Glad you enjoyed a bit of escapism too Jo.
    Lynn xx 17

  2. I can well imagine there has been a big change in little Ben over the weeks you have not been able to see him. Congratulations to him and his mummy for the advancement in his reading skills.
    Bet it was lovely and almost teary (joyous of course) having them both around again - how much this has affected families is unbelievable. Thankfully you can meet up now and help out again.
    Lovely knitting, you have such busy and productive fingers. You are a gem.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  3. The best in the world is to see the small ones growing up!!!! I am glad you were able to have them around you in these days!

    The little cardigan is so lovely, so well done!!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #8

  4. I'm so pleased that you've finally been able to see the family! I'm desperate to see Owen but it doesn't look like he'll be able to visit anytime soon. I love knitting those cardis as they're so easy and no seams to sew up!! I love knitting but detest sewing up afterwards, I'm not good at it!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxxx

  5. Love the little cardy. Thrilled you managed to spend a little time with your lovely boy...they grow up so quickly don't they?
    Annie x #6

  6. So lovely to hear that you were able to catch up with family .... Your knitted cards is gorgeous and I am sure will be very much appreciated. Stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @11

  7. what a cute little outfit. thanks for the card! have a good week and enjoy the time with Maxine. Helen #3

  8. Hi Jo. How lovely that you were able to get together with Max and Ben... what a great re-union!! And a good reader, too - long may the love of books last in his life! I love the little cardigan - well done. Trust you find yourself another challenge to go for.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  9. Beautiful knitting Jo and the wee buttons finish it nicely. What a joy to see Ben and his Mum-I think many children are thriving at home but as you and I well know, there will be many who are not. Sorry we won’t be meeting on Saturday but it’s no great hassle to saty at home and play.

  10. Hi Jo, lovely little cardigan, and the buttons are just perfect. It must have been lovely to see Max & Ben, and Max has done incredibly well to keep his reading up and try and work at the same time. Stay safe,Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

  11. Definitely taking it slow and steady. Driveway chats are my latest thing - a quick knock and a quick chat at a distance just to say 'hi'. Even though I am home with my family we don't necessarily 'chat' a lot (Well I have one very chatty girl who sends me comatose and two very taciturn fellas who can quite happily go a whole day only saying nothing except do you want a cuppa? and what's for tea?) so a real chat with a girlfriend face to face is heavenly. Slow steps back to normality indeed. Love your little cardi! Happy WOYWW, Stay safe, stay well, Cindy #25

  12. How wonderful that you have been able to spend some socially distanced time with Maxine and Ben, Jo. I bet he would like the Jeremy James stories (by David Henry Wilson). They are aimed at 7-9 year olds but they are so funny for adults too. I have just downloaded the first two onto my Kindle. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. It's lovely to be able to spend time with family again. Your cardigan is very sweet x Angela #30

  14. Lovely to read that you’ve managed some Ben and Max time, what a delight! Slow steps here too, had a lovely SDMeet with sister in law and neice at the weekend, and felt quite fast and brave! Now we’ve decided to have another week of nobody generally just to sort of negate the risks a bit! Sweet little cardi, agree about the buttons, and I’m absolutely sure that they hospital will be thankful for your knits once they can receive them, I wonder how many other people have been so thoughtful during lockdown. As for your next challenge... it wont be long before you find something!

  15. Glad you manages to get Ben and Max over, its always nice to see people after a lone time, A good friend of mine came over and we sat in the garden. its lovey to see people face to face,

    Take care stay well and safe.

    Lilian B# 13

  16. What a sweet little cardi! I bet anywhere that normally takes any of these kinds of things will be crying out for them soon. Lovely to see little ones again (and probably be shocked by how much they have grown?!) My friend is read to every day at 4pm on Facetime by her little granddaughter - such lovely memories to have come out of such an awful time. Have a lovely week, Lisa-Jane #17

  17. How lovely to hear that you got to see Ben and Max. I love the little cardi. Happy Belated WOYWW. Stay safe and I hope you have a nice week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#7)

  18. Hi Jo. am so glad you got to spend time with your family. It is just so special isn't it? It meant so much to me. Thank you for popping by - I know I am late. Take care and stay safe. Anne x 22

  19. Adorable little cardigan, Jo. Beautifully knitted and finished!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #14

  20. Hi for last week Jo cute cardies for babes.. now look at this weeks!
    Hugs Shaz


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.