Wednesday 24 June 2020


Here we are again - another week another Wednesday!
Good morning to all who care to take a peek at what's going on here this week.

Max wanted some silky threads for her bookmarks so I found some lovely Madeira threads in my drawer and then I dipped into my big box that Annie gave me. These are from China and NOT Madeira thread but they work into collages etc very well. I've used quite a few of these but they do last for ages.

My desk hasn't seen much action this week. I made a couple of masks for family and then mended a jacket seam but that's not very exciting!

I need a new project to get going on!!!

We have managed a couple of walks at Attingham Park and I took this photo of the foxgloves. 

It was a delight to walk amongst the trees and listen to amazing birdsong.

So, that's it for this week. I hope to have more to show you next time.

Before I go... Quote for the week from Ben at bedtime...

"Mum, I wasn't born so that you could love me. I was born so that I could love you"

What a thinker!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. oh that is so sweet from Ben! Glad you've been able to get out and about a bit - I am venturing to Kew by train on Saturday; bit nervous about the train being too busy (hopefully not, being Saturday) but looking forward toKew! Take care and hope you find a project. Helen #2

  2. How lovely that you were able to go out for a lovely walk-we are still in lockdown here and likely to be til mid July. What a joy Ben is-I love when children say these heart melting things. Off to do Pilates, so I’ll keep it short for today. Catriona

  3. Boys are so loving and thoughtful, I've got two just like that! Pretty array of threads there's so bright and cheerful, I'm sure Max will be able to use them in her lovely artwork. Btw, you are one of the four Giveaway winners, the wallet is in the post!!
    HUgs LLJ 8 xxx

  4. Awww he is such a gorgeous boy. Stunning photos of your little walk through the most amazing park. I also went for a walk and wished for some greenery. Have a lovely and creative week.
    Sandra de #23

  5. Good to see the threads are being put to good use. We've not managed a walk at Attingham as yet but I can see one coming soon. Such a lovely comment from Ben....melts the heart.
    Annie x

  6. what a lovely quote - theres you next project - incorporate that into something to keep xx Have a fab week. Soojay #17

  7. Hi Jo. Lovely comment from young Ben. Quite melts the heart. Those threads look amazing - and yes, they do indeed last for ages!!! I have a whole load bought over 20 years ago - and they are still going strong. Attingham Park is so lovely - went there with a friend last year when in my caravan... Trust you find something exciting to do soon.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  8. Was reading your post on my small screen phone and thought what are all those pooh bags for!! had to laugh when I realised they were cottons. So sorry. Love comment from your son. Have a good week. Ani

  9. Hello! I love seeing all of the threads there. It's funny how when you group things together they are even more pleasing to look at. I love the photo from your walk. I am sitting on my deck now listening to some lovely birdsong. I saw a beautiful finch and of course, I didn't have my phone or camera!! My bee balm is finally starting to bloom and I filled my hummingbird feeder so I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. Have a wonderful day and stay well.
    Belinda #30

  10. What a lovely thought from Ben?! I'm intrigued by the book marks and the threads - I so love the stitched artworks I see and I love using threads on my scrapbook pages too, all bunched up because it really adds a lovely pop of texture. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #14

  11. Hi Twiglet, what a lovely thing for Ben to say! Maybe you could embroider it and frame it for Max? The colours of those threads look gorgeous, almost jewel toned. Stay Safe, Have a lovely week,Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  12. What a lovely thing for Ben to say - little boys can be so sweet can't they. Your walk looks lovely, Foxgloves are beautiful, especially in abundance like that.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana x #16

  13. Awww, that's so sweet! Would make a great quote on a scrapbook page! You know I'm hoping we don't have to boycott China - as I buy some crafty stuff from them too. They're always so cheap! Have a happy week! xx zsuzsa #24

  14. How lovely, what a sweetie Ben is. Sounds like you've got quite a bit done to me, and heaven knows these lock down days just whizz by. Stay well, stay safe, happy woyww Cindy #11

  15. Such a lovely thing for Ben to say. I love walking through woods, at least I used to. Some of the bird song is beautiful to listen to Happy WOYWW Angela #33

  16. AAW... what a sweetheart your grandson is. That is lovely. he is wise beyond his years with that one. Bless!
    Love the threads you are sharing, should get some lovely colours from that selection to use in her work and what a lovely picture you took to inspire her - those foxgloves would look lovely in an embroidery of some kind.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  17. Beautiful foxgloves!
    I used to have boxes of thread like that - moving to Australia meant I ebayed a lot - I wonder where it is now!
    Stay safe, keep well.
    Happy Crafting
    Susan #13

  18. Hi Jo, sorry for the late visit. Lovely quote from Ben and a lovely photo of the foxgloves. I love birdsong (apart from at 4am), and we certainly have lots of birds in the bushes/trees on our embankment, so we just sit out there in the evening and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Thanks for visiting earlier - I did enjoy my little shopping spree, I've still saved more than I normally spend. Have a lovely week and stay safe and well, Heather xx #4

  19. Oh that is so profound from Ben! I drooled a little over that lovely drawer of thread I must admit Jo. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  20. Oh, that silk threat and oh, that quote from Ben... what a lovely blogpost Jo! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier this week, sorry I'm late with my visit back to your blog but finally time fell into place with my mind, yay! Have a great weekend, hug from Holland. Marit #28

  21. OOh it’s a box of jewels in terms of colour isn’t it! How delicious. HArd to improve on those bookmarks, but the threads..yum! Late enough to see your lovely and rampant clematis, how gorgeous. I love the idea of it saying Happy Birthday to you whenever you see it!

  22. That was such a sweet thing for Ben to say! What lovely photos you've shared this week - I love the box of colourful threads, and the beautiful woodland walk with the foxgloves.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #26

  23. Love the Foxgloves, but what a simply gorgeous quote from Ben! Sorry I am so late visiting. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#9)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.