Wednesday 15 April 2020


 Thank you for all your lovely comments about me in my pink tutu last week!!!
This week I have been mostly making scrubs hats and washing bags for the hospital. I couldn't resist putting one on to take a snap.

I made about 20 all together. The surgical forceps come in handy for turning the ties and poking the corners out - an appropriate tool for the job I think!

Below is the little rainbow badge that I created to stitch on to each bag.
I hope it brings a smile to each recipient - they need that at the moment.

Here's hoping that Ellie is feeling better and that hubby Alan is on the mend too. Sending our love from down here in Shropshire.

I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

xx Jo


  1. I hadn't heard about Ellie until I saw Annie's post. Wishing both her and Alan well and a speedy recovery. Well done on the bags and hats and I am sure they will be so useful. Hugs Helen #?

  2. What great work you have been doing Jo. I am sure your contributions will be most gratefully received. Love the finishing touch with the rainbow labels. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. I sent a card off to our two poorly buddies in Scotland yesterday - wish i could do more but it might cheer them up a bit. Included them in prayer last night.
    Well, those bags and hats are wonderful - you are so good and so quick with these makes you do, and the badge is a lovely thought which I am sure will make them smile and brighten up their day, they must be so tired and weary.
    Stay safe and well
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  4. Well do Jo, what an absolute star you are during these trying times. I’m clapping my hands to all you ladies on woyww today who are doing their bit
    Stay safe
    Lynn xx

  5. Why am I not surprised to find that you have created scrub bags and hats and personalised them. Always lovely to see how quickly woyww's step up to help those in need. Stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @10

  6. Love your makes Jo and especially the badge you created to go on them all. Well done you.
    Annie x

  7. You are a star!! I think it is wonderful how everyone is stepping up - skills evreywhere it seems. Well done. Stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #12

  8. wow well done they are fab and will be so appreciated ( not sure i spelt that right !) . Take care and keep safe Soojay#19

  9. Hi Jo, great job! Love the added rainbow, it will definitely bring a smile to their faces, and as you say, thats much needed.Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #8 X

  10. Hi Jo. Oh well done. Strange - I had just been talking with my younger daughter who was asking about the bags. Her local hospital has put out an appeal for them - so Ruth is going to make some. Looks like they are fun to do.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  11. Lol at the pic, you look like a 40s film starlet in that turban! Well done for making all those bags, I think the personalisation is a great idea, you always add such lovely touches to whatever it is you make.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  12. You and your sister are masters with those sewing machines. Good Job. Love the little rainbows. And last weeks post your pink tutu is adorable. My FB page I featured a plastic face shield, I'd like to try that but need the headband.
    Here's hoping the SUNSHINE will help clear away this virus and we can be on with our lives. Stay Safe #23

  13. Brilliant work and the rainbow badge is perfect. Take care and have a crafty woyww, Angela x17x

  14. Well done on making the bags and other things for the hospitals, you are a star,

    Lilian B #13

  15. Oh fantastic job Jo, and I love the personalised motifs on them, that's such a lovely touch. It's so nice to be able to help isn't it, even if we are confined to barracks for the forseeable.
    Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #16

  16. Sorry for the late reply-I couldn’t see the photos earlier. Well done on making all the hats and bags and it is such a lovely touch that you added the rainbows.

  17. Lovely idea to make the hats and bags. I am sure they will be appreciated. Happy WOYWW Angela #24

  18. Lovely to see all the sewing you are doing for the NHS, Jo. Keep up the good work! I am sure they will be thrilled with them, and also the "stay safe" rainbows! Thanks for visiting, and I'm glad you enjoyed my post and art work, and doing the bird quiz (courtesy of my hubby!). The banana curry is definitely worth doing! The Co-op food magazines are all available online, with back numbers too. They are great!

    Stay safe and well, and happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #1

  19. Well done on your makes. love the rainbow feature. Stay safe. ANi #15

  20. Those bags with the rainbow and the hats are wonderful. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#3)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.