Wednesday 22 April 2020


Well this week the lovely daughter Maxine has a big birthday!
Now where did those years go?

I spent a few happy hours looking through my box of family photos and made her an album from birth to today. She was thrilled with it. I'm afraid there were no arty LOs - just photos with a little caption but I have to agree it was a lovely thing for her to keep.
Of course, being in lockdown, I couldn't trawl the shops for lovely treats so she had to make do with chocs, champagne and a few home made treats.
I thought she might like one of these to use when she is crafting in her lounge. (She already has one in her craft room)

It's a really handy little bin for collecting threads and scraps. I have made a few over the years. Jo of Jozarty designed and shared the pattern years ago and I do think of her when I'm making them.

I also made Max and family some face masks just in case we are told to wear them in the near future. I forgot to take a photo but I guess by now everyone knows what they look like! Mine are just made in fancy fabrics. I hear little sis is making one or two as well๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

You might have seen FB videos of my lovely girl. She is trying to keep folks interested in her work by doing a "Giveaway" and some mini demos of needle felting etc. Check out Tilly Tea Dance on Facebook if you are interested.

Lastly, I thought I would share the beautiful flowers that elderly friends sent for our anniversary last week.

So, that's it for this week.
I hope you are all managing to keep safe and well.
I guess we will be on lockdown for a few more weeks yet - more time for crafting!!

xx Jo


  1. what beautiful flowers! they really do brighten up a room. Birthdays in lockdown are strange, glad Max had as good a day as she could. the album sounds a lovely idea too. Helen #?

  2. I am glad that Maxine had a good birthday in these trying times. I have entered the draw for that beautiful picture give away. I must try one of her workshops sometime when things are back to normal. Stay safe Jo and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  3. Morning Jo. Goodness - happy belated anniversary to you and the man; and happy birthday to Maxine. Those flowers are gorgeous. It really is good to have flowers about, isn't it? Makes you smile! I think the idea of an album is great - glad Max so liked it - and that little bag/hangy thingy is such a good idea.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  4. Beautiful Flowers. My daughter has a big birthday on Friday (35!!!) I have had a few presents hidden up for a while now so not too worried. Take Care and stay safe . Soojay#16

  5. Happy anniversary and what lovely gifts ...chocolates, champagne and craft all go together beautifully. Stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @14

  6. They are lovely flowers! I am going to send some to a friend who is 60 next week and isolating alone poor thing. There are going to be so many catch up celebrations later this year. Love the little waste basket - I have one - I think I p icked it up from Jan at one of our WOYWW meet ups many years ago. Very handy. Stay Safe, Stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #18

  7. Belated birthday wishes, my daughter is 50 in a few weeks time and should have spent her 1st wedding anniversary and birthday in Crete, but hey ho.
    Love your flowers also hope they have a perfume for you to enjoy. Ani #7

  8. Gorgeous flowers and belated Happy Birthday to Max. Love the present you gave her, what a fantastic idea - so pretty and useful at the same time. Happy WOYWW. Stay safe and well. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#25)

  9. Happy WOYWW. I have just gone to your daughter's FB page and entered the giveaway. Great prizes. Well done for being another fantastic crafty person making bags/scrub hats/masks. There is a pattern for a no-sew mask on the Cricut Design Space, so if we needed to wear one, then I would use that to make some from old tshirts. Better than nothing. Ali x #1

  10. Happy Birthday to Max, I hope she has a nice day - hubby and I have both just had our birthdays in lock down - it all felt very strange! I love the little bin, what a great idea - it's just an ideal size - perfect for next to the sewing machine.
    Have a good week and I hope you had a lovely anniversary - the flowers are gorgeous.
    Diana xx #12

  11. Beautiful flowers and I love the little bin! I made a couple of masks this morning and then wiped all the shopping that Leanne had delivered. Catriona

  12. The flowers are gorgeous Jo. So is the little bin....I use the one I made every day so I'm certain she will love it.
    Annie x

  13. Dwell how lovely to receive flowers, I wonder where they conjured those from! a congratulations on your anniversary! I think Max is doing a great job, I have no real experience but I think she’s doing all the right things. And doesn’t she video well! Happy big birthday to her, although of course, from where I’m standing it’s doesn’t seem very big at all!! You’re doing such a fab thing with all the helping sewing, I hope you remember to feel a little bit proud.

  14. How on earth I missed you this week in the line up I will never know, you and the one in front of you.
    Yes I saw your daughter's post so I think I wished her well. Why does she not do some on-line lessons to keep her business going? I am sure people would join in.
    I hadn't thought of that - people cannot go out to buy gifts for others for birthdays, there is, of course, Amazon and they do lovely packaging (for extra) but then that is supporting someone you might not want to support. Anyway I am sure she loved all the things you got and made for her. Handmade gifts are the best, they have love wrapped up in them. In fact I have my little bin hanging at the side of me now. When my back is bad and I can't move Chas puts my phone the house phone and the tv remote in so I have them to hand and don't have to move. And yes, I think of Jo every time I use it.
    You take care of you and belated wishes for your anniversary - lovely flowers.
    Hugs &n stay safe and well
    Neet 5 xx

  15. Hi Jo, happy wedding anniversary, your flowers are gorgeous. It was my 3rd wedding anniversary yesterday, and my late mother's birthday, which makes it an unusual day - I purposely chose to get married on mums birthday, so it's both a sad day (still miss her even though she's been gone over 30 years) and a happy day, as I married my hero! I'll check out Max's facebook page - I hope her business survives these challenging times. I love the idea of a special birthday album - something I might think of when my girls approach their next special birthdays. Have a lovely week and stay safe Heather xx #28

  16. Gorgeous flowers. I think it makes sense to wear a mask if you can but the government are reluctant to say so as they are so difficult to get hold of. Loving the little bin too. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x

  17. Hi Jo, Happy belated Anniversary & Birthday also to Maxine, you'll be able to celebrate those days again together when this lockdown is over and done with. Love the sofa side bin, it's perfectly perched and a great idea. So nice to see another lovely lady doing her bit for the NHS, keep up the grand work Jo!!
    Hugs Tracey #3

  18. Hi Jo, hope Max had a fab day. Been seeing her videos & stuff on FB, they are always so beautiful. My eldest son, Ant, adores her pictures- I bought his wife Becky one as a birthday present a couple of years ago. He's into all things art & crafty, and tries his hand at many things. Love the little bin, how useful that'll be. Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #11 X

  19. Hello Jo, beautiful flowers, hope they last well to brighten your day. Your little bin looks ideal, a brilliant idea that everyone could do with. Stay safe, Angela #38

  20. Hi dear Jo... oh those flowers are stunning.. had to click to look at properly as on my mobile.. painful but better than not see.
    I do love tgat bin too, Jo, really ckecer and yes I've two special thungs in my craft room Jozarty made too and treasure them!
    Well done on Tilly Tea Dance.. amd many happies for her big day too.. big hip pip hooray from Downunder!! ❤❤❤
    Sorry for late visit! ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love, in these changeable times. For as Paul said: "We walk by faith, not by sight."
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #34

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  21. Great little bin and what a good idea, what lovely flowers,

    Lilian B #22

  22. lovely flowers, hope Maxine had a good birthday. My eldest grandaughter's birthday yesterday, had hoped to get her an appropriate t-shirt but no online luck.
    I have tried making some face masks as well, discovered I can't sew as well as I did when the girls were small.... and sewing those ends in!!!
    Stay safe and take care
    Christine #29

  23. Happy Anniversary! Gorgeous flowers! And Happy Birthday to your Maxine! I love the waste catcher you made for her, and I'm sure her birthday was all the more special because of the little things you did, the book, the champagne, treats, all so memorable! Stay well, stay busy, and stay safe! Lindart #34

  24. Happy birthday to Maxine and happy anniversary to you, Jo. Beautiful flowers. Well done making such a pretty little bin. Sometimes I think birthdays under unusual circumstances are more memorable and special than normal ones. I remember one year when I was really small and I had measles over my birthday and Mum gave me special treats. One was a miniature string bag with a tiny jar of honey and a mini-bottle of lemon juice! Very good for my state of health at the time and I was entranced because it was small. I’ve never forgotten it. She also gave me a little white rabbit that you wound up and it hopped - called Hoppy of course! I must have been 5 or 6 at the time and she spent the day with me while the others went out on a jaunt. I think there will be a lot of happy memories generated by the lockdown because we are all doing different things and there have been so many acts of kindness.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  25. I love the idea of that little bin for scraps hanging on the couch, how inventive! I just printed a 'mask pattern' today, because I can see us in the Netherlands wearing them in the near future too (we don't have to now but something said on tv make me think we will be asked to wear them soon...) I found a great example/pattern with tutorial video and all - not one of the 'easy' ones (it includes pipe-cleaners to bend over the nose and a double layer so you can stuff extra 'filter' in it...) Now I need to wash the fabric I choose from my stash - will do that next week probably.. Thanks for your visit to my blog just now, stay safe dear! Hug-from-a-distance, Marit #27


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.