Wednesday 8 April 2020


Here we are again, happy as can be, all good friends and jolly good company!

Another lockdown week and another Wednesday when this cheerful group of bloggers get together to celebrate WOYWW and let the world see what we have been up to at our crafty work desks.

Well - I never thought I would be using my machine to make face masks but this is indeed what I made this week. One of my friends has to make hospital visits in the next few weeks and is frightened of taking home the virus to her family. So she asked if I could make a couple of masks for her.
I made three - a little one for her 3 year old to "play" with (Just so that she is used to the idea of folks around her wearing masks) and two adult sized ones for Mum.

I am sure good hand washing and distancing does the most good but a mask worn for a short while, inside the hospital, is probably not a bad idea.

Some of you might have seen my "Farming" themed twiddler on Facebook but I thought I would post the initial piece of knitting that formed the base for the front of the mitt.

Then, once I completed the inside, I joined it together and decorated it.....

I think it will be an interesting little twiddler for someone to use don't you?


Jan said I was to share this with you all.....

I jokingly said that I would be taking up ballet for my daily exercise but I needed to find my tutu.
Well here I am, all dressed up and ready to go!

I hope you are all managing to make the most of crafty time at home and if possible can get out for a bit of exercise too. The weather has been so lovely. I saw little bats flitting round our house yesterday evening and I am looking forward to seeing my first swallow.

Well that's it for this week.
Keep well and keep safe.

Best wishes to Ellie and Alan too.

xx Jo


  1. What a lovely post.... my plan to make a mask came to nothing. But you may have inspired me, what a great cause and so necessary. Love the tutu ... now you will be prepared for when the mood takes you to exercise or just bring a smile to those around you.
    Stay safe.
    Sandra de @13

  2. Yay, that photo is brilliant - you're a star! Actually I read about about the Silver Swans and the class looks really good. If I wore a tutu, I'd look like the hippos out of Fantasia *grin*. Well done on making the masks, I've read pros and cons for them but surely they'll help in those circumstances. Enjoy the lovely weather and all the gardening, I was sitting outside watching the kites and buzzards over our house yesterday!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  3. That last photo made me smile Jo. Enjoy the ballet exercise! Such a beautiful twiddle mitt. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  4. Morning Jo. Well, that selfie is something else...What can we say? Enjoy the ballet exercises. Love the little twiddle muff.
    Take care of yourselves. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. Hi Jo, loving you in a tutu! I agree, masks can't hurt, only help. Doug has a filtered one he bought for DIY, and uses that when he goes out for shopping. Great idea to make one for the child, this whole situation must be extremely difficult for toddlers. Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  6. At first glance I thought you'd been making panty liners!! love the twiddle mitt and the photo of you will go down in history...the next Darcy!!
    Annie x

  7. Lovely tutu :) . well done on the masks they look great and brilliant idea to give to little one. Also love the twiddle mitts - My son ( now 26) has ADHD so i know how valuable these can be.Take care and Keep safe . Soojay #18

  8. Look at you in that Tutu Jo, i've heard ballet works wonders for our health whilst training our posture. Lovely idea about the masks, they remind me of things I used to have in my dressing up box for the children at group anything to help take away the discrimination of anything that would appear not as the norm. Fabulous & heartfelt makes but i'm very drawn to those mitts, makes me want a pair myself.. I'm sure they would be fab for winter.
    Thanks for sharing, wishing you & the family a Happy & safe Easter Tracey #24 x

  9. I love your twiddle mitts. Who could fail not to?
    Lovely of you to do some mask sewing - I think they must be better than nothing - it is the spittle that counts so it protects the nose and mouth. I think they are brilliant! Not sure about the skirt though ...
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  10. Love your ballet tutu-you are a good sport to post this photo. Twiddle mitts are so fascinating and it’s good that they are so beneficial to the users. Keep safe.

  11. oh look at you in your pink tutu! wht a fab photo and I love the pose. Great twiddles this week! Thanks for stopping by whilst I was hard at work!! helen #1

  12. Hi Jo, great tutu photo. Good on you for sharing it. I think we could definitely have an exercise challenge to add to the weekly blog, and nominate someone else to share their exercise photo/outfit the following week! Lol. Great twiddler and masks. I'm not leaving the house, so don't need a mask, but I can understand why people want to use them. Have a lovely week and stay safe, Heather xx #27

  13. Great photograph, love the skirt. But the twiddly mitt is one of my favourites, it's gorgeous. Wishing you a happy woyww and lots of crafty thoughts to keep you busy, Angela x15x

  14. I have to admit the tutu photo made me smile!! Like you, in certain situations I think any kind of mask can't be a bad idea even if it's not perfect, at least it will stop you touching that part of your face so well done you for making them. The farm twiddle muff is just gorgeous!! Stay home, stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #26

  15. Love the post as you are doing lots of things for others and that great, what a great oicture and good luck with the ballet,

    Lilian B #11

  16. I've been on the look out for swallows too, haven't spotted them yet but a photo of you in a tutu makes up for that *lol* Stay healty, safe and creative. Hug from Holland, Marit #23

  17. Jo, you have brightened my day with the picture of you in a tutu. Love the twiddle muff too, thanks for sharing
    Chris #8

  18. I love that photo of you in a tutu! Fantastic. Take care and stay safe my friend. Happy Belated WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#20)

  19. Hi Jo, you look great in that tutu! Your twiddle mitt is fantastic and the masks were a great idea. x Angela #35

  20. Sorry I’m late! so glad you’ve got the ballet equipment look fab!! How amazingly bendy you must be.....! I think the twiddle mits are actually turning into frameable art Twitters, seriously you could enter these into a mixed media type competition and be the winner. Gorgeous, I bet the staff can’t believe it when your parcels turn up. We can hear them, but haven’t seen any swallows yet, too damn fast - they always have nests in the barn next door to the one where Bart works and so we do enjoy them....but omg, they make a mess!

  21. Great idea about the masks (I was thinking of making one, no idea how!) especially one to allow the wee one to get used to the parents wearing them-brilliant idea.

    LOVE the twiddler too, so much detail to see and feel
    ps - love the ballet photo too :-)

  22. Hi Jo, what a great lockdown post to keep us all entertained! Love your pretty masks and twiddlers (haven't come across those before!) and as for the selfie in the tutu, well, what can one say? Lol!!

    I am trying to make the effort to visit every single person on WOYWW during the lockdown - I don't usually manage this - because I think we all need as much contact as possible at the moment. Hope you are keeping safe and well.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #17


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.