Wednesday 18 March 2020


What a difference a week makes!

Last week we were busy getting stock ready for Tilly's local shops and outlets and preparing for workshops.

Today - the workshops have been cancelled and the local outlets like the Bog centre are not opening for the new season as normal, so that Tilly has suddenly lost most of her income. She will just be one of the many small businesses who will struggle over the next few months.
On a positive note, Tilly has put her pictures, that I showed you last week, on Etsy - to see them follow this link ...

Our hearts go out to those who are struggling to survive the illness the virus brings, but also the many staff who are having to cope in these shocking times. We will soon be told to stay at home, so our lives will become restricted.
BUT - to date, we are fit and healthy so we will do our best to help where we can and to keep ourselves well occupied and make the best of a most awful time for our country.

I'm not sure that the hospital will want to receive a bag of twiddlers just now, but my latest efforts are ready and waiting......

I hope you are all managing to keep well and keep cheerful.

I guess our June WOYWW get together will probably have to be cancelled but we can always re- book for later in the year when things are back to normal.

Take care all and keep crafting!

xx Jo


  1. Such a shame your daughters classes got cancelled and I hope her etsy shop does well. Stay safe and keep crafting.
    sandra de @4

  2. What a wonderful love of twiddle mitts you've been making Jo....I'm sure they will bring comfort to many.
    Biggest hugs,
    Annie x

  3. I feel a bit of a fraud keeping out of the way but G falls into the vulnerable category on a couple of points so we're just being cautious for him. Thank goodness for being near the seaside, it has been a godsend to drive there and walk, well away from others. The bright side is that we don't have to feel guilty for spending lots of time crafting, lol!
    And you're not a million miles away with the red/black lace guess but it really IS for a competition...besides, we don't have a chandelier to swing from..... ;-)
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  4. Hi Jo, hopefully the whole flu thing will have died down by June, but if not, as you say, there's always later in the year. So many self employed people are going to be very hard hit by this isolation, I hope Max does well selling on Etsy. I know we'll all keep sharing her FB posts. Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  5. Thanks for your visit to my blog just now, yes - these are strange times and all we can do is sit, craft and wait... not homebound completely in Holland (we are still alowed to go outside) but it feels strange to have no job all of a sudden... I'm glad I have my online friends! Take care, stay healthy! Big virtual hug from the Netherlands!

  6. I really feel for people who are self employed and have worked so hard to build up a business. Lovely twiddlemitts and they will be appreciated when they can be delivered.

  7. Loving the bright colors in your photo. And I hope your daughter does well with online buyers. I've done a lot of that lately. Here most things are shut down or on limited hours. I'm ok with it so far, I love being at home and taking my time with the mess I am trying to delete !!! "SPRING" in all it's glory is most Welcoming, but so far no signs of that. God Bless you and yours

  8. What a shame about the workshops and sources of income for Maxine. I hope her Etsy shop gets lots of business in the meantime. Happy WOYWW. Stay safe. Sarah #2

  9. I can see you've still got plenty to keep you occupied at home which is good. Good job we have or we would all go mad! Hope the Etsy shop works, it's a difficult time for sure. Take care and wishing you a happy creative WOYWW, Angela x12x

  10. That is such a shame for Max, she's worked so hard on her beautiful pieces - I hope she does well on Etsy, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for her.
    Stay safe and enjoy some guilt free crafting,
    Diana x #17

  11. Will so miss the crop if it is cancelled but as you say hopefully we can do it later in the year.
    So sorry about your DD's business, hope she gets lots of sales on the internet - anything we an do with help in advertising?
    Take care and keep twiddling - was talking to someone who has one of those for her mum and she loves it. Not one of yours I don't think but similar.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  12. Hi Jo. Yes indeed. Small businesses like Maxine's will really struggle in the next few months. And so will the front line workers. These people really need our prayer support as we are unable to give them our practical support. I wished a couple of the staff well in my local Asda this morning - and it was as if the sun had come out over them - such a simple thing - a kind word of encouragement. I can't believe some folks are actually verbally abusing these workers!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  13. there are a lot of people going to suffer never mind healthwise. hope Tilly does well with her etsy store (always assuming she can get out to post sales!) I am still working in the office (we have plenty of social distancing space!) but we are making plans to work from home when the time comes (soon no doubt) Our healthcare professionals will be even more exhausted by the end of this than they are now, i fear. Stay safe. Helen #3

  14. Gorgeous twiddle mitts Jo! I hope Tilly's Etsy shop is successful for her. I am now working from home as the uni has gone almost completely distant learning. Stay safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#14)

  15. It’s so frustrating, the impotence in the situation. To see Max’s investment of time, work and self be cut back in one fell swoop is just so hard. I hope things come back as quickly as possible, and that Etsy gives her work the spotlight..., marketing says 3 posts a day on Instagram as well because Etsy is huge it directs the mind better to seek and find instead of browse...hope she can hold her nerve. The twiddle mits look fab in a collection like that (is there a collective noun for such things?!). But tbh Twiggers, even if the hospital could use them , I think a hospital is the last place anyone should be at the moment!

  16. Hi - I hope the Etsy work sells - it's lovely stuff! The talent clearly runs in the family as the twiddlers are beautiful too. Maybe a care home for elderly could use them, even if hospitals can't? Or a food bank who might be delivering to families caring for elderly relatives with dementia? Anxiety levels everywhere will be through the roof, and they might be just the thing? But social distancing and just staying out of circulation for a while is probably one of the most helpful things we can all do for each other at the moment, to try and get this situation under control.
    Take care.
    Amelia #32

  17. Hi Jo, I hope Max's Etsy store manages to provide her with some income. One of my daughters is a self employed childminder - she too will be hit soon, when more people are off work and they don't need her to mind their little ones. This horrible situation is going to impact everyone in the world in some form or another. Thanks for the visit to my blog. My tooth (or rather the gap where it was) has settled down now. I seem to have less time for crafting now I'm working from home - time runs away with me! I really hope we don't have to postpone the crop, but if we do, then we'll have something to look forward to later in the year - besides my daughter's wedding :-). Stay safe, and have a lovely week Heather xx #13

  18. Hi Jo, sorry i'm later than usual wanted to be able to stop by and take time with everyone this week during these bleak times. All we can do is take care of each other as best as we can but we will get through this.
    Really sorry to hear about Max but better to be safe, I couldn't help myself when I popped on over to etsy found a super friend to keep my Poppies company.
    Take care of yourselves & Happy Mothers Day tomorrow.
    Stay sag=fe & carry on creating those fab twiddle mitts Hugs Tracey xx

  19. Yes, Jo at mo a week is along time! Hard to believe at times. Lovely twiddlers!
    Lovely desky share sorry I’m so late and brief.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith! Praying you’re all kept well too!
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

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Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.