Wednesday 11 March 2020


The world looks a grim place - floods, fire, plagues of locusts, wars and now this virus.

Hopefully we can all keep clear of most of it.
It's definitely a case of "Keep calm and carry on" here!

So this is what Tilly and I have been doing....

My table is loaded with beautiful needle felted pictures that I helped her to frame and mount.

She is has decided to sell some of the gorgeous sample pieces that she makes during her workshop demonstrations. She has added extra detail with hand embroidery and beading. I love them!
They are mounted on card and framed in a 20cm x 20cm white frame.

I think they will be going on her Tilly Tea Dance website this week so if you want to see them in greater detail follow the link.....

I remember teaching Max how to needle felt years ago. She has always loved it and her talent far outstrips mine. Maybe I should sign up to one of her workshops!!
I do occasionally have a play with the rovings and my little dumfer but really I just love to see an expert at work. Today she is working with a local WI group. They must like working with her as this is the second workshop she has done with the same group.

Well that's it for my WOYWW this week.

Keep safe and take care.

xx Jo


  1. the felted pictures are gorgeous! There certainly doesn't seem to be a lot of good news about at the moment... Happy (and keep healthy) WOYWW Helen #??

  2. Oh what a delight it must be to help your DD with those pictures and have a desk full of them to drool over. I love mine and it is staring at me right now as it lives in the bedroom on the drawers right opposite me in bed, It is the first thing I see when I wake in a morning. Love those sheepies.
    I do hope Maxine has plenty of sanitizer with her when she goes on her teaching to the WI, she must be careful in large groups at the moment, it's getting worse each day and, as you say what a mess - grim is the word.
    On a brighter note you really must take some credit for DD's success as you were her teacher, but I gree, she is wonderfully talented.
    Hugs, Neet xx (no number yet, getting a bit worried about Julia now)

  3. Hi Jo, Max's work is amazing, I agree. The pieces are so detailed and such stunning colours. I'm not at all surprised the WI group has asked her back, she really is a lovely person! Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #4 X

  4. They are all so beautiful and all so unique. I think she may be a little like her very talented mum and aunty.
    Have a lovely week.
    Sandra de #8

  5. Gorgeous sheepy pics today Jo...she's so talented.
    Annie x

  6. Super little landscapes - the little sheep look so cute dotted around. Stay safe! zsuzsa #14

  7. Hi Jo, the pieces really are gorgeous works of art, so I'm not surprised Max is invited back for more workshops. A very talented daughter! You are not alone in thinking what a grim world we are living in at the moment. So far 2020 has not been a good year - it can only get better surely. Have a lovely week Heather xx #21

  8. What gorgeous pictures! I just love all the dimension! Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #10

  9. Hi Jo. Those pieces are just lovely - well done on the framing - do you glue them onto the backing card? A great way to spend a day - or three!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #15

  10. Happy WOYWW. I do a bit of needle felting, but I am very slow and it is only an occasional craft for me. Those pictures are fantastic. Ali x #25

  11. Beautiful makes Jo! Love all the detail and color. I hope you have a great week. Vickie #26

  12. Maxine's work is, indeed, quite stunning, Jo. I think you taught her well. They are beautifully mounted and framed too. Hope Max has a sell out. Hugs, Ellie x #18

  13. Maxine is certainly very talented Jo. Love her little pictures, they are so detailed and different. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #13

  14. Such gorgeous pictures, and the detailing is exquisite. If she's ever in Hampshire I'd happily sign up for one of her workshops.
    Hope you have a good rest of the week and so sorry I'm late visiting, I just can't seem to get anything in my life organised lately!
    Hugs, Diana x

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry for such late visit .. 😊 running around quickly to catch up, I hope!
    LOVE Tilly Tea Dances stunning plus sheep's!! Wow!!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

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Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.