Wednesday 25 March 2020


Thanks for all your lovely comments about Tilly's work and her business. We are trying to be positive so she is spending what free time she has designing, creating and advertising. Hopefully it will pay dividends when life gets back to normal.
Thanks lots to you lovely folk who popped over to her Etsy site and boosted her sales. She is extremely grateful and hopes you love the pieces you bought.
Of course she now has B at home and will not bring him here in case we "cross fertilise" - or whatever the medical term is!!!

I messaged Julia re 2020 CROP in June and we both agree we should cancel it now so that people can stay safe and cancel any other arrangements they may have made for travel etc.

We will try to rearrange the CROP for later in the year but who knows what will be the situation by then! Think positive - maybe September might be a good time.

My contact - (Dementia nurse at the hospital) said they definitely needed the twiddlemitts and a lovely lady on our estate picked them up to take to the hospital when she was next on duty.

So, apart from shopping for ourselves and an elderly friend, I am staying home and keeping away from folk. Somehow, weirdly, there doesn't seem to be much spare time in my day. I shall just keep knitting till I get fed up.....

Luckily we have a good sized garden where we can get some fresh air and exercise.....

Looking good at the moment!

Keep well and keep safe everyone.

xx Jo


  1. I am sticking with the house and garden too Jo. Haven't been out since some shopping and the PO on Saturday and don't intend to do so unless absolutely necessary (e.g. work on Monday). I wasn't really surprised about the crop postponement/cancellation. Could we possible avoid Saturday 12th September if things are back on by then please. It is the Clarity Open day at Leyburn and I am already committed to it if it goes ahead. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  2. Always lovely to see pictures of people's beautiful gardens and those flowers are stunning. Between crafting and gardening hopefully the time in lockdown will fly. Haha. Stay safe.
    Sandra de @6

  3. Morning Jo. Lovely, glorious photos of the shrubs in your garden. I can imagine where they might be... I expect quite a few of us are going to be working our way through all(?) our craft supplies at the moment - as you say, keep knitting.
    A sad but necessary decision re the crop - yes, September would be a good time...
    Take care each of you. Love to hubby and Tilly. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  4. My goodness, the Camelias seem to be lovelier than ever this year, yours is so pretty! Yep, even I am driven into the garden in this weather, although I could happily just move m desk outside. It’s only my need to have a tidy garden that makes me do it! Like you, I don’t seem to be having any trouble with filling my days, my only regret is that I cant visit Mum, and although she doesn’t know and I am not about to argue that I should be able to, it makes me a bit sad. So yes, I can see why twiddle mitts are still needed. Even if they have more than they need, they can rotate them so there seems something different. Lack of stimulation is a bugger, specially now when everyone is locked down. So thank you for doing them. Xxx

  5. Yes we are the lucky ones that have gardens, although the last few days here in Spain it has poured with rain, today though the sun is shining. Now is the time to build up are stocks. Ani#14

  6. I'm so grateful that technology means we can stay in contact with our crafty friends and family - it's a shame about the Crop but better to make that decision now. And it gives us hope for something later in the year. I'm amazed at how quickly the days are flying by as well, we do have some sort of a routine but it seems the blink of an eye between getting up and sliding back into bed! I'm not doing a huge amount of crafting either but that's ok. I am ringing up deskers for a chat (if I have their number of course!) so be prepared for a call at some point!!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  7. What gorgeous garden plants Jo. It seems nature is finding lots to make us smile at a time when the world is in chaos.
    Stay safe and keep crafting.
    Annie x

  8. Just about to go and sit in our garden - Chas said it is "eerily quiet out there". We are so lucky to have gardens we can sit in and I do a walk around ours as it is quite large. My daily walk!
    I really would love you to share your twiddle mitts on FB if you could under the heading #Cheers. The more the merrier and they are so lovely and would cheer everyone up to see them.
    Glad Maxine is keeping her business going with mail order - shame you won't see Ben though - hope you can facetime.
    Take care and Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Hi Jo, some lovely pics in your garden. Love the Camellia pic, we have a few in gardens round here, it always surprises me that something we think of as delicate flowers at this time of year. Will be good if we can reorganise later in the year, we can hope that by then the worst of this is past us. Stay safe,Have a good week, Huge hugs, Shaz #1 X

  10. I don't normally go out in the garden until it is a lot warmer - things have changed- at least it is looking tidier. Your looks lovely . Keep knitting and take care . Soojay #21

  11. You have some lovely blooms in your garden - I'm pretty sure I have that orange shrub but there's nothing on mine, no buds let along flowers, I can't remember the name of it, but yours has put mine to shame! The garden is a Godsend at the moment for many of us.
    Stay safe and well and keep knitting!
    Diana xx #22

  12. Pleased to hear you're keeping busy. Your shrubs are looking good, gorgeous colours to brighten the day. Take care, keep safe and craft on. Sending hugs, Angela x3x

  13. Lovely photos! I haven't found much spare time yet, though I'm not really sure what I've been - sitting in the sun mainly watching the OH garden. It sure is a weird time. Shame about the crop but probably for the best. Happy WOYWW (I'm late I know) keep well, keep safe, Cindy #23

  14. Hi Jo, too sad, but it's sensible to postpone the crop. Hopefully, we will all get together once this crisis has passed. There's talk of helping the self-employed like your daughter in the news today. Let's hope it's sorted out soon. Your garden photos are beautiful and very cheerful. Belated WOYWW hugs to you and yours. Ellie x #27

  15. So sad about the crop but hopefully I will be able to make a new date! Love your photos of your pretty flowers. Happy Belated WOYWW. Stay safe my friend. Take care, with love & God Bless, Caro xx (#15)

  16. Sorry for my late visit, Staying is always the best thingLove your pictures, Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #12

  17. Oh you have some beautiful flowers. Loving all the colors. We don't even have green grass yet. Very wet/damp/gloomy MONDAY and the week sound great 60's and sun. Most everything here is closed. We can have take out from our restaurants etc to help support our new young couple, we've do that about once a week. Seems to be working well each lunch and supper times for them. I am thankful for our computers, to keep up with everyone. Blessing to you and yours. And I loved all your fun colors of twiddlemitts you posted.

  18. Your flowers are so beautiful, Jo! Our garden is starting to pick up and look nice again now, too, with the primroses coming out on the primrose bank, and my lovely new herb garden that my hubby made. I think us crafters are better off than many during the lockdown because we are never short of things to do!

    Keep safe and well, and happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #35

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  20. Morning Jo, lovely to see all that new growth & blooms in the garden isn't it amazing how those pops of colour can uplift us all.
    Like my little package that was delivered yesterday from Max, i'll be sure to share it next Wednesday with all @ WoywW. Take care & carry on creating you too are doing such a marvellous service to so many. Hugs Tracey #19 xx
    P.S I did giggle about the cross fertilising.. :D


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.