Wednesday 4 March 2020


Annie and I have been swapping again!!

She needed buttons for her little rabbits coats so I delved into my button jars and came up with a tiny bagful of mini turquoise buttons. Between us we might have 8 matching ones!

I also found some neat little buttons for the two prem baby coats that I knitted last week.

My sewing table hasn't seen much action - just a quick repair or two as needed.
I did have a good clear out of left over fabrics from my stash, none of which were very exciting and had been there ages, so they have gone to the local charity shop.

I hope you haven't been too badly affected by the floods. Ben's school was closed for a couple of days so he came here whilst Max was busy with a workshop. We had fun making and decorating gingerbread men. Hence, I never managed to post anything for WOYWW last week - or half term week either.

Shrewsbury was badly hit by the floods and is still waiting for more rain to come down from the Welsh hills. However, we are all well away from the river so haven't been affected - other than traffic problems when lots of the roads closed.

Let's hope March is a better month and we can look forward to the joys of Spring!

xx Jo


  1. Glad the flooding hasn't directly affected you, I really feel for those with homes destroyed or so badly damaged. All that mud (and worse) Love the little prem coats, so cute! Helen #3

  2. Poor old Shrewsbury and surroundings, I feel so sorry for the folks who've been flooded out. We've been fortunate here and haven't suffered to the same degree. Those little cardis are great and I'm glad the Buttons Dilemma was solved for you and Wipso!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  3. I wondered if half term had eaten you up, I didn’t think as far as school closures because of floods. It’s just horrible for those affected. I genuinely hope that we can have a sustained period of dry now, at least give everyone affected a fighting chance and a minute to relax. Bet both you and Ben enjoyed bonus days though, a teeny silver lining. Talking of teeny..those buttons are adorable. Blimey I balk at the thought of handling them though! The prem baby coats are delicious, what a great and useful pattern.

  4. First the floods to worry about and now this damned Corona virus. What a mess! Glad you brighten up my day with those lovely little coats your are knitting. Are they for a particular baby or for a baby unit?
    Enjoy Ben whilst you can, he will be grown up before you know it.
    hugs, Neet 8 xx

  5. Good to hear you are clear of the flood areas. There seems to be something happening in every corner of the globe that brings a bit of gloom. Thank goodness for woyww and some desk cheer.
    Sandra de @16

  6. Love the tiny cardys Jo and thanks for sorting through your buttons....we must surely have 8 between us?
    Annie x

  7. Those are absolutely adorable, I cant imagine knitting something so small with such delicate thread

    Bridget #2

  8. Hi Jo, so glad to hear the floods haven't affected you. I'm sure Ben was very happy making gingerbread men, instead of being at school. Lovely little jackets, I remember when my youngest was in Neo Natal care- he was born 13 weeks early- they had so many tiny little knitted things for them to wear. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  9. I'm glad you escaped the floods, Jo. They looked awful and so devastating for the people who lost their homes. Lets hope some better weather is on the way.
    Making gingerbread men sounds a perfect way to spend the day when school is closed.
    Have a good week

    Hugs Lisax #23

  10. So glad that you haven't been badly affected by flooding. Love those beautiful little jackets. Have a good week. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#15)

  11. I was thinking about you all when I saw the photos of the floods and glad you were not flooded. Your knitting is lovely and looks like you have found the buttons for the next coat for Annie.

  12. The distress and pain caused by the flooding is enormous. We have seen plenty of flooding in the fields on the way to Mold, more severe flooding is 30 minutes away. I am glad you are okay. Angela #28

  13. Hi Jo, glad to hear you aren't directly affected by the floods. So far we are ok too. Both my daughters are in towns that go on risk warnings, but where they live seems to be ok (fingers crossed). My heart goes out to all those that are affected - which seems to be quite a regular occurrence over the last decade. The prem baby jackets are gorgeous - lovely colours. I look at my daughters and grandchildren now and can't believe they were ever little babies! Have a wonderful week Heather xx #6

  14. So glad that you haven't been directly affected by the floods Jo. What lovely cardies for prem babies. Hope you and Annie manage to sort the buttons out between you for the rabbit's coat. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #1

  15. Those are gorgeous!!! Yes will be glad when all this rain stops and we get and but more warmth.Soojay 26

  16. Wow.. seems to have been a rainy season so far for many parts of the world. While we've not had flooding (yet but still early in the season) our avg. total is up about 3" for this month already!
    Cute premie coats! Creative Blessings! Kelly #27

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Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.