Wednesday 12 February 2020


Good morning on a very chilly Wednesday!
We have had gales, torrential rain, sleet, hail and snow over the last couple of days. Not a great problem at all but certainly a very wintery feel to life!

So to cheer us all up, here's my latest seaside twiddle mitt - side 1 and side 2.

I think it might have uses beyond the dementia group that it was aimed at. It would make a lovely "conversation" piece to use in schools. I might have to make a whole range to fit in with suitable topics. I'm thinking - growing things,  hot lands, cold lands, weather mmmm lots of potential there!

 My other little job was to mount and frame Tilly's latest snowdrop picture. I love this one - especially the moody sky which is wet felted.

And finally - just so you know where all this activity comes from...
I really do think I need to sort out the space between my machines don't you.
It becomes my " push back" space until it's so full that I can't use my machines.
I wish I was a tidy soul but then I wouldn't get so much done would I! (That's my excuse anyway).

I hope you have escaped the worst of the weather.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. How lovely Jo, you’ve certainly cheered me up with your lovely post today.
    Lynn xx 12

  2. Love the latest Twiddler there's a will be supplying schools next :-)
    Love the resk shot....mine would be just like that if I didn't have customers :-)
    Annie x

  3. I LOVE that view of your machines....and the push back space, it’s not untidy is it’s more that you’re too absorbed to notice till it starts to impede on your inspiration! How’s that for a sugar coating?!! You’re right about the twiddle could change them into twiddle mats. The quality of yours in their detail is so fab Twiggers. There are a couple knocking about at my Mum’s home but they don’t look near as interesting!

  4. Hello Jo. Yes we've had the same weather lol
    Those twiddle muffs are superb I like your ideas re them. The picture is beautiful. I am much like you when creating, push everything everywhere until forced to tidy up. Anne x @17

  5. You definitely need a tidy up - that scene made me laugh! I think your idea of using the twiddlemuffs in schools is a great idea, we used to use all sorts of things as prompts for creative writing in Y6 and I think that something tactile would help kids in a completely different way.
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  6. Hi Jo,we've had exactly the same weather, although our snow only lasted a few minutes each time, so nothing stuck. Laughing at the pic between the machines, that would be me too!The snowdrop pic is gorgeous, and the sky stunning. Great theme for the twiddle mitts, and the school idea sounds great.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 X

  7. I do adore those twiddle mitts Jo, i'd wear them myself. I have a pair of cranford mitts similar in design that my MIL made and the moths have really taken a liking to parts of the wool :( Fab idea regarding the schools they certainly are a conversation piece. I LOVE them just as I do Tilly's framed snowdrops. I'd have one of everything if I had the wall space.
    Thanks for sharing WoywW Tracey #10 x

  8. Just had a tremendous hail storm. Weather for staying indoors if possible.
    I love your seaside themed twiddle mitt. II love it and if you make lots of different themed ones (a great idea) I think you should think about putting the on Etsy and making a business out of selling them. I would buy some - and wear them.
    Love the snowdrop picture, definitely a moody sky there.
    Hugs and take care (and make more TM's)
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  9. Definitely indoor weather although I have to venture out at 6 o'clock for my voluntary class. We’re trying appliqué tonight. I love the snowdrop picture and of course the twiddlemuff. We made “feely” bags for our infants to help with writing but the twiddlemitts would be better for children who like to fidget as a means to learning.

  10. Love the messy view. I feel better about mine now love the mitts too. Helen #2

  11. Your twiddle mitts are wonderful - I love the seaside theme and could certainly see them working with the little ones at school. The snowdrop picture is gorgeous and I love the moody sky - very appropriate for how the weather has been lately - one of my favourite combinations is deep grey sky with brilliant sunshine!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana x #20

  12. Your little mitts just get better and better and this one is beautiful, love it to bits. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x16x

  13. Tidiness is a bit overrated, don't you think, Jo? What's the point of putting stuff away when it's only going to be needed again sometime in the future! Your seaside themed twiddle muff is beautiful, and a great idea. And I love the snowdrops too - sky is not unlike those we've been seeing here recently, and there's another storm on the way. Hugs, Elizabeth x #26

  14. That is a lovely twiddle mitt and the snowdrop picture is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. I hope you have a lovely week. With love and God bless, Caro xx (#19)

  15. Your desk is a testimony to the sewing/craft action in full swing. I don't think there is a part of the world that is not going through some extreme at the moment. Hope all safe in your part of the world.
    Sandra de #7

  16. Lovely idea for further twiddle mitt uses Jo. I don't see the problem with a creative mess unless it stops you being able to work. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #8

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Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.