Wednesday 5 February 2020


This week I have been busy framing and mounting Tilly's little sheep and poppies pictures.
I guess she will try to get them on her Etsy site in time for Mothers' Day and Valentine's - although her tiny sheep pictures sell well all year!

Today she will be working on her seaside themed pieces. Garth the Gull is a firm favourite.
Here he is on a coaster and card...

And this little beauty is my Dendrobium. I have had it for at least 15 years. It does very little for most of the year and then suddenly bursts into bloom. I think there are about 20 blooms this time - so pretty.

So that's me for this week. I must apologise for not visiting many desks last week. I was busy organising and celebrating with the "birthday boy". He had a lovely time and enjoyed being with friends and family. He loved the cake with 7 candles.....
 Ben counted in tens to seventy and then looked very thoughtful and said
"You will soon be 100 then Grandad!"
 (Good counting skills for a 5 year old but I don't think G was very impressed with the thought!)

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. No, even counting in ones I don’t think I want to be considered close to a hundred!! How funny the kids are. So glad that Ghad a lovely time, it’s to be celebrated, no doubt. Aren’t Tilly’s pics so lovely, I’m not surprised the sheep remain eternally popular, I rather suspect the a gull will give them a run to be honest!

  2. Glad the birthday cake was well received and super counting by Ben. The wee framed pictures are so lovely-you must be able to do them in your sleep! Happy crafting.

  3. Lol at Ben! Glad G had a good birthday. That plant is lovely, I've never heard of that before...mind you, as much as I can grow pretty much anything outdoors, I have the kiss of death with houseplants!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. Bless Ben. Glad he enjoyed his day. Love the framed pieces and well done on the blooms Helen #3

  5. Loving you felted pics and the Dendrobium of course. When they choose to flower they are spectacular! Wishing you a happy crafty woyww, Angela x12x

  6. Those little frames are very cute. In South Africa I was a keen gardener and had lots of house plants too... now in Berlin, my flat has very little sun and it is too cold for garden stuff at the moment. Everything I planted in summer has died, bar 4 things... So I have been to Ikea and gotten lots of silk plants to put outside so it doesn't look so sad! #18

  7. Hi Jo, Grandsons comment made me laugh! About as much as when my -then- 5 year old youngest asked me what dinosaurs were like when I was young! My DIL, who was with us almost wet herself laughing.The flower is beautiful, lovely colours. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  8. I don't think I have seen Garth the Gull before - he is such fun. I always love the sheep - My sheep picture sits on my desk for me to enjoy every day. Your grandson's comment made me laugh. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week, with love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#20)

  9. I did laugh at Ben's comment Jo. Glad that the birthday boy enjoyed his day. Beautiful pictures by Maxine, no wonder they sell well. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  10. Love the story about Ben's counting skills. Sorry G.
    I love my sheep picture, something about it being a miniature makes me love it more each day. It's the first thing I see in a ;morning as it is in the bedroom. I can see a good market for the seagull pictures too, now where could I put one?
    Have a lovely week and enjoy that lovely orchid of yours.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  11. Your designs are so lovely - I always enjoy a sea theme and your gull picture is gorgeous! I'm glad the birthday was a success, and I love what kids come out with!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  12. I'm late , I'm late for a very important date.....sorry but I've made 5 Memory bears in last two days plus other urgent sewing jobs too and of course my customers must come first :-). I guess it's better late than never eh?
    Love Max's poppy pics but also love the snowdrop ones she's shared today too.
    Annie x

  13. Ah Ben's counting made me smile! Growing up indeed, Jo.
    Love the sheep and poppies, of course! Ive my sheep in pride of place on my bookcase, top centre shelf! And my dumfibg poppy I bought 3 with owl or was it two? Cant recall anyway its in centre of cabinet side as walk into my craftroom.. WOYWWers are everywhere!
    Sorry for such late visit .. 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.