Wednesday 11 December 2019


Good morning to all my WOYWW buddies and anyone else who pops in to see what I have been busy with. My sewing room has actually had a bit of stitchy action over the last week...

Ben is hoping Santa will bring him a knight's outfit for Christmas so I have been busy delving into my fabric stash. I made a tabard, hood and cloak - all from fabric tucked away in drawers and cupboards! I hope he likes it.

Then, I had a request from a special friend.
She needed 5 little brooches - they were to be worn to celebrate the life of a special lady at her husband's funeral. A lovely idea.

Out came the lilac/lavender wool rovings. The colour was chosen and 5 little brooches duly needle-felted and a tiny scattering of beads to add a bit of sparkle. I think they will be just right for the occasion.

And lastly.. a little hospital tabard to go with Dr/nurses set for a little one in the family.

Never a dull moment here!

I hope you are all well and not too busy with the build up to Christmas.

Have a great week - thanks for dropping by.

xx Jo


  1. Happy WOYWW. Wonderful to see your usual selection of fabulous creations. I am sure all will be received with delight. Ali x #15

  2. With all that Christmas entails you are extra busy making outfits. Love the Knight one, Ben will be delighted. Isn't he lucky having such a talented Gran who can make all these things for him, and with a talented mum also he will surely turn out a "bit of a dab hand" himself at something crafty,
    Love the hearts - perfect!
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx

  3. Hi Jo, wow they've all been keeping you busy this week. Love the knights outfit, and I'm sure Ben will too. The brooches are a lovely idea, and look beautiful. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  4. You are as busy as a bee! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #20

  5. I've had to finish two more Memory bears this morning before I could check out my favourite blogs so I'm a little later visiting today.
    Really love all your dressing up makes Jo...clever you.
    Annie x

  6. Never a dull moment indeed! You are so clever at making the dressing up clothes from decent fabric instead of the polyester tat on sale in shops. Hope the Knight is pleased with his outfit when Santa drops it down the chimney.

  7. I say it every time I visit you. More sewing! Thanks for the inspiration. Robyn 9

  8. That knights outfit is perfect - I am certain that he will love it! I also really like the beautiful little broaches. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#11)

  9. I think Ben will love the outfit - clever you! Love the brooches, too. How special. Helen #1

  10. Hi Jo. Another home where there is never a dull moment! The costumes are great, and I'm sure they will be well received. Lovely little brooches.
    Take care. Thanks for the gorgeous card. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  11. Well I don’t think Ben could fail to like his Knight outfit, he’ll be made up! I envisage a lot of wearing, Max even going shopping with a knight errant because he wants to wear it everywhere! Actually love the idea of the brooches, how wonderful that you were able to help.

  12. Love the knight's outfit, imagine he will be thrilled.
    Have a good week
    Christine #28


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.