Wednesday 4 December 2019


Good morning to all our WOYWW friends around the globe and anyone else who drops in to see what I am up to.
Mostly I have been chief packing elf for Tilly. She has had lots of pre- Christmas sales, which is wonderful, so I have had to lend a hand at getting them ready to post.

I have a new little friend in my work room today - maybe he will get the feather duster out and flick it round whilst he is here!

He is called Slim the Sloth.
Ben decided he would like one to go with his menagerie of soft toys.
So Slim will be carefully gift wrapped and popped in Ben's stocking on Christmas Eve.

I knitted him with a free pattern that I found on Lovecrafts.
I did have a bit of a battle with him though.

His head and body are knitted in one piece and then all the other bits are stitched on.
Foolishly, I was knitting late into the evening and managed to stitch his "bits" on upside down. I had to unpick and start sewing all over again.
 (You see that his head is bigger than his body - and I picked it up and started sewing with the small part for the head - quite logical as that is how it would be in real life. Then I looked at the picture and realised, to make it look more sloth-like, it was the other way round!)

Note to self - slow but sure wins the race.

I hope you are all well and keeping busy!!

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Well, I hope that his bits are now in the right place, lol! I've done so many stupid things through rushing a job so you're certainly not on your own! He's a very happy sloth, I love his face :-)
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  2. Hi JO, laughing at you sewing his 'bits' on upside down! I've made all sorts of blunders with cards in the past, all my own fault for not checking something carefully,lol.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 X

  3. Slim is wonderful, and well worth the battle to assemble his bits! I will have to have a look on Lovecrafts for the pattern!
    Amelia #17

  4. I'm loving Slim the Sloth....modelled on me of course [think I've lost 4lbs so far :-)].
    Annie x

  5. Hi Jo, chuckling at you sewing Slim's bits on - poor you and poor sloth too. I'm sure Ben's going to be delighted to find him in his stocking. Good to hear Tilly is doing so well, even if it does mean you're a busy packing elf at the moment. It's always good to see our children doing well. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #19

  6. Slim the Sloth is simply wonderful. I am sure that Ben will love him. Happy WOYWW. Take care, With Love & God Bless Caro xx (#5)

  7. The sloth is wonderful and again I am amazed at your patience in creating all the little creatures that you do.

  8. Such lovely creatures and what a great name he has, you are one wonderful Nan Jo. Happy WoywW Tracey #8

  9. Hi Jo.ove Slim the Sloth. Poor thing having his bits on upside down lol! Thanks for visiting. Anne X 21

  10. Happy WOYWW x I love your sloth, so glad his bits are the right way up 😊 Angela #25

  11. I think your little friend is really cute, love him/her. Wishing you a happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

  12. Lovely knitting and Slim the sloth is great,

    Lilian B #14

  13. I am sure Ben will love his new friend Jo. definitely worth persevering with! Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #2

  14. Good job you are not a surgeon if you put "bits" on the wrong way round. LOL
    Love Slim though and am sure your grandson will be delighted with the new addition to his animal family - are you planning on making a zoo?
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  15. Thanks for your visit....Things have gotten more stable, dealing with laryengitis and sinus so resting. Your little knitted Sloth ! You remind me so much of my Mother, back in the day of my sons being Ben's age. She made so many stuffed things for them. I've them all, as the DIL's pitch things and someday hope my grandkids will enjoy them as a "Treasure" as they still have a great grandma and love visiting her. Enjoy a great weekend


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.