Wednesday 18 December 2019

WOYWW - festive special

 Just a quick one today.

I am posting my snowman card to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Things might get a bit busy before our Christmas Day WOYWW so just in case I don't make it, I wanted to send you all my good wishes and hope you have a wonderful time.

The little poinsettia below is so bright and cheery it surely will make everyone smile!
I hope you are all well and life is not too hectic.
Take time to enjoy the moment.

Thanks for calling and for your lovely comments.

xx Jo


  1. I adored my Snowman card! I always blu-tac my cards to our doors inside, they look great and I admire them each day. Hope you have a marvellous Christmas with the family - I'm looking forward to not playing carols for a while, lol!!!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  2. Aw Jo, beautiful pictures today. hectic? surely not!! I think of your desk as a port in the storm, so I hope the coming week stays level for you, and of course send you love for a Christmas. Xx

  3. Hi Jo, lovely poinsettia, they are so cheerful aren't they? Love the card, they're fab. Hope you have a lovely Christmas, Hugs, Shaz #2 X

  4. Love the snowman card Jo...but not as much as I love the one you made us :-)
    Annie x

  5. What a lovely poinsettia! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    Glenda #18

  6. Beautiful poinsettia Jo and an adorable card.. Happy Christmas & WoywW Tracey #5

  7. Hi Jo. Lovely card there on the desk today - and a gorgeous poinsettia - I do so love them.
    Take care. God bless. Have a truly beautiful Christmas.
    Margaret #1

  8. Thank you for giving us all such a beautiful (virtual) card. I love the poinsettia too. Have a joyful Christmas with your family and best wishes for 2020.

  9. What an adorable little snowman card, and the Poinsettia is beautiful - what a vivid colour.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas,
    Hugs, Diana x #23

  10. The snowman card is beautiful. Your poinsettia is looking more healthy than mine, I really must try harder. Sending you big Christmas WOYWW hugs, Angela x13x

  11. I have a poinsettia too, ought for me by my lovely daughter. I am hoping I can look after this one better! Happy WOYWW and have a great Christmas Angela #21

  12. That snowman is SO adorable! Happy WOYWW. Hope you have a lovely Christmas. Caro x (#15)

  13. Loving that snowman card, it's beautiful.. hopefully the only snow we will see, on cards!! Really pretty poinsettia too. If we don't see you next week, have a fabulous Christmas. Helen #7

  14. The poinsettia is lovely and has become almost a symbol of Christmas over here.
    Thank you for the Christmas card you are showing for us all and thanks for the real one I received which I adore and which will feature next week in my post.
    Have a Wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  15. Merry Christmas Jo, the card is brilliant. Love poinsettias but have black thumbs so don't dare get one for myself lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  16. Hi Jo Sorry I am late visiting. I'm doing flying visits round desks, as I've been AWOL for so long and wanted to catch up and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Aww, the snowman card is so cute, and yes I love poinsettias at Christmas. Have a lovely week Heather xx #31

  17. Happy Belated WOYWDW

    Tjats a lovely card and the poinsettia is lovely, I had one but its just did not like it here and all the leaves fell off, Think it was not to goo when i brought it,

    Lilian B #28

  18. Sorry I am so late. Love the card. My Poinsettia not doing so well. I have followed all instructions, to no avail. :-(
    Happy Christmas Anne X 9

  19. Stopping by to catch up and wish You and Yours a Happy and Delightful NEW YEAR 2020. Loving your little Snowman and your cheery Poinsettia I used previous Mr. Linky to find people TECH amazingly frustrating. ♥♥๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.