Wednesday 27 November 2019


Happy Wednesday everyone!

This week I have made an attempt at a few Christmas cards.
I sorted through my fabrics to find snippets for tiny collages and made about 12 before I ran out of steam.

Today I am going to start again and make a few more - if time allows.

I have been busy parcelling and delivering stock for Tilly Tea Dance and today of course it's my day to pick up Ben from school. 
No doubt we will have playtime fun and chill out story time. Last week we created an entire wildlife area on my lounge coffee table and he made up stories about all the soft toy animals that were roaming the "North Mountain" and "Bushland". (He has a great imagination and is good at directing others to join in!!)

So, have a great week.
I will be round to see what you are up to later.

xx Jo


  1. Your cards are looking fab Jo and it’s really lovely to see you enjoying some creative time.
    Annie x

  2. Hi Jo. Those cards are lovely - well done. Trust you get done all that you want to before you must travel North Mountain and Bushland again - or wherever the fancy will take you this week!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  3. Great cards Jo! That blue polka dot fabric is perfect for a snowy sky, great cards all round though, glad you enjoyed your crafty time!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  4. Fabulous cards and I'm super impressed at the rate you are making them with all that stitching and lovely detail - I average about 4 a week with a lot more sitting and thinking about them than actual 'doing'!
    Enjoy your adventures with Ben today - it sounds like you have such fun times,
    Diana x #16

  5. Hi Jo, how fabulous that Ben is growing up to use his imagination. Love the cards,great job.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #18 X

  6. Fabulous cards, Jo. We same to share a love of using up scraps! Catriona

  7. So what is Ben going to be in the future - something to do with films or theatre directing/production. I love listening to a child who has so much imagination, there tiny minds ar so open and receptive. You just enjoy your time with him and blow the card making. Nice cards you have there though.
    Hugs, Neet x 9

  8. I love your fabric collages, Jo! Have fun with Ben! He's at the best age! zsuzsa #20

  9. The cards are gorgeous Jo. Have a lovely creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x15x

  10. Sounds like you and Ben have great fun after school Jo, you obviously are very inspirational to him to encourage his imagination, children are awesome. I miss my pre-school kiddies. Your fabric cards are fabulous keep going on them!!
    Happy WoywW Tracey #4

  11. Great cards Jo. Ben certainly has a brilliant imagination and an excellent vocabulary too. Hope you had fun together. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #8

  12. Wonderful wonderful cards Jo, so lovingly detailed and made well done you, and hope you’ve enough time to make more if you want to... glad you’ve time to play with Ben too they grow up so quickly.
    Loved your orchid on your smiles post too, really stunning!
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless, hugs Shaz in Oz.x #14 I think

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. Happy belated WOYWDW
    Thank you for your visit ..

    Great selection of cards the front one really looks like you could walk the buildings

    Lilian B # 13

  14. Ohhh these are gorgeous.... hope you had lots of fun with Ben.
    Sandra de @27

  15. What lovely Christmas cards! I too am still finishing up but I'm hoping to have a few left over for next year! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #17


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.