Wednesday 9 October 2019


This week I have been mostly knitting little fairies.
I always say that I won't order more wool - I am sure I have plenty of scraps for little fairies.
Then, I decide a bit of something sparkly would be good - so now I am waiting for some bright glittery yarns to arrive!

The pattern is by Wendy Phillips - I ordered mine on Lovecrafts - "Ten tiny fairies"

I think Ben's little friends will love them.

I'm not sure how much knitting I shall do this week.
I think I pulled a muscle in my back today (I blame a heavy vacuum cleaner).
So I might just have to chill out with my feet up - ha ha - like that's likely.

Hope you are all well.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. the little fairies are beautiful, and I can totally see them rocking a glittery look too! hope your back eases soon - I always knew housework was bad for you! take care Helen #2

  2. Those fairies are gorgeous!! I would like to have a go but are they very fiddly? You know me and how I avoid tiny intricate things like the plague..... I shall look at the pattern now. Hope your back isn't too awful, you obviously musn't do any more hoovering is the answer!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  3. Morning Jo. Yes, I quite agree with Jan - definitely no more hovering - feet up, the occasional bit of knitting and much relaxing is called for! Those little dolls are lovely - a bit like Ani's angels...
    Trust the back eases soon.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  4. Cute little faries. I never learned to knit and would have loved that. Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #10

  5. Hope you read this with your feet up Jo, rest that back. Sweet little Fairies, love knitted creations, perfect for any age.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #11

  6. Oh they are cute Jo, how sweet! I say again, how patient you are. So sorry about your back...definitely take it easy, its a horrible thing, I hope you can find a comfortable position in which to rest.

  7. Now they are super sweet and a bit of glittery yarn will add that touch of glitter class.
    sandra de 18

  8. Hi Jo, hope your back eases up, nothing worse than a bad back. Love the fairies, how sweet are they? Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  9. Love the little fairies....don't forget to come and dip into my wool stock.
    Annie x

  10. Just stopping by to say hi, fellow deskie! Fonda #9 Cute little fairies!

  11. Lovely fairies - you have a great deal of patience!
    Kath x

  12. Awh I’m sorry about your back. I have problems with mine and it’s no fun.
    Have a play around with those little fairies you’ve created they are lovely and they’ll keep you out of mischief
    Lynn x 16

  13. Lovely little fairies and sympathy for the back.m

  14. The fairies are just so sweet. You take it easy and rest that back today....well and tomorrow too if necessary! Have a lovely woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x14x

  15. Hope you back is better soon and I love the faries,

    lilian B # 15

  16. Hello Jo, sorry about your back - hope it eases soon or you really will have to chill out and put your feet. The fairies are lovely, just the cutest and I think the children will live them. And you need an excuse to buy glittery yarn (?) Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie X #20

  17. Hi Jo, oh dear definitely no more hoovering for you! Hope you pulled muscle gets better soon. The fairies are gorgeous - the glittery yarn will go down well for them. Have a lovely week Heather xx #28

  18. I do hope your back recovers soon Jo, there's nothing worse! Love the fairies, good excuse to buy some more wool lol. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #4

  19. These fairies are so lovely! Hope the back gets better soon! The vacuum cleaner....just walk away from the vacuum cleaner!!! Hugs, Chrisx 30

  20. Those fairies are adorable! Sorry for the late visit, but life has got a little out of hand this week. Hope you are having a good week. Caro x (#8)

  21. I think my comment must have evaporated, I remember commenting how heavy vacuum cleaners are. Hope you back is better now, love your little fairies.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.