Wednesday 2 October 2019


It's a brighter Autumn day here today.
Yesterday was wet and windy so you can imagine how lovely it was to receive a little bit of Australian sunshine through the post!...….

Thanks Shaz for my lovely little parcel!

Ben will be here later to open his little gift and I am sure he will love the Aussie wrapping paper too.

The little card is beautiful and my handy shopper will come in very useful.

I have Tilly coming to wet felt today so she will love to know how much you enjoyed her little sheepy picture etc. It's fun to see her artwork spreading across the globe!

Well, I must dash. I am sitting here with wet hair so must get organised before she arrives.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Morning Jo. What a lovely gist from Australia! Have a great day with Tilly and Ben - tell her the little picture I made is much admired!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  2. That Shaz in Oz has been spreading lots of happiness around the desks today! How exciting for Ben to receive something all the way from Australia! You'd better get your hair dried. Fore Tilly turns up, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  3. How lovely to get happy mail from the other side of the world. enjoy your wet felting day.
    Annie x

  4. I had happy mail from Shaz this week as well! I love the card and shopper she sent you. Have a lovely time with Tilly and Ben today. Happy WOYWW. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#12)

  5. What a pretty card you received. Enjoy the shoopper and have fun with your visitors! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #14

  6. We too appear to have been blessed with the sun today after an awful few days of rain. Make the most of it as I believe rain is returning ewwww.. Lovely things from Shaz, people are so generous. Enjoy your Tilly day & wet felting.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #5

  7. What a great gift from shaz. Have a good week Helen #1

  8. Lovely gifts lucky lady. So nice to receive post these days. Ani #6

  9. How lovely to receive a package from Australia. Such pretty wrapping too. Hope you got your hair dry in time. Have a great week. Hug, Ellie X #22

  10. Love all the birds - what a lovely gift.
    April #20

  11. Stopping by to say hi, fellow deskie! Happy WOYWW! Fonda #23

  12. What a lovely surprise from Shaz Jo. Hope you and Maxine had a great day together yesterday and that Ben has fun with his present. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #4

  13. Isn’t it lovely to receive a gift in the post? We are such a generous group and I am so happy I found you all.

  14. Hi there Jo, am sooo over the moon that it arrived there safely with you!, I didn’t put tape on Bens paper do as not to spoil, it’s actually quite old wrapping papers I’ve had for years and pull it out for special folks.
    Hope Ben likes his pressie too. I really loved that shopping bag too. Loved your items mailed from WOYWW anniversary and so appreciated your passing mine on when they took 86 days.
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #18

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  15. BTW Jo Ben might like to see this link too, then he might get his pressie more. Xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.