Wednesday 16 October 2019


My little fairies are all dressed up and ready to go!

I gave them all a little pair of bead shoes. I thought some might be used as Christmas tree decorations and the extra weight will help them to hang nicely.

I will let Ben choose which ones he wants for his little friends.
If any are left over I will sell them and donate the pennies to Children in Need.


This is the result of my hard work yesterday.
Max wanted some yarns dyeing so that she could wet felt them into her landscapes.
She is keeping very busy with her Tilly Tea Dance workshops and also trying to get a collection together for a little art exhibition in Oswestry at the end of the month.

So I boiled up a green set and a warm wine set.
I like the results and they should be useful.
I can add some to the next round of Inspiration packs too - although having made 78 last week we might not need any more before Christmas!

Today, I think we will be felting together and then it will be fun time later when Ben comes for tea.

Have a great week and thanks for calling by - it's lovely to connect with so many crafty WOYWW friends around the globe.

xx Jo


  1. I love those fairies! the dyed yarn looks gorgeous too. Helen #1

  2. Love the little fairies Jo. I'm sure max will be thrilled with the dyed yarns...very useful colours I'm sure.
    Annie x

  3. Beautiful colours you have chosen for the yarn and those fairies are super sweet. I think Ben will be very popular.
    sandra de @16

  4. Your fairies look like they are all dressed up ready to meet their new homes. Fab dyed yarns I do love the texture they create, you and Max make a great team together. So nice to hear it's all going well.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #6 x

  5. Your little fairies are adorable, I'm sure they will be very loved in their new homes. The dyed yarns are gorgeous - they are just the perfect soft and
    gentle colours for landscapes.
    Have a lovely day felting and entertaining Ben for tea,
    Diana x #17

  6. The little fairies are adorable! That yarn is amazing. Go girl!
    Glenda #15

  7. Just love your little knitted Fairies. I am always amazed at how much you accomplish in a week. Beautiful colors for Max's projects. I love it when the young push ahead with what they love to do. You are blessed to all be in the same area to spend time together. Hugs to Ben !

  8. I love your fairies - they're so cute!
    Kath #27

  9. Hi Jo. Never a dull moment in your neighbourhood, is there?! I love your little dolls and the idea of making bead shoes is great. Lovely dyed yard, too. Hope Max enjoys using it.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  10. Oh my those fairies are scrumptious! And the yarn - drool at those colours. Happy WOYWW Cindy #18

  11. Those fairies are just delightful!! I bet they'll go like hot cakes :-). Boiling up dyes brings back memories of when I went through a natural dye phase and the kitchen smelt of rotten cabbage for weeks!!
    HUgs LLJ 4 xxx

  12. Such sweet fairies, love them. Loving the died yarn too. Hope you've had a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

  13. Those fairies are so cute, you would get pounds not pennies! I hope your back is better, vacuum cleaners can be surprisingly heavy! Love the colours of your yarn. Did you spin it? I bought a Jacobs fleece to do some hand spinning, but have never done any. It’s sitting under the spare bed!

  14. Love your little fairies, they are absolutely adorable. Put my name down for one of them and let me know how much I owe you - a wonderful idea to raise money for Children in Need.
    Yesterday at the chiropractor she was telling me she is going to a Gala Dinner where the parents of a little boy try to raise money to pay for his treatment. He was prematurely born and so does not qualify for disability funding. Therefore this is one way they raise money for him, to help pay for different people to treat him.
    So many children are in need that if I can help just in a small way by buying a fairy and a raffle ticket (yesterday) I will and I thank you for what you are doing.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  15. Nothing quite as beautiful as hand dyed yarn 🧶 to drool over, Jo, it’s so beautiful. Love the fairies too, very cute.
    Am sure you enjoyed your felting and busy all over again..
    Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #10

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.