Wednesday 30 October 2019


A very quick post this week..... this little flock of fairies is all ready to set off on their journey to North Wales.
I packed a boxful of crafty bits and bobs for an outreach group who have a Christmas Fair up there.
I am sure someone will love a little fairy in a box.

I am still knitting them so there will be a few more out and about quite soon!

It's school half term here so I have lots of Halloween fun and games to play this week.
Yesterday we decorated Ben's tent with spooky fabric so that it was nice and dark inside.
Today we will be making pumpkin bunting and dancing ghosties!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. The fairies will fly away at the fair-the boxes are such a lovely idea. I’ve finished hats now and am back to sewing! Happy week.

  2. Have plenty of half term fun with Ben Jo. Love the fairies. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. There's so much to love about those fairies Jo, I think they'd look fab hanging from a Christmas Tree..!? They will be very well received. Have fun with the Halloween prep.. Warm Hugs & Happy WoywW Tracey #3

  4. Those fairies are genius and are bound to fly off the stall :-). You're such a generous and kind soul, Jo and a Supergran Ben will love his Halloween activities!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. They just keep getting cuter and cuter.
    sandra de @9

  6. The little fairies are adorable and sure to sell well! Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #18

  7. The little fairies are just so cute and I love the little boxes too. Pumpkin bunting sounds gorgeous -I hope you have lots of fun doing Halloween stuff this week with Ben - my nephews are now too old for Halloween (so they tell me) so this is the first year I won't be making Halloween stuff - I'll miss it!
    Hugs, Diana x #16

  8. I'm sure the fairies will fly. Enjoy Halloween. Helen #8

  9. I’d love a house full of those fairies Jo they are delightful.
    Pumpkin bunting sounds fabulous. Enjoy
    Lynn 12 x

  10. These are so cute! Happy WOYWW Cindy #23

  11. Gorgeous little fairies....I'm sure they will sell well.
    Annie x

  12. I love your Christmas fairies - they're so cute!
    Kath #19

  13. They are adorable Jo. Wishing you a very happy woyww and a lovely creative week, Angela x17x

  14. i just love your fairies, its so lovely to do things for others and outreach is a great cause,

    Have fun Halloween.

    Happy belated WOYWDW

    lilian B #15

  15. Wishing you a very happy WOYWW for yesterday. Where in North Wales are your fairies going to? Maybe I could go and buy one :)

  16. I absolutely adore Fairy Nuff, she is beautiful as are all the fairies you have been making. Am sure they will sell well for the charity.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  17. Hi Jo. Loving those little fairies!! Hope they sell well at the event.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  18. honestly, I just feel like a sloth each time I come over here to check on what you have been doing....... sigh...must find some 'zing' and get a move on....

    today I have just been playing on Flickr adding some photos and not much else..oh, watching the birds and taking pics of course.... I really need to get out into a forested area with my camera too.....

  19. Soo cute and all different hairstyles, dress styles, etc makes them really unique Jo, blue with blond pigtails is my fav! Well done.
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #2

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.