Wednesday 6 November 2019


Do you know this man?
Annie's birthday treat was a trip to the theatre to hear Gruffydd Wyn sing.
We had a fab night and, as it was a charity do, we bought raffle tickets.
I won a basket with a bottle of red and a bottle of white wine.

On my way out - my dear Brother in law met the said singer and offered to give him a bottle of my wine!! We had a good giggle and I was snapped handing over a bottle of Tanner's best white to Gruff - he certainly deserved it - a lovely voice and a great evening of music - including the lovely Libby Gliksman who also sang so beautifully.
Message to self - don't let BIL near my raffle prizes!!

Here's my desk today.
Just a few snowmen covers for chocolate oranges. They will be going off to charity soon.
I have a few more fairies to knit in the next few weeks. They too will be winging their way around the town for charity.

So that's it for this week.

Another busy week ahead.
Have fun!

xx Jo


  1. I did chuckle at your prize being re=purposed like that but what a fab evening it sounds! Love the chocolate orange covers, they are so cute! Helen #4

  2. You said you’d be happy to share your prize with him so we encouraged it to help your drink problem! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    It was a great night and he really did deserve a treat.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo. What a great night out - even if BIL did help with the redistribution of your raffle prize! Gorgeous little snowmen! Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  4. That's a great pic of you both, but trust Doddy to give away your winnings!!! Those Terry's Chocolate orange covers are brilliant, I might copy that idea and make some for the WI stall at the town's Christmas Christmas event!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  5. Hello Jo, you look as though you had a great time with Gruffydd even if it cost a bottle of wine. Wicked brother-in-law :) That's a superb collection of chocolate orange covers you've been making - they make the cutest stocking fillers. Hugs, Ellie x #20

  6. Oh well sounds like you had a good time despite 'donating' your prize! Lovethe little snowmen Happy WOYWW Cindy #19

  7. Those chocolate orange covers are ever so cute! Almost (but not quite) as cute as your little flock of fairies, and they are all so beautifully made and finished! I wish I had a fraction of your patience and stamina to put all those tiny pieces together!
    Amelia #22

  8. Well done in the raffle, is your brother in law buying you another bottle of wine :) Thank you for my little fairy, love the colour of the tissue paper :) She is on my mantlepiece at the moment. A happy WOYWW!

  9. How like your brother in law! It’s a lovely photo of you and Gruff...and Annie, doing a partial photobomb! What fun.
    Love the chocolate orange hats, how clever...I expect you’ll see your knits in various high street shop windows at this rate, you’ll prolly get a blue plaque for being a prolific charity knitter.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful evening Jo and so kind of you to share part of your raffle prize too ... even if it wasn't in the planning hee hee! Those chocolate orange covers are fab, my Mom knitted hats for our children's a few years ago and they still have them to this day. Thanks for sharing WoywW Tracey #11

  11. Loving the chocolate orange covers, great idea and pleased you had a good time. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

  12. Looks like a fun evening out-naughty brother in law! My friend is knitting the christmas pudding covers for oranges and we found a super pattern online that fits perfectly.

  13. Sounds like a good evening all round Jo (apart from missing out on some of the wine lol). Love the snowman chocolate orange covers. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #5

  14. What a fantastic evening and how nice to meet the man himself. Those chocolate orange covers are fab! Any chance I could buy a few? Sorry for the late visit this week. Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)

  15. Love the little snowmen covers.. they reminded me of some knitted stocking caps or toques as we Canadians call them.. that I bought eons ago and now don't have, of course, ...only big enough to fit onto the top of boiled eggs. Just a little joke thing I guess... but, I thought they were very cute back in the day... and, bought four ... hahah....

  16. What a lovely photo of you, congratulations on your win - or should it be half win?
    Love the snowmen.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.