Wednesday 23 October 2019


Last week I was informed that I was making a "mummy" costume ready for Ben for a Halloween party!
So, out came the old T shirts and a bag of sheeting remnants.
I used his PJs as a pattern and cut out a top and trousers.
I stitched strips of sheeting across all pieces, before making up the garment.
Then I added a hood and some extra bits and bobs to make it look well worn.

The result was one very happy little boy who wore the outfit for the entire evening.

This week I am making little gift pouches from card for the tiny fairies.
You will know that card/papercraft is not really my thing but I was quite pleased with the result.

I think his little friends will love having a fairy in a packet don't you?

That's it for this week.

See you around the WOYWW desks later.

xx  Jo


  1. Love the Mummy costume! well done too on your papercrafting - perfect packets for fairies. Helen #1

  2. The mummy costume is fabulous, no wonder he didn’t take it off and your little gift pouches are beautiful. You are clever missus xx
    Lynn 10

  3. The Mummy costume is really fab. I can see why Ben loved it. Clever you with the little boxes...they make a perfect gift even better.
    Annie x

  4. Ben's costume is superb. What a great idea and such a change from the normal witches and wizards. I can imagine his reaction when he saw it.
    Your little pillow boxes are lovely and will work so well with the fairies.
    Thank you (wink wink)
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  5. I do think a fairy in a packet sounds just wonderful..they look great. So does the Mummy costume. I remember this early costume stage and being determined to make stuff that wouldn’t fall apart if she kept it on all night, which did mean real sewing. But I never send an outfit like this, it’s tremendous, what fun Ben must have had! Hurrah for you!

  6. The mummy costume is adorable and brings backf memories of my grandson one year. He was a mummy and we had such fun wrapping him!
    Glenda #18

  7. Your son's mummy outfit looks great! I am glad he was happy with it after all your work. Your little fairy boxes look great too x

  8. What a fantastic costume and I love the little pouches. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#6)

  9. That Mummy is so terrifying, glad Ben was happy with it, and the paper pillow boxes are bright and cheerful boxes for fairies. Well done.
    Chris #11

  10. The mummy outfit is great, it's not surprising Ben loved it. And the boxes for the fairies are lovely. Yes, the fairies in boxes will go down treat. Have a lovely week Heather xx #27

  11. Somebody is dressed for fun and the costume looks great. The little boxes look sweet too. Wishing you a very happy though rather late woyww, Angela x13x

  12. What a cleverly constructed costume Jo, I love the excitement of children when they dress up. Those little boxes make the perfect box to house those fairies.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #3

  13. Amazing Mummy costume Jo. I still remember getting less than two weeks notice of a Dalek costume for the summer fair from my eldest many years ago. I will have to find a photo as I am still rather proud of that one lol. The fairy pouches look great! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  14. Hi Jo, great job on the costume, I recall doing one very similar for my youngest when he was 8 or so- he's in his 30's now,lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  15. What a brilliant outfit!! I bet he was so pleased. The boxes are lovely and a gift from a fairy sound perfect. Sorry I am late getting round x have a lovely week.
    Soojay 26

  16. You have been busy Jo, and well done on your papercraft, they’re gorgeous packets for the wee fairies!
    I’m later than you! I understand re busy Wed Thurs etc same here!
    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.