Wednesday 25 September 2019


 Well, we had one happy little birthday boy over the weekend.
He loved his Robot Wars cake which I placed on a large foiled tray surrounded by his extra robot models.
Below is the one metre tall robot box model that I made for a bean bag game at his party.
As you can imagine, the little ones loved it and spent ages throwing bean bags into his basket and seeing who could score the most.

 In my free time (lol - and not much of that last week) I finished two twiddle mitts - my farm mitt and a Shrewsbury Town football mitt.

So that's it for this week.

NOW - just a little heads up on a date for your diary in case you missed seeing it on Annie's blog last week.....
Due to popular request, Annie and I have booked our local community hall again for the 2020 crop.

So...Saturday June 6th is the date - we hope you can make it. We had such a lovely day for CROP10 so I hope we can get lots of happy WOYWWers together for another great day.
More details nearer the time!

Thanks for calling by - see you round the desks later.

xx Jo


  1. Love the cake and the box robot is really fab Jo....I'm sure all the children loved it [and the mums and dads too].
    Annie x

  2. What a lovely cake! Very creative indeed!
    Glenda #18

  3. Wow, wow and double wow. you are amazing and what a treat for the kids and I am sure this will be a birthday to remember.
    sandra de @19

  4. Fantastic cake and love the robot game!! Bet they had a blast! Happy WOYWW Cindy #15

  5. Love the little cake and the mitts you have done,

    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B # 10

  6. Hi Jo, we'll be there! Love the cake and the robot, what a great idea for a game! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  7. Cake is perfect for what was requested. The game is such good fun-once an infant teacher, always an infant teacher! The twiddlemuffs are a work of art-they must bring such joy to the people who use them.

  8. The cake and the robot are fantastic! I absolutely love them. I really hope I can do the crop but it may not be possible with my church course on that weekend. I will see what I can juggle as I would love to be there if at all possible. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#7)

  9. Stopping by to say Happy WOYWW! Fonda

  10. I knew the cake would be genius and it is - well done you! I'm not surprised the kids loved that robot bean bag game, he's brilliant!
    Thank you so much for doing the Crop again next year, I'm already looking forward to it :-)
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  11. ooh loving the robots, they look fabulous.

    2020 date in my filofax (yes I know, old school!) Fingers crossed I can make it next year as hated missing it this year.

  12. Sounds like another busy week. Loving the cake and your knitting is always gorgeous. Hope you continue to have a lovely creative week and a very happy woyww, Angela x13x

  13. Lovely cake watch out Great British Bake off. Good looking twiddle muffs always some organisation looking for them. Ani #5

  14. Wonderful news about the Crop .... PJ and I have it in our Diaries. Thank you so much for hosting another one.
    Love that robot game, what a brilliant idea... no wonder the party goers loved it as well.
    Have a good crafty week
    Christine #16

  15. Looks truly wonderful that cake, Jo, and how clever are you with that bean bag game, very inventive!! And yes always love love the twiddle mitts. Little gifts of love. Caro has received mail psosted same day as yours so pray yours doesn’t take long route around.
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #14

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  16. Sorry to be late. Have a blog post going up tomorrow about Crop11, how exciting! Love the robot for the beanbag Game, we encountered this game a lot when we were in the states, go to a drinks or ‘grill’ evening at someone’s house and you’ll end up playing garden games, great fun, I bet the children were delighted with your robot, what a great party!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.