Wednesday 18 September 2019


This week I shall be mostly baking and decorating a certain little boy's birthday cake.
He says he wants a  "Robot Wars" cake so that should be fun!
We did the preliminary sketches together.....

His idea

My idea
I think Ben has a bit more creativity in his ideas and I'm the one trying to put it into icing and decorating! I'm hoping some of his little robots will fit on top of it as it's not going to be the size of a table top as Ben has planned it!!

My only crafty activity other than cake planning has been finishing off my latest seaside twiddle mitt.

My next one has a farming theme...

I think I have a big robot model to make this week so I won't have much spare crafty time for my own stuff (nothing new there then!)

Have a great week.
Thanks for calling by.

xx Jo


  1. the cake sounds amazing, in either Ben's eyes or yours! can't wait to see it. Love the latest twiddle mitts. Helen #2

  2. Happy birthday to Ben-hope the cake making goes well. Amazingly detailed twiddlemuff and I can’t wait to see the farm themed one.

  3. Good luck with the cake making this week Jo and enjoy your fun time creating your amazing twiddle muffs....that are so much better in real life.
    Annie x

  4. Hi Jo, laughing here at how big Ben wanted his cake! Love the themed twiddle mitts, what a great idea. Gorgeous colours too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  5. Oh bless, that will be a helluva cake - hope to see it next time! Lovely twiddle mitts - they must be so fiddly to make with all the little bits and bobs, but so cute! Happy birthday to Ben - he's exactly 10 years younger than my son! Blink and he'll be 15, you'll see! zsuzsa #18

  6. Whatever you do, Ben will think it's amazing!! Good luck with the cake making. Those twiddlemuffs are so wonderful, the sea ones are fantastic but it's the farming one that stole my heart, it's gorgeous. You are one clever gal!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  7. Hi Joe, love Ben's plan for his cake but can see that it's just a wee bit difficult to translate to sponge and icing. He'll love your interpretation and think you are the best grandma ever. Love your themed twiddle muffs - the carrots look delicious :) Have a wonderful week, robot notwithstanding. Hugs, Ellie x #19

  8. I love your post today. Ben's plans are adorable and creative. I hope you post the finished cake for us to see. those twiddle muffs. So different and fun. So are they like fingerless gloves? I'd love to learn more about them. Dorlene #27

  9. It certainly sounds like you've set yourself a challenge with the robot wars cake - I wouldn't know where to begin. I love his ambitious desire for the cake to be the size of a table top, how funny!
    Love the twiddle mits, those little carrots are so cute.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #14

  10. Oh my life, I cant decide which to comment on first..Ben and his ambitious cake plan - how marvellous. Oh you are a wonderful Grann, I love that you’re taking it on - excited for you to see his little face when you ace this challenge! And what to say about the twiddle muffs..they are sublime and I suspect that staff will be bowled over by your creativity.

  11. Look forward to seeing the cake, great design ideas. The knitting is brilliant, love it to bits. Wishing you a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x10x

  12. Two things I can't do - makes cakes or knit!! Love your twiddle muff, especially the farm scene one. Happy WOYWW Cindy #16

  13. Happy BeLated WOYWDW

    Love the idea of the cake and such a sweet drawing by Ben, Good luck with the cake love the tweddle mitts.

    Lilian B # 8

  14. Those twiddle cuffs are amazing, I keep thinking I ought have a go, but I'm not a very good knitter, making imagininative birthday cakes is more fun, do share when it's done.
    CHRIS #11

  15. I do hope you remember to take a picture of Ben's cake when it is done Jo, it looks amazing. Lovely twiddle mitts, love the colours. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #3

  16. Ohhh Jo, those twiddle mitts are real works of art, love, love be the way you add those special little touches of love n them no matter what the theme.
    Can’t wait to see Bens cake, sent wee “par-sil” for Ben and your dear self, it would be wonderful if it arrived near his birthday, I had no idea of course. But Lord did, I wrote “very blackly” (to quote A.A.Milne) on the front of envelope, “PLEASE, don’t take 86 days like the last ones!”
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  17. I love how creative and unique your knitting work is, with all the detailing. I also love your coop with little Ben, who's cake he'll never forget. Thanks for your visit to my blog and happy belated WOYWW!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.