Wednesday 28 August 2019


Yes, back to school time for Nanny!

This week I have been busy with all sorts of necessary little jobs like shortening trousers and making 2 bags for Ben. The left hand one is made from a T shirt collected by Max after doing a 10K run. Quite appropriate little logo for his PE bag I thought.
The other bag is for his out door wear for forest school etc.

All good fun!

I am late posting today - I just seem to be a bit busy.
I spent most of yesterday taking down the Tilly Tea Dance exhibition and sorting all the pictures etc into the right places ready for their next purpose. I am sure she will be pleased at the result when she returns from her hols.

So, short and sweet today.
It's cooler and raining at the moment so I will catch up with a few jobs before meeting up with friends in Ruthin tomorrow.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Hi Jo, yes it's a bit cooler here today, which is good as I struggle more when it's as hot as it has been.The bag is ace, perfect logo for a sports kit. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  2. Love the bags Jo as I'm sure Ben will too. Hope the starting school goes down well for the little man.
    Annie x

  3. Hi ya Jo, so lovely to see that handmade bag, so much better than those mass produced ones that end up getting mixed up with everyone elses at the start of school. How those Summer holidays fly by. Wishing you and the family all the best & Thanks for sharing WoywW Tracey #15

  4. I really struggled at the weekend hence my empty desk today. Have a good day Helen #1

  5. Hi Jo, our little ones have gone back to school already - our summer starts so much sooner than yours - and ends all the sooner too. The little bags are fab and perfect for the intended jobs, though I've never heard of 'forest school' so I'm letting my imagination run riot. Colder here too and it's just started to rain - too dreary after the lovely couple of days we had at the weekend. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #19

  6. Hi Jo. Love your bag, Ben will be so pleased with it too. I cannot believe we are nearing the end of August already. Hope you have a Great Week. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. The summer just whizzed by! Can't believe it's back to school already - ah those happy days of name tape sewing and new shoes.... :-). Hope you have a fab time with your friends, I loved Ruthin, fab little town!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  8. Hi Jo. Two lovely bags there, and as you say, a most appropriate one. Have a great day across the border in Rhuthin tomorrow - enjoy spending time with your friends. I shall be manically busy taking orders for tea, coffee, jacket potatoes, toasties and sandwiches...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  9. The summer has gone far too quickly - definately not looking forward to going back to school next week. Love both the bags.
    Soojay 24

  10. Love the handmade bags - I am sure that Ben will love them. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#11)

  11. yes it a lot cooler today and it makes me feel like getting things done, great hand made bags

    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #12

  12. Hi Jo. The weather has been pleasant today, a little cooler but still sunny. Yesterday we had a massive thunderstorm which lasted hours and the rain only arrived after several hours. Have a great crafty week and a happy woyww, Angela x8x

  13. Ours go back next week and the week after. It seems to have simultaneously gone so fast and yet I and they are SO ready for them to go back. Still to hot for me here in Kent. Had a bit of rain today but still muggy. Roll on Autumn!

    Carmen x #30

  14. Ben is so lucky to have such a talented Nanny Jo. Enjoy your outing with friends in Ruthin. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  15. Hope you had a lovely time in lovely Ruthin. I had to laugh at your button situation from last week...i think I’ve got the four you were looking for! Meanwhile, I’m not sure about Forest School either, but I’m guessing its time spent doing outdoor activities that isn’t PE? Ben will have easily identifiable bags which is so helpful!

  16. Lovely wee bags Jo-it’s lovely to upcycle bits and pieces. Hope you enjoyed your catch up too. Forest Schools have been on the go for a long time here in Scotland although in urban schools this may just be some den building in a corner of the yard. Hope Ben enjoys school when he starts.

  17. Wonderful Jo, love the baggies. Very cute idea. And so agree with days getting busier ... nothing to do with me getting slower or even trying to fit more into them! 😆
    Happy very belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.