Wednesday 4 September 2019


Well, according to Max, Ben went off to school looking smart and feeling happy!
So that's another milestone passed successfully.
I hope he is just as happy next week when he will be there all day, 5 days a week!

I guess once Max gets her routines sorted out we will be back to a few Tilly Tea Dance crafting/organising sessions.
I will look forward to that - this week I am catching up on the necessary jobs - cleaning windows, sorting and dusting. ( Don't worry - this urge doesn't last long!)

I had a really busy week last week.
I took down Tilly's exhibition and got all the left overs sorted and ready for their new homes.
She did really well and had some lovely feedback from folk so it was well worth the effort.

I did manage to finish off a little twiddle mitt.

And, a kind friend gave me all these little items to trim up some more twiddle mitts so I will get going again now that the weather is a bit cooler for knitting!

Have a great week.
Thanks for calling by and leaving lovely comments too.

xx Jo


  1. I hope Ben settles fully into school life - after all there a few years to hurdle! I don't often get urges like yours so hope they pass soon! Love the new twiddle mitt Helen #1

  2. Good news about Ben settling at school-the children here go in at 9am on the first day and have full days from the on. All part of improving attainment but very long days for some four year olds. The twiddle mitt is amazing and you are so inventive in how you make them. Happy crafting. Say well done to Max on her successful exhibition.

  3. Hi Jo, I'm sure Ben will find school exciting- at least for a while, lol. Love the twiddle mits, and those flowers are lovely, will make a fab addition. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  4. Here's hoping Ben settles in to school life well and crafting/creating sessions can go into full flow for you both.
    Annie x

  5. Good luck to little Ben starting school! I remember my son starting school like it was yesterday - though it was exactly a decade ago in 2009! They grow up so quick! Love the twiddle mitt - it's so cheerful and girly! Hope you can get the window cleaning out of the way quickly, so you can do something more creative and enjoyable! zsuzsa #18

  6. Oh Ben will have a lovely time at school - hope you're ok now that granny time has been shortened. Well done on another fab twiddlemuff, those new embellishments are so sweet, they'll look wonderful decorating another.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  7. Hi Jo, your twiddle mitts are beautiful and I'm sure they bring a lot of comfort to the recipients. The trims your friend gave you look ideal for adding to mitts too. I've almost finished my second pair of socks - all I have to do is remember how to do Kitchener stitch to finish of the toes! It's good that Ben seems to have enjoyed his first day at school though I can hardly believe that he's old enough for that. Time just flies. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #21

  8. So pleased that Ben enjoyed his first day - they are usually ready for it by his age... I hope it continues next week! Love the colourful twiddle mitt. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  9. Good news that Ben went to school happy, love the twiddle muff
    Happy WOYWDW

    Lilian B # 8

  10. Cannot believe your grandson is at school already - seems like only yesterday you were telling us of his birth. Just like my friend's daughter who started secondary school yesterday. I cannot believe she is coming up to twelve.
    Children grow up too quickly these day - or am I just getting too old to realise what is happening around me?
    hugs, Neet 7 xx

  11. This week's mitt is gorgeous, so love the colours. Have a lovely woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x11x

  12. So glad Ben enjoyed his first day at school Jo. Hope the urge to do all those mundane jobs passes soon lol. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #2

  13. Aw, sweet Ben, hope he realises his commitment to daily school, I remember Miss Dunnit being quite suprised on about the 4th day that she was going again...tiring times for them, so exciting when they’re there though. Nice textural pieces to add to twiddle mitts. How kind and thoughtful of your friend. At Mum’s home theres a lovely lady who used to be a professional cleaner and she walks around constantly moving and rearranging stuff. (It has been a nuisance, no doubt, loads of residents stuff ends up in the wrong rooms) but the girls gave her some napkins and a toy iron, and she will sit restfully fo a good while doing the ironing. We also made up a load of ribbon lengths with large buttons tied to each end and put them in a drawstring bag...several residents like to sit and un jumble the different lengths. It’s difficult to come up with safe ideas though...anything to do with paper gets destroyed rather fast... a ‘ripping paper/books/photos’ seems to be a common part of the progress of dementia, shame. I expect now that Ben’s at school, Max will be able to grow Tilly even more - i can see you being even busier!!

  14. Hi Jo, glad Ben is doing well, there at school! The months are certainly rollicking by! Love your twiddlemits, they really are so very bright and cheery!
    Happy very belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  15. I hope Ben is very happy at school, it can sometimes be a bit of a shock when they discover it's five days a week for what seems like forever - I remember on day 3 my nephew saying 'I don't think I'll go in today'! Love the twiddle mitt and the little pieces of lace are gorgeous - what a kind friend you have!
    Sorry I'm so late this week, have a happy weekend,
    Diana x #15


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.