Wednesday 21 August 2019


How can this be possible....

I have jars and jars of buttons - thousands, I am sure.
AND yet, I only need 4 that would either match or look good together on this 6 month size chunky jacket that I have just finished.

Guess what.....

I am going to have to buy 4 more to complete my task!
It's not a problem but ridiculous all the same.
I was hoping to find a blue, red, yellow and green to match the flecks in the wool or 4 matching denim blue ones.

So, that's what's on my table today.
Now I will visit my WOYWW friends and see what's on theirs.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. I hope you find the buttons (and can buy just 4 if you do!) it's one of life's certainties isn't it, every colour but the one you need! Have a great week Helen #4

  2. I love buttons but always have the same problem. Beautiful piece of knitting and will be a lovely gift.

  3. Morning Jo. Yes - frustrating indeed - if we were nearer each other you could have delved into my button tin... sorry, a bit far away. The cardigan is lovely and will look great when buttoned up.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  4. Fabulous cardigan - is it for a certain special little man? How annoying that you didn't have just the right buttons, always the case - guess that is why we all have button boxes, we fill them up with left over ones from cards of buttons we buy.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  5. I laughed out loud at this!! In recognition of course - I've done it myself when I could find the right tone of ribbon or whatever. Hope you find the new ones ok and perhaps a few other little goodies as well :-D. Thank you sooooo much for sending Shaz inOz's ATC onto me with the lovely card, I do really appreciate your kindness Jo.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  6. Oh, what a cute little cardi and it will look lovely with colourful buttons! Hope you'll find them! At least it's a good excuse to go shopping and with any luck some other things will fall into your basket! Have a lovely week, Jo! zsuzsa #14

  7. Thats a llovely jacket and i know how that is i knit and have a bag of buttons BUT never the buttons i need lol
    Happy WOYWDW

    Lilian B #12

  8. Ohh, how funny... I am in the middle of knitting a jacket for a 6 months old baby and just the other day I thought "do I have matching buttons, and where's the button jar...??" I haven't looked yet but might end up going into town to buy me buttons.. yup, four. By the way, I love the pattern you knitted with those cables (do you call it like that too in the UK?) Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland! Marit #17

  9. So frustrating isn't it - the ones you need are always the ones that you don't have! Love the little cardigan- so pretty. Have a lovely week. With Love & God Bless, Caro x (#8)

  10. Wow! Such a great cardigan. People who knit/crochet amaze me. Have a wonderful WOYWW Wednesday and rest of the week. Dorlene #23

  11. Gorgeous sweater and I'm sure you will come up with what you need for buttons!
    Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #15

  12. That is just so gorgeous. Hope you find the buttons to match. If you can't maybe clear ones would work. Have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x13x

  13. That is the sweetest little jacket - I laughed at the button problem, I can so relate to that! Hope you find the perfect ones,
    Diana xx #20

  14. Ah dear Jo, thank you so very much for posting of those ATCs for me, truly appreciated very very much.

    What a gorgeous jumper... beautifully made... and oh yes so know the dismay felt when going through buttons you have, and coming up empty after all that effort (my mother’s button jar in my case, but not thousands)!
    Annoying plus, one good thing you will get ones just right and not near enough ones that way.
    Dumfing on my desk, yes! found it on lamp base where I’d put it, it’s always stayed out cos I really liked it. 2015 was a while ago!

    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #3

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.