Wednesday 14 August 2019


Well … not exactly my desk but I know Shaz in Oz will be so glad to see my post this week!

This little package arrived in the post today... check out the post date...23rd May!!
I think maybe it's flown by it's own power from Australia as it has taken two and a half months to arrive.
So, better late than never Shaz. I will be forwarding them on this week. Your little card is gorgeous and the message inside so very thoughtful. Thanks lots.

Apologies for not managing to show my desk last week - time flew by and I had a very busy week helping Tilly with mounting and finishing.
This week will be much the same so I have written this post today, Monday, ready for Wednesday - I hope that makes sense!

Thanks for calling by.

See you at your desks later.

xx Jo


  1. wow, Jo, that really IS snail mail! glad they arrived in the end, Shaz will be so relieved. Helen #2

  2. That letter obviously came via steamer rather than airmail Jo lol. Better late than never. It makes me hope that Bleubeard and Elizabeth might eventually get one of the tags that I sent to the US (either the original or the replacement). Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  3. At least they came Jo. Enjoy your busy week helping Tilly.

  4. I would have said they had gone the wrong way round the world to get here...if only it made much difference from the other side of the world.
    Annie x

  5. Sometimes I have to wonder what is going on with snail mail. It just gets worse and worse and more expensive all the time. I can put fuel in my car and hand deliver most cheaper than I can mail.
    Glenda #16

  6. Blimey, that took its time! I'd forgotten all about it to be honest - how lovely that it's finally made it to your place. Hope you're keeping well!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  7. Morning Jo. My goodness - that really took its time. Poor Shaz must have thought it had got completely lost! - and she posted it in time for the crop, too. However, glad it has arrived at last.
    Thanks so much for the hospitality last month - it was so good to spend the day with you and that sister of yours.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  8. Good Morning Jo. That was a long time to get to you, but looks as if you will enjoy having them now. Better late than Never. Hope you enjoy a good week. Hugs Rita xxxx

  9. Hi Jo, amazing how long that took. Probably been via a few other countries, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  10. Lovely Happy mail Jo, no matter how slowly they have taken to arrive they are so worth that wait.. Happy WoywW Tracey #14

  11. Nearly three months in the post - that's outrageous! Worth the wait though and lovely postage stamps too. I wish Royal Mail would go back to using proper stamps instead of the electronically printed ones! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #19

  12. Thats terrible nearly three months for mail to arrive. glad it got there in the end,

    Happy WOYWDW

    Lilian B#11

  13. Gosh, they took their time didn't they? I remember mine fromSandra de took ages, I think I got it about three weeks ago. Shows you should not give in.
    It was good to see Maxine on someone's blog (glitter and glue?) and good to see you help her as much as you do.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx-

  14. Oh goodness that was a long journey, my ATC from her arrived much later than either of us expected but definitely worth the wait and still not anywhere near this amount of time.
    I hope you have a great week,
    Hugs, Diana x #17

  15. My word Jo, you are so busy! So happy to see the envelope and goodies from Shaz at last, I know she was desperately disapppointed by their snail mail pace!

  16. WOW can't believe Shaz's parcel finally arrived. I was sure it was lost at sea! :-) Anne x #5

  17. Astounding, Jo! Around the world in eighty days!
    So they must have gone by the hot air balloon I think!
    Think somehow (ah screenshot! Yes!) I will print that out and take it down to show my post office, where it went after there I’d love to know.
    I’m waiting on a parcel from US from friend who has given up on it, I’m sending this to say, see wait, pray, prayer works, in God’s time!

    I thank you so VERY much for sending them off after all to individually named ones.
    As you can they were sent on Thursday week before crop as mail usually takes about ten days to UK, or even a week sometimes like to my friend in Lincolnshire takes a week to her, so amazing diverse times.
    Best go back to bed, insufficiency of sleep!
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #23?

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  18. Hi Jo, my ATC arrived this week from Shaz too. But it was well worth waiting for. Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #25

  19. I'm late getting round this week but I will drop by everyone no matter what, don't like to miss anyone out. At least the post got to you in the end though it would be interesting to know where they've been. Have a great creative week, and a happy belated woyww, Angela x15x

  20. Wow that took a long time to arrive but so worth the wait. They are stunning. As for pre-writing your posts, I do that often. Especially when life and work dominate the schedule. I aim to at least participate at least every two weeks (twice a month) and anything above that is great. I have a hard time usually making it to all the desks before the next week (as you can see now)!! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Belinda #27

  21. Hi Jo, I'm late too but better late than never! Goodness, the mail is slow from Australia ... you'd think airmail would be faster. I've got cousins in Australia that get here faster. Hope this week hasn't been as busy as anticipated. Hugs, Ellie x #23


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.