Wednesday 1 May 2019


 I thought I would show you some of the woolly gorgeousness that Max and I discovered at WONDERWOOL Wales - Builth Wells last Saturday.

 The three photos show most of the contents of our numerous bags that we returned home with.
There was such a lot of wonderful colours and textures to choose from and I am sure Max will enjoy crafting with such lovely stuff for her Tilly Tea Dance artwork and workshops.

It was a very cold, wet day and even in the big "halls" it was chilly and draughty, but that didn't stop us having a good time. Luckily I was saved from doing a "Vicar of Dibley" and stepping into a humungous puddle before I even got into the show! Max and I were jogging through the rain and I didn't realise the barriers were fencing off a deep stretch of water and nearly ran into it - it did cause quite a giggle.

So, all that is left is for me to catalogue what we bought, so that we know where it came from, in case we need to re-order.
I must admit I am tempted to get my "dumfing" machine out and play with some of it - do you think Max would notice if a bit was missing?!

Have a great week

xx Jo


  1. what fabulous bundles of wool! glad you had a good time at the weekend, and avoided the puddle! am trying not to smile at the image! Helen #3

  2. Happy WOYWW. Wonderful woolly stash. I have always wanted to go to Wonderwool, but the weather this year put me off. I do not cope with cold and rain anymore. Glad you avoided the large puddle. Ali x #12

  3. Nice woolly stash there! I'm so pleased you had a good day out, I'm determined to get to Wonderwool next year, there was just too much going on this time. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  4. Oh Lordy, am super impressed that you did avoid the puddle, but sort of a bit giggly at what might have been! I wouldn’t have been jogging, obviously, but I would have been gabbing and not noticed.....and Jan would just laugh and laugh and laugh.....
    Lovely lovely woolly haul. And even if she notices, Maxine will not mind and probably draw inspiration from, so I say..go for it...after all, why is temptation put there?!!

  5. Happy WOYWW #517 xx Jan (20)

  6. I am sure Max would notice if some of her rovings (?) were missing but I am equally sure she wouldn't mind if you took a little.
    What gorgeous colours - it always fascinates me to look at them and touch them at the shows and somehow, even though I don't "dumf" some always falls in my basket.
    Have a great week
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  7. Gorgeous wooly stash there Jo and I'm certain she would be happy to share....there has to be a certain amount of give and take ;-)
    Annie x

  8. Such loveliness there Jo! Go on she won't notice - do some dumfing!!!! I have always wanted to go to Wonderwool but it has never worked out for me. Maybe one day. Anne x #24

  9. Hi Jo, that wool/fibre stash is gorgeous. Some beautiful soft colour blends there. So good you avoided the puddle, that would have been awful. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  10. Seeing all that lovely wool takes me right back to my college days, up in Yorkshire. There were several wool mills in the town and we used to buy loads of wool, all in skeins, and still with all the natural oils in it. By the time the wool was wound into balls, our hands were lovely and soft. Have fun with all your wool. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #5

  11. Oh, such a lot of gorgeousness almost makes me want to take up dumfing too. It all looks very 'stroke-able' and I love the soft colours. Your trip sounds fun despite the near mishap. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #26

  12. Hello lovely - so nice to pop in and see you again after such a long break on my part. Love your all your buys. Fab colours. Take care Zo xx 25

  13. What a lovely lot of gorgeous wool! Not long now until we meet in person at the crop - I am so looking forward to it. Happy WOYWW. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#18)

  14. Hi Jo, Lovely wool.

    Did chuckle at you nearly doing a Vicar of Dibley:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #10

  15. I don't do much with wool myself these days Jo, but that collection is scrumptious and something that obviously needs stroking lol. I don't blame you for being tempted. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  16. Hi Jo, the colors and textures of those fibers looks so fun.
    ( I would just totally hoard them and finger them and do nothing with them) so, it will be interesting to see how they evolve. ~Stacy #31

  17. Great idea to log that beautiful wool, makes easy work and if like me forgetful minds a better chance at remembering where/when we discovered it. Such a tactile medium, I've had many a good find at Builth Wells. I'm sure if Max reads your blog she'll find out what happened to any skeins if they appear lighter than when first purchased :))
    Happy WoywW Tracey #33

  18. Oh pretty, pretty! I love all the colors and textures! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #9

  19. no, don't think Max will notice at all, you go for it :-), Vicky#23

  20. Hi Jo, sorry for the late visit. Some gorgeous colours of wool you have there. I laughed at your Vicar of Dibley almost-moment - that was one of my favourite sketches. Thanks for your earlier visit, and have a lovely bank holiday weekend, Heather x #15

  21. A crafter miss some of their new drooled over recently purchased goodies, rather suspect she may do Jo, they certainly make you wan to craft, look so much fun! Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shaz in Oz.x #16

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.