Wednesday 8 May 2019


Hello to all our WOYWW friends AND a quick reminder to sign up with Julia if you are coming to the crop on June 1st.
If your driver/friend/partner/hubby also wishes to enjoy lunch with us that's fine as long as you tell us. At the last count I think we have around 25/30 to cater for. 
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements - we will be ordering party food and will need to know if we have to order some gluten- free etc.

We will be setting out tables for..

  • Cakes 
  • Crafting and chatting.
  • Bring and anyone would like to bring any crafty item they no longer use to pass on to others then they are welcome but if by the time they leave it hasn't been taken by anyone then we ask you to take them home with you.
  • Draw prizes....most people usually bring a little something to go in a draw [doesn't need to be anything crafty]
  • And maybe a little more cake!
  • Food....there will be a cold finger food buffet [PARTY food....cos we have a lot to celebrate!]
  • Tea / Coffee and cold drinks will be available throughout the day
Julia has explained about our celebratory "pass it forward" -(see here). June 1st will be a good opportunity to save postage if you want to swap ATCs with folks there too, but that is entirely up to you.

Now here is what you really want to know....
This is what is on my desk today!
Tilly always gives out little "Inspiration Packs" at the end of her workshop.
So, I spent a good 5 hours happily mixing and matching yarns/rovings etc to make little colourful packs for her. Each one has a business card stapled to it as a reminder of Max's details.
They are always very popular and a lovely idea, I think.

So, that's it for today.
Not long till June 1st now!!!

See you soon.

xx Jo


  1. no particular dietary requirements here, Jo! I will be hoping to bring my atcs with me for the deskers coming so it's handy to know the sort of numbers I need. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Looking at all those gorgeous colours really gladdens the heart - I bet you had great fun! Thank you again for doing all the organising, I know from past experience that it's hard work but very rewarding. Really looking forward to seeing you.
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxxx

  3. How will we know who to swap with via the mail and who to bring to the crop for? Is there a list somewhere? (Maybe it is me, my brain is not working these days but I did just wonder)
    Love the little bags, do people get the colour they want or do they just get what given. i would be happy to receive any of those, so pretty and a great start to dumfing.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  4. Oh the sight of your desk makes me happy...all that gathered colour, rainbow looking, just waiting to inspire. I agree, I think the little bags ar3 a great way to give as well as remind, clever Maxine.

  5. There sure is inspiration in each of those little packs, what a great idea.
    You are all going to have a fab time at the Anniversary meet up!! Tracey #5

  6. Hi Jo, I can't believe how fast this has come around! We're really looking forward to it. I have I think, 3 things for the Draw table- double purchases, lol. Love the little bags, so pretty. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  7. Ooh the more I hear about it the more I wish I was coming to the crop - so much going on and all that cake too!!
    The little inspiration packs are lovely and the gorgeous colours alone would lure me into the craft of felting - such a sweet idea.
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #18

  8. I'm sure I left you a message earlier but it's been eaten by google :-)
    Love the little inspiration packs....all those juicy colours.
    Annie x

  9. Hi Jo, love those little inspirational packages - such a nice wee reminder of the workshop and Tilly. No special dietary requirements for either me or the hubby/chauffeur thanks. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #27

  10. I am hoping to bring bookmarks to swap and really can't wait to meet you all. Dietary wise I cannot eat shellfish so other than that will be fine. Did you want me to bring cake/traybake? Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW and have a great week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#17)

  11. Jo I’m a veggie and don’t take nuts. I can bring my own lunch if needed. Catriona

  12. I am gluten free, but I will bring my own lunch, so don't worry about me. I am really looking forward to getting together with everyone. The day will soon be upon us. xxx Maggie. (Silvercrafter) #24

  13. Hi. Love those little packets. I always like making and swapping little gifts at the Stampin Up events I attend.
    I will bring some ATC's with me to swap.
    DH and I have no special dietary requirements. Anne x 14

  14. Hi Jo, thanks for the list of 'tables'. I will remember to bring a prize for the draw, and may be something for the bring and take. Neither Mr M or I have any soecial dietary requirements. Thanks to you and Annie for organising. Looking forward to seeing you both again. Have a lovely week Heather x #11

  15. Gosh the time is going so fast. Wish I could be with you all. Have a great woyww and a lovely crafty week too, Angela x15x

  16. Sorry for the belated comment, I went straight to bed after work yesterday feeling lousy. I am so looking forward to the crop Jo. I will be bringing tag swaps as always. Love the little inspiration bags, they do exactly what it says on the tin lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  17. Love the excitement you all are having with meeting up for the crop ! Sounds like a great time. And I love the fun little packets you are organizing for Maxine's workshop. Always fun for the attendee's. I viewed a few older posts to catch up and love the colors your are using on so many projects Your area is way ahead of ours this year. Beautiful colors etc. I am in awe of the pretty flowers. Our weather here is MESSED up, we now have a few tulips and the sweet little viola's that tolerate cold, blooming but limited buds etc just wind, cold and rain. Our road tonight was almost AGAIN impassable 1/2 mile of muck. So garage/cars are a mess. Enjoy a great week

  18. Good morning, Jo. REally late getting 'round. sounds like everything is coming together for the meet-up but at 10 years, y'all have it to a science by now, I'm sure. Wish I were taking part. But I have an idea brewing. Creative Blessings! Kelly #28


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.