Wednesday 24 April 2019


My workdesk is empty so I decided to post a few photos of the Dingle flower garden in The Quarry park in  Shrewsbury.
Maybe, if you manage to get to the crop, you might have time to visit here during your stay. It is beside the River Severn in the heart of the town. It looked stunning in the Spring sunshine today 
All trimmed up and bedded out beautifully as it will be competing in the Britain in Bloom competition again this year. 
Percy Thrower had a big hand in creating this oasis in the centre of the park when he was head gardener back in the day.

Short and sweet today - I am on Nanny duty as Tilly has workshops on the go.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. that looks a gorgeous place to visit! Enjoy your Nanny day!! helen #1

  2. Beautiful flowers! In the Philippines, grandkids are called "apos", and so taking care of them is an "apostolate"! :^) patsy

  3. Gorgeous gardens, what a wonderful oasis. I thought the first couple of pics were your formal garden at home! Wouldn’t it be lovely if every town could have such a wonderful resource. Makes me Feel a right old slacker in my garden!

  4. Oh wow. Those gardens are stunning! I am sure DH might go and explore on the day of the crop! :-) Have fun on ' Nanny duty'
    Looking forward to meeting you- not long now! Anne X 13

  5. Those gardens look magnificent what an uplifting place to sit and dream the day away. Percy Thrower is a name my Grandad used to throw around often.
    Happy WoywW & enjoy your Nanny duties Tracey #5

  6. Totally beautiful gardens. HOw nice to live close to such beauty! Glenda #16

  7. Thanks for the pictures. If you have nothing else to show us next week maybe we could see something else of the area around you (pretty please). Gives us some ideas of where to go before/after the Crop. Those gardens certainly are beautiful and I do hope they do well in the competition - they deserve to.
    See you soon, excited or what!
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  8. Beautiful photos of the gardens Jo. I didn't realise that Percy Thrower used to be head gardener there. Enjoy your Nanny time. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  9. Hope you have a lovely day. Beautiful photos of the Dingle....and it's probably not at it's best yet too.
    Annie x

  10. Hi Jo, wonderful pictures. The gardens are so beautiful. We're off the the RHS show at Malvern in a couple of weeks, I love seeing all the blooms. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  11. It’s beautiful Jo. Our favourite place is the park at Grange over sands in the Lake District. You can’t beat sitting there with an ice cream and watching the birds on the water
    Lynn 11

  12. Gorgeous photos! Sadly I wont be able to visit the park as I am doing a mad dash across the Penines to you and back in the day for the crop (rather a lot of driving but Oh so worth it to meet you all in person after all this time!). Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW and have a great week, with love and God Bless, Caro x (#20)

  13. The Dingle is gorgeous, we're really looking forward to visiting Shrewsbury again!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  14. What a beautiful garden to visit, Jo. It all looks so pretty, and it's lovely to see all the flowers coming out now, isn't it. Our Devon countryside is looking particularly lovely now as it comes into its springtime glory with all the cherry and may blossom, and the wild flowers in the hedgerows. Our garden is coming on nicely too, thanks to my hubby's hard work!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #19

  15. What a beautiful place to have on your doorstep. I can't fit in a visit this year as I am just coming over for the day, and missing a monthly workshop a few miles away. My garden needs a lot of work to pull it back from its seriously disreputable condition, so your photos are inspiring. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #26

  16. What gorgeous gardens, and how lovely to make the most of them in this gorgeous sunshine we've been having. I saw the first couple of pics and thought you had a very posh garden!!
    Enjoy your week
    Diana x #21

  17. Beautiful, such gorgeous gardens. Wish mine looked like that. Happy belated WOYWW, Angela x21x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.