Wednesday 17 April 2019


Welcome to my WOYWW post for this week.
I have had a request for some twiddle mitts from a local group working with the elderly.
I hope they like the ones that I sent today.
These are my two latest ones.....

Lots of bits and bobs to twiddle with and talk about.
The little creature in the garden is supposed to be a mole poking his nose out of a mole hill but Annie said it could even be a hedgehog - I like to keep my options open!!!

It's a quick post today as I am going on a trip to the theatre to see Les Miserables and will be out all day - Yahoo!!!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. love those twiddle mitts! I am sure they will be greatly appreciated. Helen #1

  2. Love your twiddle makes-plenty to soothe and interest there. Enjoy Les Mis-it’s my favourite! Catriona

  3. I love the themes of the twiddlemitts (when did they change to mitts from muffs then?!). Clever gal. Have fun at the theatre!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  4. Enjoy yourself at the Theatre - great show I believe.
    Love your twiddlers - they are so tactile and I am sure they will be appreciated no end.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx (not long to wait now....)

  5. Hi Jo. Well, would you just look at those gorgeous twiddle muffs. They are great! Hope you are thoroughly enjoying the theatre.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. Love the latest works of art esp the molehog ;-)
    Have a great time at the theatre.
    Annie x

  7. Jo, those twiddle mitts are amazing! So pretty. I've never heard of them before, but what a good idea. I'd love to make some legwarmers like that, with loads of texture and fun on them.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  8. Love these twiddle mitts although I never heard of them before. They are so colorful and happy! Happy WOYWW! Glenda #22

  9. I feel quite jealous Jo, even though I have seen Les Mis. several times in the West End. I have the original French soundtrack on vinyl which I bought in a shop on the Champs Elysees in 1989 so you can tell that it is one of my favourite musicals. The German version is good too lol. Fab twiddle mitts. Happy WOYWW and enjoy the show! Sarah #2

  10. I love your twiddle mitts. enjoy Les Mis it is so fantastic. Thanks for sharing and Happy Easter. Have a great week, with love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  11. Twiddle mitts are great. I envy you going to see Les Mis even though I have seen it. Hope you enjoyed it. Anne x 18

  12. They are super those twiddle mitts.. Hope you had a great time seeing Les Mis?
    Happy woywW & Happy Easter Tracey #6

  13. Fabulous twiddlemits, I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated and greatly twiddled by the recipients. Have a great time at the theatre - it's such a fab musical.
    Diana x #21

  14. Oh I hope you had a marvellous day out. My sister’s fave musical, hope you loved it. The twiddle mitts look like landscapes Jo, they are marvellous.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.