Wednesday 10 April 2019


Just a quick post for WOYWW today.
My work table has only seen a bit of Tilly Tea Dance admin this week, packing parcels and putting collections together ready to send of to stockists. All very necessary but not fun crafty stuff!

So, my only makes of the week are these two little knitties - Brock Badger and Jemima Puddleduck.
Theo had them when he went to Annie's yesterday and loved them. She will probably post pictures of him in action with them.

I thought I would also leave a link to Julia's post about the 2019 Crop to celebrate 10 years of WOYWW. So, if you want to join us here in Shrewsbury, the details are here CROP 10 WOYWW

If you want to know more about the event/ Shrewsbury/ or anything else about it. Just leave me a message. BUT don't forget to leave Julia a message on her WOYWW post if you are planning on joining us.

Lots have already signed up so it should be a lovely day of fun and friendship.

xx Jo


  1. oh they are so cute! have a good week. Helen #2

  2. Theo had such fun with them yesterday Jo so thank you so much.
    Annie x

  3. You are so clever just to make up patterns like that - Jemima in particular is just right! No wonder Theo loved them all. I'm really looking forward to the Crop so much, it made saying goodbye to Julia so much easier this morning, knowing that we're seeing each other again in 8 weeks' time!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  4. Those little 'knitsels' are too cute... love them!! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland. Marit #17

  5. Hi Jo, love the little characters, I bet Ben does too. Looking forward to the crop. Are you going to have a raffle/need raffle prizes? Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  6. Hi Jo. Hope you have more time for crafting soon. Loving these too though, so sweet. Happy creative woyww, Angela x16x

  7. Jemima Puddleduck is my favorite! I love her little bonnet. I love it! Have a blessed day!
    Belinda #25

  8. Hi Jo. Oooo - they are just so gorgeous. I really like Jemima!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  9. So looking forward to the crop Jo. I have already suggested to Annie that the two of you could start taking orders for Christmas gifts now with your play mat and knitted creatures. They are fabulous! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  10. I love the two new recruits to the group, especially Brock. He has a really cheeky expression. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #27

  11. Wonderful knitting there Jo! I'm at my old School Reunion that same day (in fact for four days!) but will raise a glass or a cup of tea to you all :)

    Di x

  12. Hi again Jo. Don't know if you are National Trust members - but even if you aren't it will be worth going online to their website before going to Bodnant. The Laburnam arch is simply amazing - but you have to get your timing right. It's usually at its best the last week of May - but ring them a week or so before, check the website, do all you can not to miss it. If it's after May 19th (that's the day I drive home after trip 1) give me a call - I could meet up with you there if you would like, and you could come for dinner. Wouldn't be anything posh...
    Margaret #1

  13. So looking forward to the crop - even if I only manage half the time - but I have 7 weeks yet.
    Love your little characters - are they finger puppets?
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  14. I adore Brock and Jemima, there not just for little ones you know :))
    Happy woyww Tracey 5

  15. Happy Belated WOYWW. You are so clever with your knitting. I have made some little animals, but only very basic. I am determined to get to the Crop, even if hubby cannot drive me, there is a direct train from Pembrokeshire. Ali x #22

  16. Hi Jo. Love those little characters. Have left a message on Julia's page re crop.Need to add will be two of us- DH or possibly my friend if that is acceptable? Definitely two though. According to directions- yes I've checked - it's only 47 minutes away! :-) Really looking forward to it. Anne X 14

  17. Oh my, those two little creatures are ADORABLE! How could she not love them! I love Jemima Puddleduck, always loved that name! Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #29


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.