Wednesday 3 April 2019


Good morning all!

My WOYWW desk looks like this....

Tilly Tea Dance has been busy putting collections together for delivery to local outlets and finishing off some of her lovely art work.

Of course, I am the gofer!
I help frame and label each piece ready for the shops.
We make a great team.

So, my crafty activity has happened away from my work desk.
When I gave Theo his set of bunnies that I showed you last week, his kindly Nanny Annie couldn't resist setting me a challenge. She rather fancied having a Mrs Tiggywinkle and Mr Todd the fox.
So this was my little effort...

I know I needed to make them look neater by using smaller needles but they will be fine as little finger bobs for Theo to make stories with. Rumour has it, they really would like a badger and maybe a squirrel - she's never satisfied, that sister of mine!!!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. you are so good to Maxine!! I am sure she really appreciates your help. she certainly learnt a lot from you with her fab work. Love Mrs Tiggwinkle and Mr Todd, too! Helen #3

  2. He really loved his new characters yesterday so thank you Great Aunt Jo very much....but dont forget there's Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, Jemima Puddleduck [a real challenge!], Tom name but a few ;-).....and they will soon have a new play mat to play on too.
    I like to challenge you cos it keeps you awake in an evening :-) :-)
    annie x

  3. Hi Jo, laughing at Annie keeping you busy! I'm sure the finger puppets are very much in use. He must love them. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 X

  4. Oh what sweet finger puppets! Happy WOYWW!
    Rose #26

  5. love Annie's little critters. You are clever, not sure my big hands like shovels could have coped with such miniature work.
    Lynn xx 7

  6. What gorgeous pictures, they are both so beautiful and Maxine is indeed so talented, and aren't you a good mum helping her out - you make a great team by the looks of it. The finger puppets are so cute and so clever and if you manage a badger and a squirrel then my admiration will know no bounds!!
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #17

  7. If you will make such lovely little people, you should not be surprised when others put in a request for even more characters. Have a lovely week. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #11

  8. Hi Jo, I read Annie's comment, seems like you have a lot of work coming up with the other characters! Maxine's work is lovely, you are a very talented family. Have a lovely week Heather x #14

  9. Hi Jo, you daughter makes the most beautiful art work and I think you do make a great team. I love your little knitted animals - that sister of yours mentioned them though she didn't say she'd like more still. Theo is going to love playing with them in Mr McGregor's garden. Hugs, Ellie x #31

  10. You are so clever but that much younger sister keeps you on your toes eh?! Lol. Lovely art by Max as always, I'm glad she's doing so well.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  11. I love your latest creatures Jo. You and Annie should start producing play sets! Maxine's art is beautiful and will no doubt fly out of the door. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  12. Next thing you know Jo she’ll want a whole collection of Beatrix potter figures..
    .Adore them Annie, well done, you! And aren’t Tilly’s framed little things just so gorgeous indeed, beautiful!
    Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #13

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. You two will always have memories of these times. Mom and I thought so much alike and enjoyed those fun times. Your photos are so pretty. She does great work. And you and your little knittings how fun for the little ones. Viewed last weeks post also Have a fun weekend #21

  14. Mrs Tiggy Winkle and the Fox are great! Thanks for sharing, sorry I’m late. Have a lovely week. Caro x(#10)

  15. Hi Jo, they are lovely so sweet and all those gorgeous peaces by Tilly too. Hope your weekend is full of joy. Happy belated WOYWW, Angela x15x

  16. Never a truer word about a sister who knows you can ‘do’ something! Lovely new finger bobs, I bet Theo will be charmed. Lovely to see how the Tilly TD range is expanding. You are a great team, indeed.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.