Wednesday 27 March 2019


Just checking into WOYWW for another week.
It's a happy place where crafters join together every week for a quick chat and to share their crafty activity with us by showing us what is on their work desk.

Today, I am sharing my latest little knitties…….

Ben loves Peter Rabbit stories, so I knitted these little bunnies for him.

Of course, I took them to show Annie and she thought Theo would like them too.
So, I knitted another set - and she was right - he does love them!

Then, I thought maybe Ben's little friends would like one each, as a little treat, when he goes to a little Easter "get together" so I knitted a few more!.....

They are just big enough to take a crème egg.
I bought a few Lindor ones but, I am afraid to say, they never got as far as the bunnies!!!!

Well that's it for this week.
Have a good week and enjoy this lovely Spring weather.

xx Jo


  1. You know what rabbits like when it comes to breeding Jo. Don’t they look lovely all together like that....and Theo really did love his.
    Annie x

  2. Clever makes. I love how you always get the little details so right!

  3. Brilliant! They're such fun, I sold loads of the chicks yesterday and am going to take the rest down to the Harbour Lights Cafe to go on my stand for the RNLI. And Lindor eggs are simply too lovely to give to anyone!!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  4. Hi Jo, what a fab idea! I'm sure they'll all love them. Laughing at the Lindor eggs! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #2 X

  5. Cuteness overload!! Do they take long? Do you have a pattern (not for me I don't knit but my mum would love these). Thanks for the deets you sent re the crop, I see it is officially up now, still debating whether I can come as I am supposed to be on holiday. However the drive would be shorter from there than here so to speak!! Happy WOYWW, Cindy #21

  6. Oh, those bunnies are so cute. I am looking forward to meeting up with everyone at the Crop in June. It is just close enough to home to avoid kennel and hotel fees, win, win! xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #8

  7. Aaah, that's so cute! And you made a lot of them... it seems like quite some work though, with the eyes and mouth and ears and all... great job! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #18

  8. Those are fabulous bunnies Jo. My sister is a massive Peter Rabbit fan and would love some of these. We'll have to see if we can come to some arrangement at the crop for her birthday next year lol. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  9. Those bunnies are simply gorgeous! You are so clever. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW and have a lovely week. With love & God Bless. Caro xxx (#26)

  10. oh they are so sweet! you are so clever. Helen #3

  11. Those are so sweet - you are a clever gran. And a very generous and thoughtful one too. Only you could widen your knitting to take in lots of other children - an admirable trait of yours - your generosity and thoughtfulness.
    hugs, Neet 4 xx

  12. Love the bunnies!!!!! You are so clever. Lindt Cocolate - yum yum. :-) Anne x 16

  13. Hi Jo, lovely little bunnies .... I can understand why the Lindor eggs never made it near them! Have a lovely week hugs Heather xx #11

  14. Oh so cute! What a lovely thought Jo, perfect little Easter gifts. Thanks so much for sharing Happy WoywW Tracey #7

  15. Oh look a (insert collective noun] of bunnies! you are clever...what a lovely treat they’ll make for the boy’s friends. I understand about the Lindor eggs....lovely smooth chocolate, definitely better than a creme egg! What is the collective noun for that many knotty bunnies?

  16. They are totally delightful and such a fab idea to hold an egg too - I am sure they will be very much loved by their new playmates!
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #23

  17. Oh my! they are adorable. Someone is going to love those. Wishing you a happy belated woyww, Angela x20x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.