Wednesday 20 March 2019


Health warning - don't get too close to the screen - this week I am working under the tradename of "Sneezy and Snotty"! Can you believe I have yet another cold and hubby has the nasty cough. Roll on Springtime with sunshine and lots of fine "out and about" weather.

This is my latest sewing project....

I am making angels' wings - "Of course you are!"- I hear you say.
My friend wanted to donate some to her granddaughter's school and I have  been busy making them this week - it keeps me out of mischief.
The gold lurex fabric is a bit tricky to sew but the end result is fine, I think.

We did manage a lovely day out at Ironbridge last week, taking in the Victorian town at the museum.

The bridge has been renovated and painted in its original rust red colour. It looked lovely and stood proudly over the rising waters of the River Severn. The flood barriers are up this week. This link shows the river flowing under the bridge yesterday.

Now, I really must apologise for not visiting many desks last week. I blame my cold. I promise I will do better this week.

See you soon.

xx Jo


  1. the bridge really looks fab! Hope you get rid of your coughs and colds soon! Helen #3

  2. I hope the coughs and sneezes go 'again' very soon. Love the angel wings.
    Annie x

  3. My husband keeps telling us we should go to Ironbridge - he has good childhood memories visiting the museum and it's now within a day-trip distance from us so there are no more excuses. Before we moved it was always a bit too far for a day trip. Definitely on our list! The angel wings look like they were going to be used in a play worn by little people. They look fab and professionally made! Hope your cold gets better soon - we've been lucky this year and avoided all that - touch wood. zsuzsa #22

  4. Hi Jo, lovely shot of Ironbridge, somewhere we keep planning to visit. That river is really high, isn't it? Hope you are both feeling better soon.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  5. The angel wings are so sweet and I bet the little angels will look adorable in them. Sorry to hear you are still 'buggy' - hope you are over it soon,
    Diana x #17

  6. Feel better soon! I love the sweet little angel wings and the video of the river. I think the thing that impressed me most of your video is the speed of the water it was just zipping by. That would really upset me! Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #18

  7. Great phoyograph of the bridge and loving the angel wings. Wishing you a happy week and a lovely woyww, Angela x11x

  8. What a pain these bugs are Jo. I really do hope that you are over it soon. I haven't visited Ironbridge since the new/old colour scheme has been used so it's great to see a picture. The wings are fabulous and I am sure they will be gratefully received. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  9. These colds are horrid arent they - most unusually for me I spent all of Sunday on the sofa nursing a bad one. Feeling more myself today. Love the angel wings. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely week. With love & God Bless. Caro x (#30)

  10. Great wings!! Thanks for the crop info and hope you feel better soon. Happy WOYWW Cindy #15

  11. I am sneezing and coughing too, with sore eyes but that is hay fever. So many trees are in blossom now so I am back on antihistamines. I am ashamed to say that I have never made it to Ironbridge, although it is not that far away. I haven't been to the Black Country Museum either. Hope you both feel better. xxx Maggie #19

  12. Sorry you are poorly Jo. Hope you will be feeling a lot better soon! I'd seen a progamme re the bridge - looks good. Thank you for popping by. Take care. Anne x #14

  13. Blimey Jo, you havent had much luck since the New Year - I hope this cold goes away as soon as possible. You're going to have to take super strength vitamin C or something. Well done on the angel wings, they look brilliant!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  14. Oh Jo it seems like a continued coughing circle at the moment and there seems to be no sign of a break in it. Fingers crossed spring will do the job & kick it's A**! So nice to see those wings, all schools need a good set of wings :)) Nice to see a pic of the bridge not been to ironbridge for so long, i've got lots of happy memories of visits there.
    Take good care of yourself & the family & Happy WoywW Tracey #7

  15. I’ve been to Ironbridge, Jo it really is a lovely place and the bridge esp. sorry you and dear hubby are so unwell, would send some warmth if I could we have heaps of it here. Praying for healing for both!
    Love the sewing tasks too, well done, happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #18

  16. Off to follow your link to the Iron Bridge photo.
    Those wings are fabulous - despite not being up to the mark you have done a superb job with them.
    Hope you both are soon well.
    hugs, Neet 5 xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.