Wednesday 13 March 2019


A really quick post today to show you 4 cheery twiddlemitts all ready to go to our local hospital
I took a bagful last week and had a hilarious time trying to park in the drop off zone...

The only parking space was a very tight one and I squeezed my car into it and opened my door. It was a really tight squeeze and as I tried to ease myself out of the car, I dropped my car keys.
So, I had a minutes panic when I thought I couldn't get out and neither could I move my car as the keys had fallen under the car beside me!!
Luckily, I manged to squeeze sideways out of the car and ease my fat bum through the gap. It was even trickier bending down to pick up the keys. I bet the folks on CCTV had a good giggle!

That's it for this week. Sorry it's so short.

Have a great week everyone. I hope the gales are not too fierce where you are.

xx Jo


  1. Those twiddlemitts are so lovely. The colours are fabulous.
    Sorry I did smile at your 'antics' at the carpark :-) just the sort of thing I would do! Anne X #13

  2. I wouldn't have even been able to reach down, I don't think so well done you for extricating yourself out of the situation. The twiddle muffs are FAB, so bright and cheerful.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  3. Oh my, how ai laughed-it remi ded me of the Peter Kay scetch about losing his toll money under the car when he had raging toothache and had to liebon the sore side. Twiddle mitts are fantastic and must be really interesting for the people who need them.

  4. Hi Jo, love how bright and zingy those twiddle muffs are. You have made me laugh with your parking shenanigans, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  5. I love the latest twiddlers Jo and am certain they would brighten anyone's day. We laughed about you getting squished between the cars and I wen't and did almost the same at the weekend!!
    Annie x

  6. This may be a short blogpost... it's full of happiness (the bright, colorful twiddlemitts!) and laughter (your 'car story'... ohmy, that could have been ME!!) Happy woyww and a big hug from stormy Holland. Marit #19

  7. Hi Jo. What a fun post. Those twiddle muffs re so bright and cheerful that I was already smiling before I read of your parking antics! That had me in tucks!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  8. I need help - what are tiddlemitts? Whatever they are they are very colorful and look great!!

    I hate when parking spaces are tight! Oh my....

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (25)

  9. Those twiddle mitts are really lovely and you got a free work out whilst dropping them off hee hee! I have to say I would have gone into a panic too but more regarding the squeezing into a small space in the car (shudder!)
    Happy WoywW and Thank you for sharing those wonderful mitts Tracey #7

  10. Love those bright twiddle mits. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week. With love and God Bless. Caro x (#17)

  11. sorry, Jo but I am sitting here chuckling at the vision... at least the keys didn't fall down a drain, count yourself lucky! love the latest twiddlemitts Helen #4

  12. Fabulous twiddlemitts, and gorgeous stimulating colours for the people who will be using them. I had a laugh about the car park but you were lucky you were able to reach the keys.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x # 16

  13. Heavens that must have been scared and is normally the sort of thing that happens to me! Love the pretty patterns on your twiddlemitts.
    She x

  14. Gorgeous mitts Jo. I think the parking spaces seem to be getting smaller or is it the cars that are getting bigger. Have a great woyww, Angela x15x

  15. I'm glad you managed to get out of the car and retrieve your keys in the end Jo. So well described though, I can really picture the scene. The twiddle mits are fab. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  16. Oh you make me smile! And it makes me Lough OUT LOUD to read of your fat bum preventing ease of movement. Imagine if it had been me - absolutely no chance! The twiddle mitts are wonderful...they must love having you as a supplier.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.